ПЛАН-КОНСПЕКТ урока для учащихся 10-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка при подготовке к ЕГЭ (FCE) по теме «Роль музеев в нашей жизни. Обучение написанию сочинения с элементами рассуждения»
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (11 класс)
Этот план-конспект урока предназначен для подготовки учащихся 10-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка к ЕГЭ (FCE) по теме «Роль музеев в нашей жизни». Урок разработан с акцентом на практическое освоение навыков написания сочинения с элементами рассуждения на английском языке. В ходе занятия учащиеся познакомятся с различными аспектами значения музеев в современном обществе, от культурного обогащения до сохранения исторической памяти. Уроки включают в себя чтение и обсуждение текстов, практику формулирования аргументов и построения связного рассуждения, а также работу с лексикой, необходимой для успешного написания эссе. Материал адаптирован к уровню подготовки учащихся, углубленно изучающих английский язык, и направлен на подготовку к заданию ЕГЭ (FCE) по написанию сочинений с элементами рассуждения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
урока для учащихся 10-11 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка при подготовке к ЕГЭ (FCE) по теме
«Роль музеев в нашей жизни.
Обучение написанию сочинения с элементами рассуждения»
- Начало урока
Teacher: Today we are going to speak about the role of museums in our life, revise the basics of essay writing and learn how to identify structure sequence and content.
- Основной этап урока.
Task 1
Teacher: Let’s discuss the structure of an essay.
Pupil 1: Opinion essays require clear opinion on a topic, supported by reasons and examples. They should contain 5 paragraphs.
Pupil 2: Paragraph 1 is an introduction. Its main point is to restate the topic.
Pupil 3: Paragraph 2 should contain your personal opinion and two or three ideas supporting it.
Pupil 4: Paragraph 3 should contain an opposing opinion and one or two reasons supporting this side of the argument.
Pupil5: Paragraph 4 presents a reason to disagree with the opposing opinion.
Pupil 6: Paragraph 5 is a conclusion whose aim is to restate your opinion in other words.
Task 2
Teacher: Look at the following statements about opinion essays and decide which of them are true or false.
- Decide on your opinion before you start writing
- Write in formal style.
- Use Present tenses.
- Include personal examples.
- State your opinion in the introduction only.
- Use a variety of linking words.
- State the topic in the introduction
- When presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph.
- Never include a quotation.
- Present the opposing viewpoint first.
- Begin each paragraph however you like.
- You don’t have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples.
- State your opinion again in the conclusion.
- Write 200 – 250 words.
Task 3
Teacher: Look at the topic of an essay “Museums are a waste of money”. Do you have to write about:
- Whether museums charge too much for entrance?
- Whether museums are important in modern life?
Task 4
Teacher: Watch a short video extract and write down what people say about museums.
Museums |
Task 5
Teacher: Work with a partner. Think of as many ideas as possible either in support of museums or against them. Use the ideas below to help you.
AGAINST 1. Very few people are interested in them. 2. Museums are dry, dusty places only for scientists. 3. Most people think museums are boring and because of this they seldom visit them. 4. Museums use up money on their maintenance because they are usually in very big old buildings.
| FOR 1. Museums“freeze” time. Museums are “banks”, keeping our heritage safe for future generation. Museums enable us to understand what’s going on in a contemporary world and improve the future. 2. Museums are important for tourism. 3. Museums cultivate inspiration. They provide experience that takes you beyond yourself and your everyday life. 4. Museums unite people of different ages. There are no generation gaps. 5. People of different nationalities understand the universal language of museums. So museums unite various nations and cultures. 6. Museums educate people. |
Task 6
Teacher: Choose three of your best ideas for each side of the argument and note them down.
Task 7
Teacher: Look at the 5 paragraph openings below, which come from one student’s essay on this topic. Match them to each paragraph.
Task 8
Teacher: Is this student writing for or against museums?
Task 9
Teacher: In an essay, it is important to use a variety of appropriate linking words. Let’s revise what useful language we use to:
- express opinion (in my opinion / view, to my mind, it seems to me that, I tend to believe),
- list points (first of all, firstly, to start with, to begin with),
- add more points (also, moreover, besides, in addition),
- introduce contrasting viewpoints (on the other hand, however, it is argued that, despite that),
- introduce examples (for example / instance, such as, in particular, especially).
- conclude (to sum up, in conclusion, all things considered, all in all, taking everything into account).
Task 10
Teacher: It’s time we discussed the first and the last paragraph techniques.
Pupil 1: The first paragraph must attract and maintain your reader’s interest. It can be achieved by addressing the reader directly and using a quotation, a saying, direct speech.
Teacher: What about the last paragraph techniques?
Pupil 2: As well as summarising and restating your opinion, a final paragraph may give the reader something to consider and end with a saying / quotation or a rhetorical question.
Task 11
Teacher: Say which of the paragraphs below are introductions and which are conclusions. Which of the techniques do they use?
- Most towns and cities have at least one museum, but how important are museums to people living in the 21st century?
- To sum up, it seems to me that museums are a vital part of modern life and in no way a waste of money.
- In conclusion, although some people think that museums are not necessary, I believe that we should not save money on visiting museums.
- Many people all over the world enjoy visiting different museums and galleries every day. However, some people believe that going to museums is not worthwhile and tourists just waste money.
Task 12
Teacher: Before we discuss the main body of our essay, let’s brainstorm useful vocabulary related to the topic.
NOUNS (impact, education, research, tourism, heritage, inspiration)
ADJECTIVES (priceless, valuable, old, historical, boring, dull)
VERBS (admire, exhibit, maintain, claim, require, improve)
Task 13
Teacher: Here is the second paragraph from the essay about museums. The sentences are in the wrong order. Rewrite the paragraph, putting the sentences into the correct order.
Thanks to museums we know the history of the mankind. Serious scientists and professors work in them. First of all, in museums there are collections of all the best that the mankind has created for many centuries of its existence. To my mind, museums and galleries are important for people. Also, museums display people’s achievements and the history of human development. What’s more, museums are important research and educational centres .
Task 14
Teacher: Let’s discuss paragraph 3 that presents an opposing opinion. I’d like you to render this paragraph from Russian into English:
С другой стороны, существует мнение, что посещение музеев – это пустая трата денег. Во-первых, стоимость входных билетов в музей может быть высокой, и не все люди могут позволить себе это. Во-вторых, вы можете узнать многое о культуре и истории человечества из книг, учебников, журналов и даже из Интернета. Для этого не нужно выходить из дома или тратить деньги.
On the other hand, there is an opinion that visiting museums is a waste of money. Firstly, going to museums can be very expensive and not all people can afford it. Secondly, you can learn a lot about the culture and history of the mankind from books, textbooks, magazines and even from the Internet. For that you don’t have to leave the house or spend money.
Task 15
Teacher: Now it’s high time you presented a reason to disagree with the opposing opinion. Start with the following words: “I can see the reasons behind this opinion. However, …”
“I can see the reasons behind this opinion. However, in my line of thinking, reading books and surfing the Internet can’t be compared with visiting museums. There you can see everything with your own eyes and even enjoy interactive exhibitions. Besides, sometimes museums are open for free or they offer discounts for students.
Task 16
Teacher: When you have finished writing your essay, check your work. Look at the checklist for opinion essays:
- Is the essay written in an appropriate style?
- Does the introduction attract your interest, present the theme clearly and give the writer’s opinion?
- Does each paragraph have a topic sentence introducing a separate viewpoint?
- Is each topic sentence followed by clear reasons / examples to support it?
- Are appropriate linking words / phrases used throughout the essay?
- Does it have a good range of verb forms and grammatical structures with some good vocabulary?
- Are there any language errors?
- Is the conclusion interesting and does it restate the writer’s opinion?
- Завершение урока
Teacher: Today we have revised some of the basics of essay writing. At home you are supposed to write an essay “Too much money is being spent on preserving the old part of town.”
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