Урок по теме "Здоровый образ жизни"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Система упражнений на аудирование, чтение, устную речь


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Work in small groups. Which of these statements do you agree with?

  1. Regular exercise is essential for health and happiness.
  2. Sport and exercise are boring and involve giving up things you enjoy.
  3. The best way to avoid sports injuries is to avoid playing sports.
  4. Regular visits to the doctor are the best way to avoid illness.
  5. There’s no gain without pain.

  1. Do the quiz below. Then compare your answers with a partner.

Body knowledge quiz

Your body is a marvelous machine. Understanding how to keep it in good working order by exercising properly will help keep it in shape for the rest of your life. Try this quiz to test your body knowledge.

  1. What is the aerobic system?                        

a  an exercise video, record or tape

b  oxygen and carbon dioxide

c  the heart, lungs and blood circulation

  1. The ‘happy hormones’ that are released during exercise are called …

a  endorphins

b  morphine

c  dolphins

  1. A balanced diet should include

a  calories, fibre and sugar

b  carbohydrates, protein and fat

c  cereals, caffeine and glucose

  1. Which of the following activities are best for keeping supple?

a  yoga, gymnastics and karate

b  rowing, horse-riding and jogging

c  walking, water-skiing and wind-surfing

  1. To keep healthy you should exercise for at least …

a  one hour every day

b  twenty minutes three times a week

c  one hour three times a week

  1. You build up stamina by …

a  drinking strong coffee

b  eating fruit

c  exercising regularly

  1. Listen to Liz Hartley, an expert in health and nutrition and editor of Health Today magazine, and check your answers to 2.

  1. Complete the interview about health and fitness with answers which are true for you.

Interviewer:  Can I ask you some questions about health and fitness?

You:              Yes, of course.

Interviewer:  What sport facilities are there in your  town?

You:              ____________________________________________

Interviewer:  Can most people afford to join health clubs in your area?

You:             _____________________________________________

Interviewer: What types of exercise do you like doing?

You:            _____________________________________________

Interviewer: How much time a week do you try to spend doing exercise?

You:            _____________________________________________

Interviewer: What changes would you like to make to your diet?

You:            _____________________________________________

Interviewer: What bad habits have you given up recently?

You:            _____________________________________________

Interviewer: How was your diet different when you were a child?

You:            _____________________________________________

Interviewer: How do you hope to improve your fitness in the future?

You:            _____________________________________________



Good health is above wealth. If we are ill, we can’t be happy.

The Romans spoke of health in a famous proverb:”A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

If we want to feel well we should keep our body in perfect order. There are certain laws of keeping fit.

We should spend a lot of time in the fresh air. Every day rooms should be properly cleaned and aired in our houses. If we want to keep fit we should take regular exercises and take a cool or cold shower. Never smoke is the main rule. It is also very important to get up early and go to bed early. If we want to be healthy we should eat only healthy food rich in vitamins.


Health is above wealth.

A healthy mind in a healthy body.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

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