Технологическая карта урока английского языка 9 класс Потерянные города
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

Аржанухина Ксения Анатольевна

Технологическая карта урока английского языка (9 класс. Потерянные города. Starlight)


Предварительный просмотр:

Технологическая карта урока английского языка

для школы с углублённым изучением учебной дисциплины

ФИО учителя: Аржанухина Ксения Анатольевна

Школа: МОУ «СОШ №8 Волжского района г. Саратова»

Дата урока: __________________________________

Класс: 9 .

Предмет: Иностранный (английский) язык

Учебник: Starlight 9 (для школ с углублённым изучением английского языка) УМК Английский язык 9 класс (Звёздный английский) авторов Барановой К.М., Дули Д., Копыловой В.В. издательства Просвещение.

Количество уроков английского в неделю: 5

Начали изучение английского языка в школе: со второго класса

Тема урока: Раздел 6е «Потерянные города» (Lost Cities)

Цель урока: продолжение подготовки к ОГЭ посредством развития и совершенствования лексических навыков, навыков поискового чтения, навыков выразительного чтения и навыков монологической речи с использованием изученного лексико-грамматического материала и новых лексических единиц на основе страноведческого материала текста «Потерянные города»


  1. отработка навыков, необходимых для успешной сдачи ОГЭ;
  2. создание условий для мотивации к расширению кругозора: изучению страноведческого материала;
  3. воспитание нравственного отношения к истории и событиям прошлого;
  4. создание условий для развития лексических навыков, навыков чтения, диалогической и монологической речи;
  5. провоцирование диалогических и монологических высказываний на заданную тему с использованием изученных ЛЕ.

Тип урока: Комбинированный Урок

Домашнее задание:

  1. изучение новых/повторение лексических единиц стр 115 учебника
  2. выполнение практических лексических упражнений страниц учебника VB29-VB30 (если не выполнены в классе)
  3. подготовка выразительного чтения абзацев текста учебника на страницах 114-115
  4. подготовка монологического высказывания по изученному тексту по заданию в формате ОГЭ

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\work\Зачет ФГОС Трифонова ЛН шк80\список слов из учебн с

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\work\Зачет ФГОС Трифонова ЛН шк80\практ упр со слов учебн с

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\work\Зачет ФГОС Трифонова ЛН шк80\практ упр со слов учебн с

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\work\Зачет ФГОС Трифонова ЛН шк80\текст Потерянные Грода стр

You are going to give a talk about Lost Cities.

You will have to start in minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • if you know the names of any «Lost Cities» in the world and what you know about them
  • if you would visit any when you had a chance, why
  • why is it important to preserve archaeological sites

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Используемая технология, приём, метод

Планируемый результат


Создание проблемной ситуации

Предлагает вниманию презентацию фото слайдов «Потерянных городов» по всему миру, мест археологических раскопок / показывает видео о древнем городе

  • Good afternoon. Glad to see everybody at the lesson. You may sit.

  • Look at the pictures /video and tell what you can see there.

Рассматривают, анализируют изображения

  • Ancient cities! Archaeological sites!

дискуссия, обсуждение в группе

умение участвовать в дискуссии:

формулирование идей,

отстаивание точки зрения,

приведение доводов высказанным идеям

Задаёт вопросы о том, знают ли ученики об этих местах, городах, названиях. Что это за города. Что происходило в этих местах.

  • Can you tell where they are situated?
  • Do you know the names of any «Lost Cities» in the world?

Высказывают идеи; Высказывают мнения об идеях одноклассников

  • I don’t remember exactly, but I think I heard about one of the kind situated somewhere in the South America.

Актуализация знаний

Вопросы об актуальности проблемы исчезновения городов и поселений в Наши Дни

  • What do you know about them?

  • Will you be interested to find out about any places of the kind and its history?
  • Should the reasons of their disappearance matter a lot to modern people?

  • Would you visit any if you had a chance?

Анализируют последствия, их возможные причины и вероятность возникновения подобных ситуаций в будущем

  • Don’t know. Nothing.

  • Probably, yes, it could be interesting to know what happened to people there and why they left or disappeared. Modern people should keep in mind the reasons to predict possible future occasions of this kind.

  • No, I think not. They are too far from civilization now. And I like modern conveniences.

дискуссия, обсуждение в группе

умение участвовать в дискуссии:

формулирование идей,

отстаивание точки зрения,

приведение доводов высказанным идеям

Определение темы урока

Подведение учеников к формулированию темы урока; выяснение темы

  • So, let’s formulate the topic of today’s lesson.

  • Close to IT, but to be exact answer the question: No one lives in those places, archaeologists find them… sometimes underground or underwater. What Kind of cities are they then?
  • What aim can you point out for today’s lesson?

Формулирование темы урока

  • Ancient cities! Archaeological sites!

  • They are Lost Cities.

  • To give a proper monologue talk on the topic.
  • To read.

наводящие вопросы для получения требуемой формулировки

умение делать выводы

Планирование деятельности

Задаёт наводящие вопросы ученикам для формирования этапов урока (плана достижения поставленной цели, решения задач)

  • What questions from our discussion we didn’t answer?

  • What are you going to pass on the 21 and on the 22 of May this year?

  • How can the material we discuss be helpful in getting ready?
  • So these three points are likely to help us and we can make them a list of steps of today’s lesson for us.

  • What do you know about them?
  • Will you be interested to find out about any places of the kind and its history?
  • Would you visit any if you had a chance?

  • We are getting ready for the State Exam Of General Knowledge!

  • We can practice reading,


and study new words. Probably,

study some words before.

наводящие вопросы для получения требуемой формулировки;

создание плана действий для достижения

планирование собственной учебной деятельности

Организация познавательной деятельности /Поиск ответа на проблемный вопрос



a) To present topic-related vocabulary

  • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to listen and repeat chorally or individually.
  • Pay attention to Ss’ intonation and pronunciation. Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown words.

b) To describe pictures using topicrelated vocabulary Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask various Ss around the class to describe them using the vocabulary presented in Ex. 1a.



To predict the content of the text and read for gist

  • Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what the places in the pictures have in common.
  • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to find out.


To read for specific information

  • Ask Ss to read the questions 1-15 and underline the key words.
  • Then give Ss time to read the text again and match each place (A-D) to the questions.

  • Check Ss’ answers.

  • Refer Ss to the Check these words box and explain/ elicit the meanings of the words or ask Ss to use their dictionaries and look them up.

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\work\Зачет ФГОС Трифонова ЛН шк80\список слов из учебн с

Пояснения к тексту:



Alexandria is a big city in Egypt, Africa. It is also Egypt’s largest seaport and extends about 32 km along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. People also call it the Mediterranean’s Bride or the Pearl of the Mediterranean. Its official language is Arabic.

Cambodia or the Kingdom of Cambodia is a country in southeast Asia. Its capital city is Phnom Penh and its official language is Khmer.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are: Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse at Alexandria.



To consolidate new vocabulary

  • Give Ss time to complete the phrases with the words in the list referring back to the text if necessary.

  • Check Ss’ answers around the class.


To consolidate new vocabulary

  • Direct Ss’ attention to the words in the list and explain/elicit their meanings.

  • Give Ss time to use them to complete the sentences and then check Ss’ answers.

  • Turn to the plan we’ve made up for today’s lesson. Tell me which steps we’ve already completed.

  • Let’s continue with speaking.

Speaking & Writing


C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\зачёт ФГОС\упр 6 стр

a) To consolidate information in a text Elicit a variety of answers around the class.

b) To expand the topic/To develop critical thinking skills

  • Read the rubric aloud and give Ss three minutes to write a few sentences in answer to them.
  • Ask various Ss around the class to read their sentences to the rest of the class.


  • To have more practice you can complete the State Exam of General Knowledge format task:


You are going to give a talk about Lost Cities.

You will have to start in minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

  • if you know the names of any «Lost Cities» in the world and what you know about them
  • if you would visit any when you had a chance, why
  • why is it important to preserve archaeological sites


C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\зачёт ФГОС\упр 1 стр

  • In picture A there is a multi-coloured stone façade.
  • In picture B there are some ruins underwater.
  • In picture C there are some cave dwellings.
  • In picture D there is a temple

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\зачёт ФГОС\упр 2 стр

  • I think the places are all abandoned cities that have been rediscovered. They are all of archaeological interest.

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\зачёт ФГОС\упр 3 стр

Answer Key

1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 A 8 D 9 B 10 D 11 B 12 B 13 A 14 B 15 D

Suggested Answers

civilization (n): the culture and way of life of a society at a certain period in time

rubble (n): piles of broken stones after a building has collapsed

ruins (n): the remains of an old building/town

mighty (adj): very strong/powerful

jeep (n): a 4-wheel drive vehicle

crack (n): a narrow gap between two parts of sth

tiled (adj): having tiles fixed to it (tile: piece of stone/ ceramic)

canyon (n): a large valley with steep sides

carved (adj): cut from sth in order to form sth

vibrant (adj): brightly coloured

thriving (adj): prosperous

conquered (pp): defeated in battle

loot (v): to steal form shops and houses in large numbers

excavate (v): to dig sth out of the ground carefully

fade (v): to become less apparent/visible

reveal (v): to uncover sth

tempting (adj): making you want to do/have it

wreck (n): the remains of a ship underwater

colossal (adj): very large

visibility (n): the ability to see objects clearly

shield (v): to protect sth from sth else

run down (phr v): to cause sth to lose power

raider (n): sb who invades and loots a place

decay (v): to become gradually damaged

exhilarating (adj): very exciting

vendor (n): sb who sells sth

advancing (adj): coming closer

spire (n): the tall pointed part of a tower

reconstruction (n): the building of sth again to make it how it was originally

heartening (adj): making you feel happy and positive

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\зачёт ФГОС\упр 4 стр

Answer Key

1 security 2 electric 3 canyon 4 fairytale 5 rock 6 advancing 7 treasures 8 rays 9 business 10 breath

C:\Users\Трифонова\Desktop\зачёт ФГОС\упр 5 стр

Answer Key

1 humidity 2 rubble 3 abandoned 4 crack 5 plunged into 6 shielded 7 battle 8 flames 9 deserted, collapsed 10 tempted


Пример ответа:

  • Petra is carved out of red, white and pink sandstone on a cliff face. There are dozens of tombs and temples there. Alexandria was the home of the Lighthouse of Pharos, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Its ruins are 8 metres below the sea in the harbour.

Mesa Verde is in Colorado. It is the abandoned cave dwellings of the Asanazi, an ancient Native American tribe. Angkor Wat was once a wealthy city. It is under threat from humidity and advancing jungle, but reconstruction and preservation is taking place.


  • It is important to preserve archaeological sites because it is a link to our past. We can learn a lot about the future by looking at the past and I think it is important to preserve our heritage for future generations.

I enjoy visiting historic sites because I like history and I like learning about how people lived in the past.

Пример монологического высказывания:

  • I am going to give a talk about Lost Cities. They are places where people lived long ago, but left them because of some occasions. Now they can be found under ground or under water by archaeologists.

I know about several cities of the kind. One of them is Alexandria in Egypt. One has to dive to get to it. It has remnants of Egyptian, Greek and Roman structures. There are not only colossally tall, about 12 metres, sculptures of mythical Sphinxes that have two thousand years of history, but also wrecks of Napoleon’s warships and a plane from World War II. I can also name another one. It is Petra in Jordan. One can get there by jeep. Its magnificent multicoloured stone façade can be still found in a sandy canyon in Asia. It was featured in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

I would visit both of them as soon as I’ll have an opportunity while travelling with my parents, because I find it interesting to listen to the excursionist telling the historical facts about these places, and, enjoy the views of colossally tall buildings and sculptures.

I believe it’s very important to preserve archaeological sites for future generations firstly to honour their ancestors for their genius creations and secondly not to repeat the previous deeds leading to dramatic ending.

In conclusion I would like to say that Lost Cities give topics to think over to modern generations and an opportunity to feel excited by the world wonders to me personally.

описание картинок

чтение фрагментов с целью предсказания основного содержания текста

чтение с целью поиска конкретной информации

объяснение слов – определения

ознакомление с дополнитель-ной страноведчес-кой информацией по теме

практическое применение ЛЕ в речи/контроль усвоения лексики

самостоятельная практическая работа

самостоятельная практическая работа

формулирова-ние основных идей прочитанного;

формулирование и высказывание своего отношения к прочитанному

составление монологического высказывания в формате ОГЭ на заданную тему по плану

ученик умеет грамотно использовать лексику по заданной тематике в речи

составляет фразы, связное высказывание

развитие речи

умение применять ЛЕ по теме в речи

практическое применение изученных ЛЕ, самоанализ, самоконтроль знаний и навыков

практическое применение изученных ЛЕ, самоанализ, самоконтроль знаний и навыков

формулировка вывода

высказывание собственного мнения

монологичес-кое высказывание в формате ОГЭ на заданную тему по плану

Рефлексия деятельности/ Выражение решения проблемы. Оценка работы на уроке.

  • To conclude our lesson I’ll ask you to tell what skills you practiced today and which of them you can use in future.

  • Tell what part of the lesson seemed to you more interesting and informative.
  • Tell what tasks caused more/less difficulty.
  • What should we practice at the next lesson first of all.

  • What marks can be put for the active work at the lesson?
  • for the vocabulary practice to ____
  • for the monologue talks to _____
  • for reading to _______

  • Thank you for your attention and active work.

  • Good bye. See you on Tuesday.
  • Use the topic vocabulary in speech
  • Read
  • Make up a monologue talk

  • Thank you for the lesson.

  • See you.

подведение итогов практической деятельности на уроке


само- и взаимооценка

подведение итога своей работе

оценка деятельности одноклассников

подведение итогов

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