Муниципальный конкурс научно-практических исследовательских работ учащихся «От школьного проекта к практическим делам» Секция: Лингвистика (английский язык)
проект по английскому языку (10 класс)
In general, stress is a common reality in our lives. Life without stress is impossible. In modern man as stressors serves the desire for success, the relationship with the teacher, the mark in the diary, the successful writing of the test, test work, exams. But the consequences of stress can go into much more than a slight malaise. In this situation, we can help ourselves, knowing some techniques. I developed a reminder on overcoming stress, decided to put some recommendations on overcoming stress on our school website and spend school lessons on this topic, which show some elements of breathing exercises.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальный конкурс научно-практических исследовательских работ учащихся
«От школьного проекта к практическим делам»
Лингвистика (английский язык)
School stress: why is it difficult to study?
Автор работы:
Бабичева Екатерина, 10 класс,
МОУ «СОШ п. Заволжский»
Перепелова Татьяна Васильевна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ п. Заволжский»
ул. Школьная,2
8(84574) 2-92-02
п.Заволжский – 2019г
I. Introduction.......................................................................................................3
II. The theoretical part of the project
1. The definition of stress................................................................................................4
2. Types of stress.............................................................................................................4
3. Reasons of stress..........................................................................................................5
4. Signs of school stress...................................................................................................6
5. Effects of stress on health............................................................................................7
III. The practical part
Experimental study of stress and its causes in students of different age groups
1. Description of the study...............................................................................................8
2. Analysis of research results..........................................................................................9-12
3. Recommendations for prevention and stress management...........................................13-14
IV. Conclusion............................................................................................................15
V. Literature ………………………………………………………………………...16
VI. Appendix ………………………………………………………………………..17-23
I. Introduction
In our modern world without stressful situations cannot do and this situation is related not only to adults but also to children. It can be assumed that students have a large academic load is one of the main causes of stress. It is clear that the level of stress depends on the individual characteristics. Does the stress experienced by students affect learning and their health? Is it really impossible for students to live without stress? How to help students overcome stress?
The purpose: to identify the main stress factors for the modern student and their impact on the body and ways out of the situation.
Object: school students.
Subject: causes of stress and its effect on the modern students.
• To study the theoretical literature on the topic "stress", "school stress" - to refer to dictionaries, to define these phenomena.
• Find out the causes and manifestations of stress in General and school stress in particular.
• To find out the presence of school stress in students.
• Analyze the results.
• Formulate recommendations for children, parents and teachers to reduce school anxiety and ways to overcome stress.
Hypothesis: If stress has a negative effect on the human body, it can be a cause of school
Problem: Very often students in a state of stress have difficulties in learning.
Actuality: Some problems of school stress in our school are still poorly understood.
Methods: work with literary and Internet sources, questionnaires, analytical and synthetic methods, project method, communicative methods.
II. The theoretical part of the project
1. The definition of stress
Stress (in psychology) - a state of mental stress that occurs in a person in the process of activity in the most difficult conditions, both in everyday life and under special situations, for example, during space flight, in preparation for the final exam or before the start of sports competitions. The concept of stress was introduced by the Canadian physiologist G. Selye (1936).
Oxford dictionary of psychology: stress is generally any force that, when applied to a system, causes some significant change in its shape, usually with the connotation that this change is a deformation or distortion. This term is used in relation to physical, psychological and social forces and pressures. Note that stress in this sense refers to the cause.
2. Types of stress
Currently, depending on the results of stress, scientists distinguish:
• eustress - positive stress, which is combined with the desired effect and mobilizes the body.
• distress - negative stress with undesirable harmful effect.
Distress arising in the working environment may extend to non-working hours.
Stress is divided into two types:
* physiological (we can not affect its manifestations)
* psychological (understood by different authors in different ways, but many authors define it as stress due to social factors. Psychological stress is divided into two types of information and emotional).
Information stress is when there is an information overload. This stress is characterized by a decrease in concentration, memory impairment.
Emotional stress appears in situations of threat, danger, when a person for a long time remains alone with their experiences. At the same time, there is an increase in tension, anxiety, sleep worsens.
Stressful conditions affect human activity. People with different features of the nervous system react differently to the same psychological stress. Some have increased activity, increased efficiency. It's called lion stress. In other people, stress can cause disorganization of activities, a sharp drop in its effectiveness, the passivity of "rabbit stress".
Behavior in a stressful situation depends on many conditions, but primarily on the psychological preparation of the person.
3. Reasons of stress.
The causes of stress can be internal and external. The external are the changes of life and the changes that are under our control. The inner causes that are in our minds are more a figment of the imagination. This division is conditional and made by us for convenience, as they are all interrelated. Below is a small list of causes of stress.
External causes of stress:
• Sudden changes in a person's life.
• Study.
• Difficulties in dealing with people.
• High employment.
Internal causes of stress
• The inability to accept uncertainty.
• Pessimism.
• Negative dialogue with yourself.
• Unrealistic expectation.
• Lack of diligence and perseverance.
Causes of stress in children in school
1. Transition from preschool to school (the difficulties of adaptation of the child largely depend on how much the home environment is different from the school, how much the child has reached functional readiness for learning, how quickly he learns the material)
2. Technological progress and the level of development of society determine the limits of the complexity of the program. The excess content leads to difficulties in mastering the educational material, and as a result – to overloads of children, which is the main cause of the damage of the health of schoolchildren. The reason for the overload is largely an acute lack of time, which is largely due to inefficient methods of educational work of schoolchildren, when the success of training is associated not with quality, but with quantitative indicators of learning.
The increase in training load violates the regime, leads to a sharp reduction in sleep, rest. A significant increase in the educational load in educational institutions does not pass without a trace: these children are significantly more likely to have widespread and pronounced neuropsychiatric disorders, frequent fatigue, accompanied by immune and hormonal dysfunctions, reduced body resistance, there are other violations.
3. Delay in development, impaired motor functions, raising a child in an unfavorable socio - cultural environment-all this worsens the situation of the child in school, causing him to stick the label "patient".
4. The presence in the school of the factor of "Competition", the consequence of which is the orientation of students to high performance. Such children easily develop a self-defeating reaction and a negative image of their own personality, a low self-esteem is formed: they accept the role of losers, underachieving, which prevents their further development and increases the risk of psychosomatic disorders.
5. Lack of friendly relations, rejection by the children's collective, manifested in insults, bullying, threats - all this leads to personal conflicts, reaching direct clashes between individual children or their groups with various negative consequences.
6. Change of school staff. Inclusion in the school team can be a daunting task for a child. Very often a difficult problem for the student is the negative attitude of the teacher or the unrestrained, rude behavior of the neurotic teacher trying to cope with the children's team from a position of strength.
7. Educators. An authoritarian teacher who considers knowledge of his subject the most important goal of teaching children, as well as teachers with burnout syndrome pose a serious danger to the psychological health of schoolchildren.
8. Family. Among the stressful factors negatively affecting the child during school life, a special place is occupied by unfavorable family factors such as: raising a child by one parent, raising a child by adoptive parents, raising a parent feels unhappy, so that is not able to create the necessary conditions for the child to form positive feelings and attitudes to life.
The current situation, focused on the creation of a comfortable educational environment of the school, should take into account the role of the family in school success, social, emotional, psychological well-being of students, and therefore, this situation involves the fullest possible inclusion of the family in the system of work with the stress of children. The family can help to make the most complete picture of the child, his past and present, to identify his strengths and interests, to help to check assumptions about the needs of the child, to provide conditions for successful early intervention and assistance.
4. Signs of school stress
Signs of stress can be manifested in such symptoms:
• In difficulties during falling asleep and restless sleep;
• Tiredness after load;
• Causeless resentment, whining or, conversely, increased aggressiveness;
• Inattention, lack of concentration;
• Anxiety and restlessness;
• Lack of self-confidence;
• Stubbornness;
• Violation of appetite;
• Refusal of contacts, the need for privacy, refusal to participate in peer games;
• The twitching of the shoulders, swing the head, trembling of the hands;
• Weight loss or obesity;
• Increased anxiety.
5. Effects of stress on health.
Stress is another factor (except ecology and nutrition) that affects human health.
We need to learn how to respond to stressful situations.
If we hold back our emotions for a long time, under stress, they tend to accumulate and then an explosion occurs.
All systems of the human body react to stress.
Under the influence of stress occur:
• a state of depression and anxiety or changes in mood;
• feeling of sudden tiredness;
• loss of appetite or sudden craving for certain foods;
• rapid weight loss;
Sudden stress can cause:
• heart attack, panic attack.
If a person is constantly under stress, the body wears out. The health of such a person is under threat.
III. The practical part. Experimental study of stress and its causes in students of different age groups
1. Description of the study
For research I took students of different age groups: 5 classes. Future graduates of primary school-the 4 th grade and future high school graduates- the 9th grade. The 9 th grade, because there is a new painful problem: you need to decide what to do after the 9th grade - go to College or continue in the10th grade. Also, ninth-graders will have to prepare and pass the exam. Also, I took the 10th grade and the11th grade students who will pass the exam. And I also took the 8th grade, because eighth graders don't have exams.
• I investigated the level of anxiety associated with the school (tested 60 people).
School anxiety is the broadest concept that includes various aspects of sustainable school emotional distress. It is expressed in excitement, increased anxiety in educational situations, in the classroom, in anticipation of a bad attitude, a negative assessment from teachers, peers. The child constantly feels his own inadequacy, inferiority, is not sure of the correctness of his behavior.
The survey consists of 5 statements that can be read out to students, and may be offered in writing. There are 4 possible answers for each statement. "Yes, I agree"," I tend to agree", " I rather disagree"," No, I disagree". (Appendix №1)
• In the second stage of my work, I investigated whether the exam causes anxiety in 9 and 11grades. (Appendix №2)
• At the third stage of the work, I decided to conduct an experiment that proves that the test work or test is a stress for students. To begin with, I asked the students of 5th grade to measure their pulse for 1 minute at the beginning of the lesson and write the result on a piece of paper. After that the teacher told that now there will be a test work about which it wasn't announced in advance then we again asked children to measure the pulse and to write down.
- In my work I used the Phillips school anxiety test.
I researched the level and nature of anxiety associated with school in grade 9 students using the technique: Phillips school anxiety test and 12 pupils were tested.
The test consists of 58 questions that can be read out to students, and may be offered in writing. Each question requires “Yes” or “No” answer. (Appendix №3)
2. Analysis of research results
• In order to determine the level of stress, I conducted a survey:
As a result of the survey, students in grade 11, we can draw the following conclusion: 50% of students experience a high level of stress, 50% experience an average level of stress.
This year, students of the 11th grade pass the exam, and as a result of the survey it turned out that the students’ exam is alarming. They are not sure that they will be able to cope with their anxiety on the exam. However, they believe that they can pass the exam.
As a result of poll of pupils of the 10th class, it turned out these statistics: 50% of the average level of stress; 25% - high stress levels; 25% - low level of stress.
This year, students of the 10th grade do not pass any exams, but the result of the survey revealed that they are worried about the upcoming exam. But everyone is sure that they can pass the exam.
Based on the data obtained, as a result of a survey of ninth - graders, we can draw the following conclusion: 36% - experience a high level of stress, 28% - the average level of stress, 36% - low stress.
Like graduates of the 11th grade, ninth-graders also pass exams. Any exam is alarming. They worry when they think about the National Exam and do not know whether they can cope with their anxiety. But almost all believe that the can pass the National Exam.
Low level of stress is dominated by the pupils of the 8th grade. 10% pupils have high stress level, 55% medium stress level; 35% - low stress level.
As a result of the survey, primary school students showed the following results: the lowest level of stress - 69%, 31% - the average level of stress. Pupils of the 4th class also passes the examination, it is called the All-Russian test.
I believe that such an indicator of the result, due to the fact that the kids still do not understand the importance of the verification work.
12 students of the 5th grade took part in the experiment on pulse measurement under stress. Pulse measurement of students was carried out at the beginning of the lesson, and after the announcement of the test work.
Number of student | At the beginning of the lesson | After the announcement of the control work |
1 | 70 | 90 |
2 | 61 | 70 |
3 | 70 | 71 |
4 | 65 | 70 |
5 | 62 | 83 |
6 | 72 | 86 |
7 | 69 | 87 |
8 | 80 | 87 |
9 | 74 | 76 |
10 | 73 | 75 |
Age 10-12 years
Minimum and maximum heart rate | Average heart rate |
60-90 | 80 |
I found out that all students of the 5th grade had increased heart rate after they learned that they would have a test work that they did not know about.
The results of my research indicate that throughout the school years the ratio of students who are more exposed to stress increases during their transition to secondary school.
Data on the measurement of pulse indicate that students in grade 5 are very worried about the test work.
After conducting a study of the level and nature of anxiety associated with school in grade 9 students using the Phillips school anxiety test (12 people tested), I found that 48% -are subject to stress, 52% - the norm.
Thus, the general emotional state of students is associated with various forms of its inclusion in the life of the school, problems with peers, negative attitude and anxiety in situations of knowledge testing, unfavorable mental background that does not allow students to develop their needs for success.
In general, stress is a common reality of our life, which we face at any age. Contribute to overcoming stress, better self-control and preserve their health will help the following recommendations.
3. Recommendations for prevention and stress management
Memo for each day
• Do morning exercises.
Daily morning exercise helps to Wake up the body and also makes it clear to the brain that you love yourself and do your body.
• Do gymnastics for the face.
Often grimace in front of a mirror. Make faces to your reflection, especially in moments of anger and discontent.
• Keep your posture.
Reliable prevention of stress is a beautiful posture. People stoop tense, insecure. To feel more confident, keep your back straight, and others will subconsciously read your strength and steadfastness in difficult situations.
• Learn to control your voice.
The voice is the indicator of your mood. Smooth, calm voice can protect yourself from the negative and adjust yourself and others to a positive perception of reality.
• Fix your attention on positive events.
In life there is always a reason for sadness and joy, we ourselves make a choice on what to focus our attention. The hormone of joy is a powerful weapon against a stressful situation.
• Don't blame yourself for the hardships.
Remember that everyone has the right to make a mistake, and the offender is perceived as a teacher, thanks to the lesson, you will become wiser and stronger. Learn positive lessons from everything that happens to you.
• Forget the bad.
Draw conclusions and forget the unpleasant incident. Digging into your own failures or memories of annoying incidents mentally brings you back to that time and makes you experience unpleasant emotions with renewed vigor. Step over past failures and head towards new victories and achievements.
- The picture of fear.
Make a list of your fears. Take a pencil and next to the most frightening feelings and thoughts make small drawings. After the participants are offered multiple options to choose from getting rid of your fear to destroy the picture (fear); to turn the horror into something laughable, to finish a picture; decorate it to it to itself liked, and was good.
There are a lot of tips, training to deal with stress. After reading many articles, studying various works and on my own experience I tried breathing exercises.
- Breathing exercises for stress helps to normalize breathing. During an attack of fear, the normal rhythm of breathing changes, a person begins to breathe more frequently and superficially, which leads to oxygen starvation. Quick and short inhalation and immediate exhalation lead to hyperventilation of the lungs increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood and contribute to increased anxiety.
- Breath-holding. Slow breathing in and out. To begin, take a slow breath, counting to 4, then when you count to 4, hold your breath for 5-6 seconds and slowly exhale. Repeat this exercise 5 to 6 times. Just this exercise .You can do before going to bed in order to then it was easier to sleep.
- Exercise "Bubble" does a slow, strong and deep breath. Inhale to the limit. And when it seems to us that this is the limit – inhale more and more. Imagine that you are a bubble and you inflate yourself. Imagine how the air we breathe fills our entire body, every corner of it. And when there is no possibility to inflate further, we hold our breath and imagine how the air inside us massages all our organs. And then exhale, just as calmly and slowly, all the air without a trace.
IV. Conclusion
The results of my research indicate that throughout the school years the ratio of students who are more exposed to stress increases during their transition to secondary school. The data on the measurement of pulse indicate that the test work is alarming, as for all the success of writing the test work is important.
In general, stress is a common reality in our lives. Life without stress is impossible. In modern man as stressors serves the desire for success, the relationship with the teacher, the mark in the diary, the successful writing of the test, test work, exams. But the consequences of stress can go into much more than a slight malaise. In this situation, we can help ourselves, knowing some techniques. I developed a reminder on overcoming stress, decided to put some recommendations on overcoming stress on our school website and spend school lessons on this topic, which show some elements of breathing exercises.
I would like to finish my work with the words of an Austrian psychologist Victor Frankl:
"It is not our fears or our anxieties that matter, but how we treat them."
V. Literature
1. Bleicher V. M., Kruk I. V., Dictionary of psychiatric terms.Voronezh: NGO "MODEK", 1995.
2. Zhmurov V. A., "the Big encyclopedia of psychiatry". 2-e Izd., 2012.
3. Oxford dictionary of psychology.Ed Raber guy: 2 TT: T. 1. / Per. with English. Chebotareva E. Yu. — M.: Veche, act, 2003. - 592.
4. Tsirkin S. Yu. Handbook of psychology and psychiatry of childhood and adolescence, Peter, St. Petersburg, 2000
Appendix №1
Stress level determination test.
The test consists of 5 statements and 4 answers. 1-Yes, I agree; 2 – I rather agree; 3- I rather disagree; 4-No, I disagree
"Guys, now you will be offered a questionnaire, which consists of statements about how you feel at school. Try to answer sincerely and truthfully. There is no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Do not think about the questions for a long time.
On the answer sheet at the top, write down your class. When answering a question, write down its number and answer.
The text of the questionnaire:
1. I guess I'm a restless person.
2. I worry about studying very often
3. I often feel nervous tension
4. My daily activities cause me a lot of tension
5. By the end of the day I'm physically exhausted
Processing and interpretation of results:
• Summarize the scores and calculate the average score
Stress level | High | Average | Low |
1-2 | 2,01-3 | 3,01-4 |
Appendix №2
The survey for pupils of 9-th and 11-th class consists of 6 questions on identifying stress due to exams
The text of the questionnaire:
1. Exam is causing me anxiety
2. I worry when I think about the upcoming exam
3. I think that I will be able to cope with my anxiety on the exam
4. With my anxiety I find it hard to pass the exam
5. I will be able to calm down in the tense situation of the exam
6. I feel that I can pass the exam
Appendix №3
Phillips ' school anxiety test
The test consists of 58 questions that can be read out to students, and may be offered in writing. Each question requires “Yes” or “No” answer.
"Guys, now you will be offered a questionnaire, which consists of questions about how you feel at school. Try to answer sincerely and truthfully. There is no right or wrong, good or bad answers. Do not think about the questions for a long time.
On the answer sheet at the top, write down your first name, last name, and class. When answering a question, write down its number and the answer " + " if you agree with it or "–" if you disagree".
The text of the questionnaire
1. Is it hard for you to stay on the same level with the whole class, to be like everyone else?
2. Are you worried when the teacher says he's going to check how much you know about the material?
3. Is it difficult for you to work in the classroom as the teacher wants?
4. Do you sometimes dream that the teacher is furious that you don't know the lesson?
5. Has anyone in your class ever hit you or hit you?
6. How often do you want a teacher to take the time to explain new material until you understand what he is saying?
7. How much do you worry when answering or performing tasks?
8. Does it happen to you that you are afraid to speak in class because you are afraid to make a stupid mistake?
9. Do your knees tremble when you are called to answer?
10. How often do your classmates laugh at you when you play different games?
11. Does it happen that you get a lower grade than you expected?
12. Do you care about the question of whether you will leave for a second year?
13. Do you try to avoid games where choices are made because you are not usually chosen?
14. Does it happen sometimes that you tremble when you are called to answer?
15. How often do you get the feeling that none of your classmates wants to do what you want?
16. How much do you worry before you start to perform the task?
17. Is it hard for you to get the grades your parents expect you to get?
18. Are you afraid sometimes that you will get sick in class?
19. Will your classmates laugh at you if you make a mistake in answering?
20. Do you look like your classmates?
21. After completing the task, do you worry about whether you coped well with it?
22. When you work in a classroom, are you sure you'll remember everything well?
23. Do you sometimes dream that you can’t answer the teacher's question at school?
24. Is it true that most guys are friendly to you?
25. Do you work harder if you know that the results of your work will be compared in class with the results of your classmates?
26. Do you often dream about, less to worry about when you ask?
27. Are you afraid to argue sometimes?
28. Do you feel that your heart begins to beat strongly when the teacher says that he is going to check your readiness for the lesson?
29. When you get good grades, do any of your friends think you want to curry favor?
30. Do you feel good with those of your classmates who are treated with special attention?
31. Does it happen that some guys in the class say something that hurts you?
32. Do you think those students who can't cope with their studies lose their favor?
33. Does it look like most of your classmates aren't paying attention to you?
34. How often are you afraid to look ridiculous?
35. Are you satisfied with the way the teachers treat you?
36. Does your mother help organize parties like other mothers of your classmates?
37. Have you ever cared what people think about you?
38. Do you hope to learn better in the future than you do now?
39. Do you think you dress as well at school as your classmates?
40. How often do you think, answering the lesson, what others think about you at this time?
41. Do capable students have any special rights that other children in the class do not have?
42. Are some of your classmates angry when you manage to be better than them?
43. Are you happy with the way your classmates treat you?
44. Do you feel good when you are left alone with the teacher?
45. If occasionally ridiculed classmates your looks and behavior?
46. Do you think you care more about your school stuff than other guys?
47. If you can't answer when asked, do you feel like you're about to cry?
48. When you lie in bed at night, do you sometimes worry about what will happen tomorrow at school?
49. Working on a difficult task, do you sometimes feel that you have completely forgotten things that you knew well before?
50. Does your hand tremble slightly when you work on a task?
51. Do you feel nervous when the teacher says that he is going to give the class a task?
52. Are you afraid of checking your assignments at school?
53. When a teacher says that he is going to give a class a task, do you feel fear that you will not cope with it?
54. Did you dream at times that your classmates can do what you can't?
55. When the teacher explains the material, do you think your classmates understand it better than you do?
56. Are you worried on your way to school that the teacher might give the class a test job?
57. When you do a task, do you usually feel that you are doing it badly?
58. Does your hand tremble slightly when the teacher asks you to do a task on the Board in front of the whole class?
Processing and interpretation of results
There are the answers to which do not coincide with the key test. For example, on the 58th question, the child answered "Yes", while in the key to this question corresponds to"–", that is, the answer is "No". Answers that do not match the key are a manifestation of anxiety. When processing is counted:
1. The total number of mismatches throughout the text. If it is more than 50%, we can talk about increased anxiety of the child, if more than 75% of the total number of test questions — about high anxiety.
2. The number of matches for each of the 8 anxiety factors identified in the test. The level of anxiety is determined in the same way as in the first case. The author analyzes the General internal emotional state of the student, largely determined by the presence of certain anxiety syndromes (factors) and their number.
The distribution of questions on the factors
Factors no issues
1. General anxiety at school 2, 4, 7, 12, 16, 21, 23, 26, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
2. Experiencing social stress 5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44
3. Frustration with the need to succeed 1, 3, 6, 11, 17, 19, 25, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 43
4. Fear of expression 27, 31, 34, 37, 40, 45
5. Fear of knowledge testing situation 2, 7, 12, 16, 21, 26
6. Fear of not meeting the expectations of others 3, 8, 13, 17, 22
7. Low physiological resistance to stress 9, 14, 18, 23, 28
8. Problems and fears in relations with teachers 2, 6, 11, 32, 35, 41, 44, 47
Key to the questions:
«+» — Yes
«–» — No
1 – | 19 – | 37 – | 55 – |
2 – | 20 + | 38+ | 56 – |
3 – | 21 – | 39+ | 57 – |
4 – | 22 + | 40 – | 58 – |
5 – | 23 – | 41+ |
6 – | 24 + | 42 – |
7 – | 25 + | 43+ |
8 – | 26 – | 44+ |
9 – | 27 – | 45 – |
10 – | 28 – | 46 – |
11+ | 29 – | 47 – |
12 – | 30 + | 48 – |
13 – | 31 – | 49 – |
14 – | 32 – | 50– |
15 – | 33 – | 51 – |
16 – | 34 – | 52 – |
17 – | 35 + | 53 – |
18 – | 36+ | 54– |
1) The number of sign mismatches ("+"- Yes, " – " - No) for each factor
(- absolute percentage mismatches: < 50%; 3 50%; 3 75%).
For each Respondent:
2) Presentation of these data in the form of individual charts.
3) The number of mismatches for each dimension for the entire class: value is < 50%; 3 50%; 3 75%.
4) Presentation of this data in the form of a chart.
5) The number of students with discrepancies in a certain factor 3 50% and 3 75% (for all factors).
6) Presentation of comparative results in repeated measurements.
7) Full information about each student (according to the test results).
Content characteristics of each syndrome (factor)
1. General anxiety at school — the General condition of the child associated with various forms of its inclusion in the life of the school.
2. The experience of social stress — the emotional state of the child, against which develop its social contacts (primarily-with peers).
3. Frustration of the need for success is an unfavorable mental background that does not allow the child to develop their needs for success, achieving high results, etc.
4. Fear of self-expression-negative emotional experiences of situations involving the need for self-disclosure, self-presentation to others.
5. Fear of the situation of knowledge testing-negative attitude and anxiety in situations of testing (especially — public) knowledge, achievements, opportunities.
6. Fear not to meet the expectations of others-focus on the importance of others in assessing their results, actions and thoughts, anxiety about the assessments given to others, the expectation of negative assessments.
7. Low physiological resistance to stress — physiological features of the organization, reducing the adaptability of the child to situations of stress nature, which increases the probability of inappropriate, destructive response to a disturbing factor in the environment.
8. Problems and fears in the relations with teachers — the general negative emotional background of the relations with adults at school reducing success of training of the child.
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С самого рождения человек приучается оценивать действительность и выра...

Проектно-исследовательская работа на тему «Путеводитель по городу Братску для иностранцев на английском языке» Сычёва Диана 9 класс
Цель работы: составить проект туристического путеводителя по Братску для иностранцев на английском языке.Задачи работы: 1) изучить материал о городе Братске и его достопримечательностях; 2) составить ...

Исследовательская работа ученика к школьной научно-практической конференции по теме : "Отражение национального характера осетинского и анголийского народов через пословицы и поговорки"...

1.3 Результаты участия обучающихся и воспитанников в проектно-исследовательской деятельности,конкурсах,научно-практических конференциях,соревнованиях
1.3.Результаты участия обучающихся и воспитанников в проектно-исследовательской деятельности, конкурсах, научно-практических конференцияхУчебный годФИОназваниеРезультат, классМуниципальный...

научно-исследовательская работа Сравнительная характеристика фразеологизмов с компонентом «собака» в русском и английском языках
В нашей повседневной жизни мы находим этим положительным отзывам множество подтверждений, но почему-то фразеологизмы (или идиоматические выражения) показывают нелестное отношение к собакам...

Сценарий муниципального этапа научно-практической конференция исследовательских и проектных работ школьников "Первые шаги в науку о Земле" (2019 год) Секция География
Цель: Развитие интеллектуального творчества обучающихся, привлечение их к исследовательской деятельности.Задачи:1.Поддержка одарённых и талантливых детей. 2.Формирование открытой развивающей...
Исследовательская работа (форсайт-центр) Средства интенсификации обучения устной речи на уроках английского языка в начальной школе на примере темы “Мой питомец”.
Материал содержит микс средств, техник, направленных на повышение качества обучения и мотивации учеников начальных классов в разделе "говорение"....