Какие фильмы вам больше нравятся
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Какие есть фильмы по жанрам и стилям написания
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Тип урока: совершенствование умений и навыков Обучающая цель: знать новые лексические единицы по теме; знать как описывать жанры фильмов, используя фразы из таблицы Развивающая цель: уметь определять и описывать жанры фильмов, осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные действия Воспитательные цели: воспитание толерантного отношения к мнению других людей Средства: таблицы с жанрами фильмов, сборник упражнений, плакаты, видеоэпизоды, видеомагнитофон, аудиозапись, музыкальный центр
Ход урока Организационное начало урока. Определение целей. занятия Проверка домашнего задания Подготовка к восприятию Просмотр слайдов Обсуждение просмотренного материала Подведение итогов Рефлексия Домашнее задание
Проверка домашнего задания Horror film - a film in which strange and frightening things happen. Historical film - a film describing or based on events in the past. Comedy -a film that is intended to entertain people or make them laugh. Adventure film - a film describing experience in which dangerous or unusual things happen. Какие жанры фильмов вы знаете? Дайте значение каждого жанра (приложение №1: жанры фильмов). 8-10 мин.
Thriller - a film that tells exciting story about murder or crime. Serial- a story that is broadcast in several parts on television. Western -a film about life in the 19th century in the American West. science fiction - a film in which imaginary future developments in science and their effect on life are describing. 8-10 мин. Какие чувства и эмоции вы испытываете… (обсуждение жанров фильмов с использованием таблицы) What feelings and emotions do you have while watching ...
Назовите жанр фильма (часть I ) 2 - 3 мин.
2 - 3 мин. Назовите жанр фильма (часть II )
Подготовка к восприятию I see that you know different genres films and we've spoken on them right now. You see that there are a lot of different people with various opinions of films. So try to guess what proverb can reflect the main idea of our lesson? (Tastes differ) I think, it will be the motto of our lesson. Well, it's a pity that we can't speak much of each genre. But as you know films of different genres have eternal values, such as belief, hope, love, truth, honor and nobleness. And now I ask you to guess, what am I speaking about? You know there is one thing, which we can't give the definition, and each man understand it in his own way, I'd like to attract your attention that it helps people to live, to believe in something wonderful. Sometimes the man can survive in difficult situation believing in this feelings. And it makes us do unreal, great and extraordinary things. What is it? (It's Love } Sure, it's love which feels our hearts with special feelings and special emotions. You know love may be different, for example love to the Motherland, to your parents, friends, love between man and woman. And unfortunately not every one can love, because to love means to sacrifice yourself Love is God's gift and it's known that the main sin of the world is to kill the love. And today I'd like to speak of this unreal, wonderful and magnificent thing. 5-7 мин. Обсуждение жанров, выбор пословицы, отражающей главную идею урока
Просмотр видеоэпизодов Описание фильма 3 мин.
Now I suggest you to see a video episode from the film. And your task will be to quess the title of the film, the genre, main characters and to understand the conversation between the main heroes, (film "Titanic") What is the title of the film? - Titanic What genre does this film belong to? - tragedy Who are the main characters? Jack and Rose Who are the actors playing the main roles? (Jack is played by Leonardo DiCaprio, Rose by Kate Winslet What is the main idea of the conversation? What is positive about such film? (It teaches us to believe in love) What emotions and feelings do you have while watching this film? (It grabs my attention, It makes me cry) And now your task is to do ex. 1. (list №3) And at that time cadet ... characterize the film 'Titanic" using the plan on the blackboard. We've spoken about this film a lot, and now tell me. What love we have seen in the film "Titanic" (It's Sacrificial) Of course, sometimes the man is ready to die for his love. And I think if you meet such love, you'll take the some decision. Making comments 4-6 мин.
Making comments Match the word to the comment. The people are talking about the film Titanic. Jack is played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Rose by Kate Winslet. 1 plot a ‘He's played Romeo but this is what people remember him for.’ 2 character b ‘I think Kate Winslet looked beautiful in those 1912 fashions.’ 3 dialogue с ‘It's a real story. There really was an Irish girl on board in 1912.’ 4 part d 'The love scenes were easily the weakest. They sounded terribly false.' 5 costume e This was absolutely brilliant. Not only when the water came into the ship but the scenes when the passengers were in the sea, too.’ 6 photography f ‘OK. Jack can draw, but that's all we know about him.’ 4-6 мин.
Развитие навыков понимания (прослушать диалог и заполнить пропуски) Listen to the dialogue of the film ''Netting Hill' {2nd complete the Function File with these words, amazing, loved, true, brilliant, the point, fantastic, so, fanny, part, scene, silly, special, favorite, clever, thought, quite Expressing opinions about films What did you think of the film? I thought it was absolutely (1) _______ It was (2) fenny, 1 suppose, but it was nothing (3) My (4) character was the flatmate. The dialogue was very (5) . That's (6) . But the plot was a bit (7) . That's not (8)________. The situation was very (9)_________. For me, Julia Roberts was absolutely (10) _______ in the film She's an (11) actress, isn't she? But Hugh Grant always plays the same (12) , Oh come on! Well, 1 (13) he was quite good in the interview scene. So, what (1 4) __________ did you like best? I really (15) _______________ the dinner scene. It was (16) _ funny. What tense is used to express opinions about films?
Подведение итогов сегодня я узнал… было интересно… было трудно… я выполнял задания… я понял, что… теперь я могу… я научился… у меня получилось … я смог… я попробую… Рефлексия
Домашнее задание Описать свой любимый фильм по плану.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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