Урок Одевайся по погоде!
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Учитель: Шапилева Надежда Сергеевна
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 5 класс
Тема урока: «Dress right».
Тип урока: Урок освоения новых знаний.
Базовый учебник: УМК «Spotlight 5» Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс
Необходимое техническое оборудование: проектор, компьютер.
Учебно-наглядный комплекс: видеопроектор, компьютер, компьютерная презентация, УМК, дидактический материал (карточки).
Цель урока: создание условий для активизации новой и ранее изученной лексики через разговорную тему «Одевайся по погоде!» , активизировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся
- Организационный момент
Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please! How’re you today?
Фонетическая зарядка.
Let`s revise some sounds. Repeat
[w] weather, windy, sweater.
[] there is, there are, clothes
[æ] bad, jacket, bag.
[ʌ] gloves, umbrella, jumper.
Речевая зарядка.
Answer my questions, please! (brainstorming)
What seasons do you know? Can you name winter months? Can you name spring months? Can you name summer months? Can you name autumn months? What types of weather do you know? What is the weather like today? When do people play in the snow/rake leaves/go swimming/pick flowers?
- Let`s check your Homework. I`ve given you the task to ask your classmates about their favourite seasons. Who wants to present a mini-research?
- Основной этап.
Look at the screen. Complete the sentence with missing words. Read the sentence and try to say what we are going to speak about today
There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.
Right you are. The theme of our lesson is Dress right! And we are going to revise and learn new words and speak about clothes and weather .
- Введение и отработка новой лексики
-Open your books p. 88. Look at the screen and repeat after me. Could you read the words?(2-3 pupils)
-Which clothes are for warm /cold weather?
Б) Совершенствование лексических навыков.
-Look at the pictures. Describe what they are wearing.
-Match the pictures to the words.
- Now let`s play. Choose one of your classmate and describe what he or she is wearing today. The task for other pupils is to guess.
-Now imagine that your friends are going to visit different places. They are in hurry. Help them pack clothes according to the weather forecast. Work in groups. Then be ready to present your works.
Paris | +11 | Los Angeles | +18 | Novosibirsk | -5 |
Sydney | +21 | Saratov | -3 | Mexico City | +23 |
Montreal | -8 | London | +9 | Rome | +10 |
- Work in pairs. Decide what you should wear in different weather and different situations.
1) What do you put on when it’s cold?
When it’s cold I put on my __________________.
2)What do you put on when it’s hot?
When it’s hot I put on my __________________.
3) What do you put on when it’s rainy and wet?
When it’s rainy and wet I put on my _____________and take my ______ .
4)What do you put on when you go to school?
When I go to school, I put on my __________________.
5) What do you put on when you go to the cinema?
When I go to the cinema, I put on my __________________.
- I`ll give you the cards with riddles .Guess the riddles in groups.
In winter storm,
I keep your neck warm.
What am I? (Scarf)
We protect your hands from snow and ice.
Fingers think we’re very nice. (gloves)
We can’t help your nose but,
We’re very good at warming toes.
What are we? (Socks)
If your head might freeze,
Put me on please.
What am I? (Hat)
I start with the letter J,
And keep you warm on a cold day.
What am I? (Jacket)
I start with the letter B,
And your feet go inside of me.
What am I? (Boots)
- Физминутка
Let’s stand up and repeat after me and do like me:
Dress up Warmly
The day is cloudy and the wind is bold.
Dress up warmly, you mustn’t get cold!
Put on your coat and zip it up tight,
put on your left boot, put on your right.
Put on your scarf and put on your hat,
put on your mittens and clap-clap-clap!
Go outside and play and play.
Come in again, and then we’ll say-
Take off your coat that was zipped up tight,
take off your left boot, take off your right.
Take off your scarf, take off your hat,
take off your mittens, and then take a nap!
We had a little rest and now let’s go on our work. Sit down.
В) Развитие навыков аудирования
- Let` s practice in listening. Listen to the recording p. 89 ex 8 and tick the correct answer. Let`s check. Who has no mistakes?
Г) Развитие навыков чтения
- Now let`s work with the dialogue and do the exercise. P.89 ex. 4. The dialogue is between Patsy and Ann. They are talking on the phone. Where`s Patsy?
- You can have a look at the meanings of the words and phrases in bold on the papers..
Getting on: boarding the plane
Can’t wait: to be very excited about something, look forward to (ждать с нетерпением)
On my way: going , moving towards
All right: ok
I’m only joking: I’m not talking seriously
Awful: bad ,terrible
Hanging up: stop talking on the phone, ending a telephone conversation.
-Let`s do ex. 5. What`s the weather like in Glasgow? Now read the dialogue aloud (girls) Others should listen and read to yourselves.
Д)Активизация новых знаний в речи
-I`ll give you pictures. You should describe the pictures according to the plan: Who are in the picture , what the season is/ the weather is like, what they are wearing, what they are doing. Use these words and parts of the sentences.Work in groups/pairs.
- Завершение урока
What have we learnt today?
Take your assessment cards, complete the table according to your work at the lesson and choose weather according to your mood.
Your homework will be to describe the photo of your family or friends.
Thank you for your work. Your marks are … And dress right!
There are 25 pupils in our class. I`ve asked 20 classmates about their favourite seasons. 12 of them like summer because we have long holidays. They enjoy going swimming, going for a walk, riding bikes. 4 of my classmates like winter because they enjoy playing snowballs, making a snowman, skiing and ice-skating. 3 of my classmates like spring for it`s beauty. And only one enjoys autumn because he likes walking in the park in autumn.
In the picture you can see a lot of people. It`s summer. The weather is hot and sunny. The boy is wearing a T-shirt, shorts, a cap and shoes. His father is wearing trousers, a shirt, socks and shoes. They are buying an ice cream.
In the picture you can see a lot of people. It`s spring. The weather is warm and sunny. One girl is wearing a shirt, a dress, socks and trainers. The second girl is wearing trousers, a jumper, trainers. The are wearing flower wreaths on their heads. They are dancing and laughing.
In the picture you can see a lot of children. It`s spring. The weather is not very cold. It`s snowy. The children are wearing warm clothes. One boy is wearing a jacket, trousers, boots. The second boy is wearing trousers, a hat, a scarf, a jacket, boots. They are having fun. They are making a snowman.
In the picture you can see a lot of people. It`s autumn. The weather is rainy. The tree leaves are red and yellow. One girl is wearing a sweater, trousers, boots. The second girl is wearing a skirt, a sweater, boots. They have bags and umbrellas. They are crossing the road and talking.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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