Мероприятие, посвященное Неделе функциональной грамотности на тему «Приемы и методы работы с текстом на уроках английского языка»
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс)
Расширить познания в области создания обучающего пространства для формирования и совершенствования читательской грамотности, как важнейшего фактора успешности учебного занятия. Владеть разными видами работы, связанные с чтением.
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Открытый урок «Приемы и методы работы с текстом на уроках английского языка»
Цель работы: Расширить познания в области создания обучающего пространства для формирования и совершенствования читательской грамотности как важнейшего фактора успешности учебного занятия.
Read the text.
Mikhail Lomonosov is the father of Russian science and an outstanding poet. He was born in 1711 in the province of Arkhangelsk. He liked to spend his time fishing with his father. He began to read when he was a little boy. He wanted to study and when he was 19 he travelled on foot to Moscow.
Lomonosov decided to enter Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. He entered it and six years later in 1736 he was sent abroad to complete his studying in chemistry and mining. Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist. He was a physicist, a painter, an astronomic, a geographer, a historian and a statesman.
Lomonosov made a telescope. He observed a lot of stars and planets through his telescope. Lomonosov wrote the first scientific grammar of the Russian language. He wrote many poems.
Lomonosov built a factory near Petersburg, where glass was produced. He made a portrait of Peter the first with pieces of glass. Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian University, which is named after him and is situated in Moscow. Lomonosov died in 1765. People still know and remember him.
Task 1.
Choose the right answer:
1.Lomonosov was born…
- in Moscow
- in Ekaterinburg
- in the province of Arkhangelsk (V)
2.He travelled to Moscow…
- by train
- by plain
- on foot(V)
3.He was sent abroad…
- in 1730
- in 1736 (V)
- in 1740
4.Lomonosov made…
- a car
- a plane
- a telescope (V)
5.Lomonosov built a factory…
- near Moscow
- near Petersburg (V)
- near Arkhangelsk
6.Lomonosov was the founder of…
- the first Russian University (V)
- the first Russian Colleges
- the first Russian school
- Lomonosov died
- In 1765 (V)
- In 1770
- In 1766
2) Answer the questions :
1.Who is Mikhail Lomonosov?
2.Where was he born?
3.When was he born?
4.When did he begin to read books?
5.When did Lomonosov go to Moscow?
6.Why was he sent abroad?
7.How did he observe stars and planets?
8.Who wrote the first scientific grammar of the Russian language?
9.Who was the founder of the first Russian University?
10.Have you ever read the poems of Mikhail Lomonosov?
11. What did Lomonosov make?
12. Where did Lomonosov build a factory?
13. Where did he die?
3) Complete the sentences using the information from the text.
a) Lomonosov is the father of Russian…(science)
b) He liked to spend his time … (fishing)
c) He travelled on foot to…(Moscow)
d) In 1736 he was sent…(abroad)
e) He became a great …(scientist)
f) Lomonosov made a …(telescope)
g) Lomonosov built a…(telescope)
h) The first Russian University is named after…(Lomonosov)
4)Read the text and mark the statements below as T(True), F(False), or NS(not stated)
a. Michael Lomonosov is the father of French science ? (F)
b. He liked to spend his time jogging.(F)
c. Lomonosov married in 1737.(NS)
d. Lomonosov observed many planets. (T)
e. Lomonosov had 3 children. (NS)
f. Lomonosov died in Moscow. (NS)
5. Match the highlighted words in the text with their definitions.
famous –outstanding
voyage –travel
6. Complete the sentences using the words in bold in the text.
a. He is an … physicist. (outstanding)
b. Our family likes to …(travel)
c. … is my favourite subject. (Chemistry)
d. This … was born in the 19th century. (Scientist)
e. I want to have a … and observe the stars. (telescope)
7.Do the crossword puzzle.
1.Extremely good, excellent. (outstanding)
2.To go on a journey, visit different places. (travel)
3.The scientific study of the structures of substances. (вещество) (Chemistry)
4.Someone who is trained in science. (scientist)
5.An artist who paints pictures. (painter)
6.A piece of equipment shaped like a tube that you use to make distant object look closer
and larger. (Telescope)
7. Someone who starts an organization or institution. (founder)
8.Say what new information you have got about M.Lomonosov.
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