Урок в 10 классе с элементами подготовки к ЕГЭ
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Урок в 10 классе на основе учебника Spotlight 10 содержащий элементы подготовки к ЕГЭ
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Урок в 10 классе с элементами подготовки к ЕГЭ.
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Teacher: Glad to see you. You have been working hard preparing for their Finals and now we are going to prepare for your final English exam.
Ok? Let’s start.
What ideas are related Finals for you? В течение минуты ученики называют свои ассоциации со словом «ЕГЭ».
Teacher: Your ideas nearly the same as your classmate.
Look at the blackboard. Last lesson I asked one student to give four associations with Finals. Here they are.
Difficult hard work nervous soon
Teacher: Well, frankly speaking your associations are not very cheerful. Why is it so? Let s try to prepare for your Final English exam very well. The theme of the lesson is “Spotlight on Exam”
Here you can see five pictures of your teachers in their school years. Do you recognize them? Now try to guess what kind of students they were and what they were fond of or maybe went in for. Ученики угадывают, кто . После того, как имя угадано, учитель ластиком стирает штриховку.
Затем на одном слайде – одно фото и строка: I think she was … She probably enjoyed …Her favourite pastime was …perhaps she was crazy about …
Ученики делают предположения о том, как их учителя учились в школе и чем увлекались в школьные годы. (Ex. 2 p.12, ex.5 p.11, Unit 2. Hobbies)
The topic of our exam will be school and teachers
К доске выходит ученик и читает свой стих . На слайде стих и фотография ученика
Teacher: The fist part in final English lesson is Listening
Teacher: Listen to the song and choose: What advise does the singer give?
- To find your place in school.
- To think about your future profession.
- To find your place in the world
- To do everything you like
После прослушивания фронтальный опрос.
- Can you use your skills in the world?
- Can you do things you love to do for the future?
- What are your dreams and ambitions for the future?
4. Teacher: The second part of the final English exam is Reading. While doing the task it’s essential to choose the proper information.
What is reading for our lesson? It’s filling the gaps with missing sentences. Doing the task properly involves both context and grammar. Here are some quotations about education and teachers. The endings have been removed from them. Fill the gaps with the proper ending. Divide into two teams. Each team is given a card. You have time – two minutes. In two minutes the first team will read even sentences, the second – odd sentences. Begin.
Slide Answers
Key: 1G 2A 3D 4H 5I 6C 7F 8E
Каждая команда по очереди зачитывает получившуюся цитату, учитель постепенно открывает экран, проверяя правильность выполнения задания.
Teacher: We have mentioned more than once that writing an essay and speaking in a monologue are similar in many respects. Now you are welcome to choose one quotation which appeals to you most and speak on it. The following plan will help you:
- Introduction. How you understand the quotation.
- Your own opinion. Give your grounds.
- Arguments against it. Why you don’t agree with them.
- Make a conclusion.
You have 2 minutes to prepare and two minutes to speak. Парная работа. Ученики отвечают друг другу. . Teacher: And this is an experimental poem by Natali Volotskaya
К доске выходит ученик и читает свой стих . На слайде стих и фотография ученика
Teacher: So let us speak about educators. What qualities does a good educator need?
The thirt part of final English exam is grammar and vocabulary
Divide into four teams. Each group are given a card with a task. You should form correct words from the words in gaps.
1. boring 2. annoying 3. qualifications 4. education 5. managerial 6. organizational
7. communicational 8. mathematical 9. dedicated 10. creative 11. loyal 12. respected 13. trusting 14. caring/ careful 15. supportive 16. selfish 17. aggressive 18. dishonest 19. jealous 20. moody 21. mean 22. irritable 23. responsibility/ responsibilities 24. patience 25 patience,26 patience 27. tolerance 28. sympathy 29. affection 30. Attention
Teacher: Oh, my god! Is it really possible for one poor teacher? Have you ever seen such a person?
Teacher: The fours part of final English exam is writing
On the final English exam you are supposed to write an essay of 200-250 words. Now work in groups and work out advantages and disadvantages of a teaching profession. One group will speak about advantages; the other group will speak about disadvantages. Of course, it is based on widely spread stereotypes. So our aim is to break these stereotypes
Slide .
I have prepared my own list of advantages and disadvantages of a teaching profession
Teacher: What conclusion would you make? Do you think we have done all this just to persuade you to take up teaching profession? Well, why not? We need good teachers. But that’s not the point. I want you to appreciate your teachers better. I would like you to have sweet memories of your teachers as knowledgeable, intelligent and loving people. But just people, human beings, who can be tired or upset.
So it’s time for my l poem.
And this is your photo in the sevens form. Really, you have become older
Teacher: the standards of the Final Exam might be changed. This way you might have discussion. Let us try our hand at this difficult task and reflect over our progress in preparation for the final English Exam. The following plan will help you.
- Introduction. Define your personal aim of preparing for the Final English Exam.
- Your strong point. Where are you getting better?
- Your weak point. What is the most difficult?
- Conclusion. Are you satisfied with your progress? What can be done?
Учитель предлагает учащимся проанализировать свои успехи в подготовке к ЕГЭ на основе диагностической таблицы(Slide) где красный цвет – отметка «5», желтый – «4», голубой – «3», серый – «2».
Шуточное стихотворение « The more we study……..”
(English poem / Стих на английском)
The more we study,
The more we know.
The more we know,
The more we forget.
The more we forget,
The less we know.
The less we know.
The less we forget.
The less we forget,
The more we know.
So, why study?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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