Practice makes phonetics perfect
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Левицкая Светлана Альбертовна
В Данном материале представлены задания на отработку звуков и фонетических явлений. Упражнения позволяют последовательно  отрабатывать звуки в отдельных словах, фразах, пословицах и поговорках, рифмовках, скороговорках, а так же в заданиях на  ритм. 
Задания можно использовать в качестве фонетической зарядки как в начале урока, так и
на других его этапах, там, где это методически необходимо.


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Practice makes phonetics perfect.

При обучении иностранным языкам, согласно федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту,  особое внимание уделяется фонетической стороне речи.

Что предполагает адекватное произношение и различение на слух звуков изучаемого иностранного языка, в том числе долгих и кратких гласных, гласных с твердым приступом, звонких и глухих согласных. Оглушение/неоглушение согласных в конце слога или слова. Отсутствие смягчения согласных перед гласными. Словесное и фразовое ударение, членение предложений на смысловые группы. Ритмико-интонационные особенности основных коммуникативных типов предложений (утверждения, вопроса, побуждения).

В Данном материале представлены задания на отработку звуков и фонетических явлений. Упражнения позволяют последовательно  отрабатывать звуки в отдельных словах, фразах, пословицах и поговорках, рифмовках, скороговорках, а так же в заданиях на  ритм.

Задания можно использовать в качестве фонетической зарядки как в начале урока, так и

на других его этапах, там, где это методически необходимо.



We’d better have some tea.

Buy me a bike,Bess.

Ben is a bag of bones.  

     C:\Users\user\Desktop\Без названия.jpg   


“I’m busy,busy,busy”,

Says a busy little bee.                                  


Ben was able to beat Bob.

Ben was able to beat Bob and Bill.

Ben and Bess were able to beat Bob and Bill.

Ben and Bess were able to beat Bob and Bill at billiards.



Pete likes to paint pictures.

Pat,pass me the pen,please.

Paul put his purple ball.

Pat keeps two pets –

A cat and a rat.

Pat likes his pets.

His pets like Pat.




I didn’t like Den.

Don’t leave dirty dishes!

Dad taught Dan to drive a car.

Dickory, dickory dare.

The pig flew up in the air,

The man in town soon brought him down.

Dickory, dickory dare.

       C:\Users\user\Desktop\Без названия (2).jpg

He drove down town.

Dan drove down town.

Dan drove down town immediately.



Take twо toys for Tim and Tom!

It’ll take you a lot of time!

Travelling by train is very convenient.

“Tick”,the clock says.


What you have to do

Do quick!


      C:\Users\user\Desktop\images (1).jpg

Tim lost no time.

Tim lost no time and did the task.

Tim lost no time and did the task at once.



Meg is going to Glasgow again.

Why did the girls giggle?

What have you got in your bag? – Eggs.

Three grey geese

In a green grazing

Grey were the geese

And green was the grazing.

    C:\Users\user\Desktop\images (2).jpg

Gloria has got a cat.

Gloria has got a grey cat.

Gloria has got a grey cat in her bag.



Ken is crazy about country music.

I’d like a cup of black coffee.

Ask Kathie to come in class.


Shuckle in my shoe.

Mickle, muckle,nickle,knuckle –

Out go you!


                 C:\Users\user\Desktop\images (3).jpg


Can Kate come here?

Can Kate and Ken come here?

Can Kate and Ken come here again?



Victor has a van.

I’d love to live in a lovely village.

Vickie knows Virginia very well.

Victor visits  granny’s village

With his sister every day.

Victor brings some violet lilies

They together like to play.


   C:\Users\user\Desktop\Без названия (2).jpg

Give Eve that vase,please.

Victor, give Eve that vase,please.

Victor, give Eve that  lovely vase,please.



It’s my favourite fish.

Fred found his calf in the field.

Frank’s French is awful.

Huffing,puffing up the hill,

Huffing,puffing past the mill,

Huffing,puffing in the snow,

Huffing,puffing, off we go!

  C:\Users\user\Desktop\Без названия (3).jpg

Freddy had fun.

Freddy and Fanny had fun.

Freddy and Fanny had fun at the party.


Son ,sad, soup, sit, face, choice, speak, stop, lesson, snake, castle, parcel.

Sam’s dancing is excellent.

Simon threw some stones.

Speech is silver but silence is gold.

Sing a song of seasons

Something bright in all!

Flowers in the summer,

Fires in the fall.


Send it.

Send the postcard.

Send the postcard at once!



Let’s feed zebra’s in the Zoo.

Whose skis are these?

Walls have ears!

My toys are here,

My toys are there,

Here and there,

My toys are everywhere!


Rose is lazy.

Rose and Lizzie are lazy.

Rose and Lizzie are very lazy.


Mum, must, men, mill, mark, meet, my, may, ham, film, good morning.

Mike lost much money.

I’m sorry I’ve made a mistake.

This music is not familiar to me.

Good morning,good morning,

Good morning to you

Good morning,good morning,

We are glad to see you!

Maggie must meet.

Maggie must meet her friend.

Maggie must meet her friend Mike.


Nut, Nick, north, need, name, man, ten, sun, train,kitten,mitten,garden,happen,final.

No news, good news.

I can’t find my pen anywhere.

Ness hasn’t got the Internet.

When the wind blows,

Then the mill goes;

When the wind drops,

Then the mill stops.

The nurse told nursery tales.

The nurse told nursery tales about gnomes.

The nurse told nursery tales about gnomes to the  twins/


Sam, bag, land, map, hat, mat, fact.

Ann likes apple jam.

What’s the matter, Sam?

One man is no man.

A black cat

Sat on a mat

And ate

A fat rat.

Ann sat clapping.

Ann sat clapping her hands.

Ann sat smiling and clapping her hands.



Ann must come on time.

Hurry up, not to miss the bus!

He likes running and jumping.

Humpty-Dumpty and his brother

Were as like as one another.

Couldn’t tell one from the other

Humpty-Dumpty and his brother.

Костюм шалтай болтай - 81 фото.

She must come.

She must come to supper.

She must come to supper with us.


Thin, thick, thank, Thursday, north, month, three, thred, throw.

Ann thinks of nothing but theatre.

First think, then speak.

Wealth is nothing without health.

Peter thought and thought

And thought

And no one knew

The thought he thought.



Think of this.

Think of this thing.

Think of this interesting thing.


They, this, that, these, those, bathe, clothes.

Neither here nor there.

That’s a horse of another colour.

The game is not worth the candle.

“This” is used for one thing here.

“That” for something over there.

“These” and “those” for two or more.

“Those” are far and “these” are near.

They always go.

They always go there.

They always go there together.


Sing, ring, long, song, finger, singer, pink, thank, uncle.

Let’s sing English songs!

Seeing is believing.

A good beginning makes a good ending.

Big bells sound

Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.

Small bells sound

Ding, ding, ding.

That’s a fine thing.

That’s a fine thing to sing.

That’s a fine thing to sing in spring.


Car, star, far, jar, hard, card, large, dark, last, half, art.

At last classes are over!

It’s rather hard to start.

His car was parked in the garden.

Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark,

Beggars are coming to town.

Some in rags, some in jags

And some in velvet gowns.

I shan’t.

I shan’t dance.

I shan’t dance at the party.


Child, chalk, chair, chick, catch, bench, rich, much, teach.

Charlie is such a nice chimp.

Scotch children like cheese.

Who chatters to you will chatter of you.

If a white chalk

Chalks on a black blackboard,

Will a black chalk

Chalk on a white blackboard?

Charles chooses fish.

Charles chooses fish and chips.

Charles chooses fish and chips for lunch.


Jill, jump, job, jam, juice, jeans, age, page, strange, cottage.

It’s just a joke!

Jane and Jim like apple jam.

Just imagine it, James!

Jack, be nimble,

Jack, be quick,

Jack, jump over

A candlestick!

Jane, put the juice.

Jane, put the orange juice.

Jane, put the orange juice into the fridge

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