презентация по английскому языку "what makes you make a choice"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

презентация по английскому языку "what makes you make a choice"

7 класс кузовлев


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Слайд 1

What makes you make a choice? Aim of the lesson: 1.Reading the text without mistakes 2.Undersatanding and retelling the story to each other

Слайд 2

The purpose of the lesson: 1. Listen to record and read the story for searching necessary information 2 . Make and answer the questions by the story 3.Do exercises without mistakes 4. Retell the text to the classmate

Слайд 3

What parts of speech do the following words belong ? : 1 .vote for, 2 .choice, 3 .tournament, 4 .exciting, 5 .recognize, 6 .significant 7 .represent, 8 . choose Noun Verb Adjective 1. vote for- Verb, 2. choice – Noun, 3. tournament –Noun, 4. exciting - Adjective, 5. recognize - Verb, 6. significant – Adjective, 7. represent - Verb, 8. choose -Verb

Слайд 4

Write down synonyms for marked words 1. T he British have only voted for the items that they like most of all 2.The dish is very tasty 3. The dish is not very healthy to eat every day 4. They are very exciting to read 5. I think that people vote for this or that thing 6.The items people have voted for are easily recognized as the British ones all over the world 7.I don't think that the British have always made a proper choice. 8. But tea is not British, either 9. Most British people are crazy about football British people are crazy about football

Слайд 5

Find in the text “ Adjective+infinitive ”

Слайд 6

Reading the te xt.

Слайд 7

Fill in the gaps. I'm sure that the British have only voted ___the items that they like most of all. The _____is very tasty . The dish is not very ____to eat every day Harry Potter ___very exciting to _____, indeed. I'm sure that people vote for ___items , for the most _____or most typical items. The items people have voted for are easily____. I don't think that the British have always made a ____choice. To many, fish and chips is the ____of England . Tea came ____India.

Слайд 8

Rearrange the following plan according the text 1. Popular dish. 2 . Choice of t he British 3.Favourite competitions 1.Peoples choice 2.

Слайд 9

It is necessary to help wild animals. Many of them are in danger now. A lot of animals disappear. They need our help

Слайд 10

Why can we make a choice? Like most of all Enjoy it Exciting to… Can’t do without Matter of taste and nothing else Personally like it or not. Have been around for many years . (easily) Recognized as part of our culture and our history Vote for what is great in the country. For what best represents. Is the icon of . Can't live without. Crazy about.

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