In the country DoDidDone. Present Perfect Tense. Forming and making up positive and negative sentances.
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Безмельницына Светлана Сергеевна

План-конспект урока по введению нового грамматического материала Present Perfect Tense. Предусматривает объяснение когда употребляется и как образуется настоящее совершенное время, а также просмотр видео материала по теме и закрепление темы на примере упражненеий.


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Предварительный просмотр:


урока английского языка

(7 класс, учебник “Happy” (2008 г./2013 г.),

авторы К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман)

Цель: Обучение новому грамматическому материалу


1. Обучить учащихся описывать действия, завершившиеся в прошлом, но результат представлен в настоящем (построение утвердительных и отрицательных предложений в Present Perfect).

2. Отработать материал в серии языковых упражнений.

Класс: 7

Тема: In the Country DoDidDone. The Present Perfect Tense

Оборудование: учебники “Happy”, рабочие тетради, проектор, компьютер или телевизор с dvd оборудованием, таблица/плакат с образованием временной формы the Present Perfect Tense

Ход урока:

1. Организационный этап

-Good morning everybody! I’m glad to see you! Sit down please. How are you today? Great.

2. Речевая зарядка

-Who is on duty today? (встает дежурный)

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-What is the weather like today?

-Who is absent today? OK.

3. Фонетическая зарядка

-We start our lesson with a new tongue twister. It’s on the blackboard. Look at it! We’ll practice the sound [ɪ:].Firstly listen to me very attentive. I’ll read it for you then we’ll read it line by line and then read it from the beginning to the end all together.

  Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

-Repeat after me word by word. Great

-Now repeat it after me. Not bad. One more time. Good.

3. Основной этап. Объяснение нового материала.

-So, last lesson we had a test. And today we are going to study a new Unit 7. It’s “English School” and the first theme to study for us is grammatical one and titled like “Present Perfect Tense”. We’ll know when is it used, how is it made up a positive and a negative sentence.

So, look at the blackboard. The Present Perfect Tense is translated into Russian like настоящее совершенное время and is formed with help of auxiliary verbs “have/has” + V3/-ed: Could you remember me when do we use a verb “have” and “has”? Right. We use “has” with the 3rd person singular pronouns (he, she, it) and with the others we use “have” and + the 3rd form of irregular verb some of which you should learn by heart or if the verb is regular we add the end -ed.


I have played/gone                        We have played/gone

You have played/gone                   You have played/gone

He has played/gone                       They have played/gone

She has played/gone

It has played/gone

Now let’s watch a video about Present Perfect Tense (просмотр видео, еще раз о Pr. Perfect, прим 4-5мин). Open you copybooks and you should write down some important notes [].

 Now let’s identify the Present Perfect Tense on the examples. Yana, come to the blackboard and write down the examples (ученик записывает предложение под диктовку, стараясь правильно использовать временную форму перфекта):

He has come home

They have stopped their work.

Thank you.  You may come to your place.   

         So, let’s continue and we’ll train the using of the Present Perfect Tense and we’ll do some exercises in your workbooks. Open your books at page 148-149. Let’s do ex. 1, 2, 3 on these pages.

4. Заключительный этап

So, today we studied the Present Perfect Tense and examined how to form it and use it. Now write down you home task. It’ll be the next: Ex. A p. 150 and learn the first irregular 10th verbs at the back paper of your books. The bell has gone. You may be free. Thank you. Good-buy. See you latter.


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