Урок по английскому языку на тему «Достопримечательности Лондона»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Урок по английскому языку на тему "Достопримечательности Лондона"
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Разработка урока английского языка по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона» в 6 классе
УМК: «Английский язык. 6 класс (Серия Rainbow English)» О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой, К. М. Барановой. УМК-6 по английскому языку серии Rainbow English
Цели урока:
1. Создать условия для развития любознательности, активности и заинтересованности в приобретении новых знаний. 2. Развивать мотивацию к учебной деятельности и формировать личностный смысл обучения. 3. Способствовать овладению умением учиться, способностью к организации собственной деятельности. 4. Развивать навыки сотрудничества со взрослыми и сверстниками в разных ситуациях.
Задачи урока:
1. Поддерживать стремление учащихся к расширению своих знаний о мире.
2. Способствовать развитию памяти и мыслительных операций, умения анализировать и сопоставлять информацию. 3. Формировать умения работы с разными источниками информации (карта, видео, текст). 4. Способствовать освоению познавательной и личностной рефлексии. 5. Развивать умения и навыки в трех видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении, говорении.
6. Активно использовать речевые средства для решения познавательных и коммуникативных задач.
Используемые образовательные технологии:
- технология сотрудничества - технология группового взаимодействия - приемы технологии критического мышления - ИКТ технологии - технология проектной деятельности
Оборудование урока:компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, колонки, аудиозаписи для задания по аудированию, презентация «VisitingLondon», 3 копии текста TheThames, набор картинок и карточек для выполнения заданий, аудилозаписи«London’sBurning»«LondonStreets»для музыкальной паузы.
1.How are you?
2. Who is on duty today?
3.What are we going to speak about?
4. We are going to speak about London.
The topic of our lesson is Visiting London.
5. Look at the pictures and say what we are going to do at the lesson.
English people like to talk about the weather. They often say that the Britain doesn’t have a climate, it has weather. What does it mean?
Ex6. P.88 Find the answer.
II. 1Form the adjectives from nouns.
2. Describe the weather in London.
III. Listen to the record and say what river London is situated on. № 36
Read the text about the Thames and do the tasks after the text.
The River Thames
The River Thames starts in the Cotswold hills in England and flows eastwards for 338 km. It flows through London, the capital city, and finally pours into the North Sea. At the beginning the water is fresh, but the last part of the Thames is sea water.
The Thames in London is very famous of course. You can travel by boat along the river and see the famous London sights, like Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the London Eye. It’s a great way to see London quickly!
Lots of people have holidays near the Thames or on the Thames – and never go near London! The ‘young’ Thames flows through very beautiful places and you can go fishing, swimming or boating.
There are pictures and stories of people skating on the Thames in London in the winter – but these days the Thames never freezes. It’s still a great place to have fun.
Are the statements true (✔), false (🗶) or not stated (∅)?
1 The River Thames starts in the hills in England and flows westwards.
2 The last part of the river has freshwater
3. You can travel by boat along the river. true
4. You can see all London sights from the Thames.
5. There are usually rowing races on the Thames.
Answer the questions.
1 Where does the Thames start? ____________________________
2 What London sights can you see from the river? ____________________________
3 Do people have holidays near the Thames?
_ ___________________________
4 What can you do by the Thames in the countryside?
5 Has the Thames ever frozen?
Complete the sentences.
1. The River Thames pours into _______________.
2. The last part of the Thames is _____ water.
3. The river in London is very _________.
4. On a boat trip you can see the famous London ____________.
5. In the countryside you can go _______, swimming or ____
Pupils answer in turn.
IV Songs London Bridge and London Streets. № 48
V. That summer Sasha visited London. Listen and say what places he visited. 45
Put your lists on the board.
Check your lists according to my slide.
VI. Listen to the description of some sights of London and match them with the pictures.
1.This part of London is its central part and also the oldest part of London. Many people work here but very few live there. There are a lot of banks and offices in the City.
2. It is an ancient castle on the north bank of the Thames. There are some buildings on its territory behind strong, grey walls. The white Tower which gave the name to the place is a central building. It was a palace, a fortress, a prison and the King’s zoo. Now it is a museum. This place has several traditions. One of them is to keep black ravens on its territory. They say Britain will be strong until ravens live here.
3. It is one of the most famous and most important beautiful cathedrals in the country. It is a cathedral with a very large dome and a clock tower on the west end.
4. It is the geographical centre of London with its fountains, a tall column, a monument to Admiral Nelson, and the National gallery. It is a popular place with tourists from different countries.
5. This palace lies on the north bank of the Thames. It has three towers. The most famous of them is the Clock tower. There are some small gardens around the palace and more than one thousand one hundred rooms in it.
6. It is the King’s or the Queen’s official London residence. Tourists always go to see the ceremony of changing the Guard there. The gardens around the palace have a lake where flamingos live.
Let’s check your variants.
VII. Now I want you to find on the map these places
1.The place where black ravens live.
2. The place where few people live but many work.
3. The place which is the geographical centre of London.
4. The place that has a collection of important paintings.
5. The place that has a large dome.
6. The place where the king or a queen live.
VIII Let’s go to the souvenirs shop. What would you like to bring from London? Ex 10 p 84
IX What have you learned at the lesson?
Thank you for the work at the lesson.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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