конспект открытого урока на английском языке на тему: "Достопримечательности Нью-Йорка. "
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Минникаева Эльвира Ильдусовна

Цель:  - формирование личности учащихся, обладающих необходимыми знаниями и

            умениями по теме.

- углубление и закрепление знаний о стране изучаемого языка

- создание условия для успешного формирования навыков монологической речи, лексических навыков по теме урока.

Задачи урока:


 - развитие умения диалогической и монологической речи;

 - активизация ранее изученных лексических единиц и речевых образцов;

 - умение систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания.

 - совершенствовать учебно-информационные, учебно- коммуникативные умения;


 - развивать навыки  аудирования, чтения и устной речи

 - развитие инициативной речи;

 - развитие мыслительной деятельности и познавательных интересов;


- воспитание культуры общения учащихся;

- формирование лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции.

Оснащение урока: Компьютер, видеопроектор, экран, презентации, видео и аудио фрагменты из фильма и мюзикла, декорации, реквизиты.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:


- формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка

- развитие умения планировать своё речевое и неречевое поведение

- совершенствование лексических навыков говорения в виде монологической речи,


- формирование уважительного отношения к культуре, истории страны изучаемого языка


- развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные и речевые действия

- совершенствование монологической речи

- обучение логическим действиям анализа и синтеза

Формы работы: групповая, индивидуальная, фронтальная, которые позволили обучающимся развивать навыки их самостоятельной деятельности, а также показали их творческую активность.


-         Good morning, pupils!  

-         How are you?  

-         Who is on duty today? What the date is it today? What the day of the week is it today?  ( написать на доске дату заранее).

-          Do you like travelling ? And why?

-         Yes, I do. Because it’s interesting.

-         I enjoy travelling  because it’s exciting

-         As for me, I prefer to travel  because it’s fantastic.

-         I like it because travelling expand our outlook.

-         What country would you like to visit?

-         England, France, Germany,  China, America.

-         Unfortunately, we don’t have an opportunity to visit all of this countries. Let’s travel to the United States of America.

-         The USA. (фиксировать на доске)

-         There are a lot of states in America. But which one would  you like to visit?  

-         Maine, Connecticut, Virginia, Washington , New York.

-         So, let’s have a look at the pictures and define the place where they were performed.  ( просматривают презентацию)

-         So, what are your ideas ?

-          They are musicals.

-          What about the place?

-         They are shown on Broadway. (картинка Бродвея на экране.)

-         Right you are. And what is Broadway?

-         It is one of the sights of New York!

-         Exactly. So the topic of our lesson is…

-         The sights of New York.  (написать тему на доске).

-          Now we are going to  listen to the musical and do the task. Your task is fill in the gaps  using appropriate words. You will listen to it twice. ( слушают песню еще раз и заполняют пропуски) . I give you twenty seconds  to  look through your papers  then you will listen the song  again.

-          Now let’s exchange your sheets of paper between each other and check. Let’s check your variant. (проверяют, читая). Let’s read it in a chain.   Please assess  your results.  If   you find  one mistake you should put excellent mark.  If you find  two  mistakes  you should put good  mark .  If you find three  mistakes  you should put satisfactory  mark .  ( написать на доске) . Thank you very much! (собрать работы). Will  you give me your sheets of paper.

-          As far as you understand , today is the  final lesson of this unit.  And we should  concretise the information about the sights of  New York.. You’ve  chosen  the favourite sight. So let’s listen to your project.

-         Who wants to be the first?

-         Our project is devoted to the Statue of Liberty.( Рассказывают.)

-         The millions of immigrants who had to come to America by sea were welcomed by a very tall woman. She was wearing a robe and her arm was holding a torch high in the air. The woman is still there looking out to sea. She is the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous symbols in America. Would you like to see her close enough to almost touch her? Give yourself a treat and book our helicopter tour now. The flight also includes Midtown, which gives you a perfect opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of Manhattan’s famous skyscrapers: The Empire State Building, the Chrysler and the Pan Am buildings.

-         Thank you!  The next project.

-         Говорит  капитан.-  Hello.  Do you remember one of the seven Wonders of the world in America?

-          No, we don’t.

-         Have you ever seen  the film King kong?

-         Yes, we have.

-          We offer you to watch the  fragment from this film!
Pay attention to the building and then name it.  (Учащиеся смотрят фрагмент из фильма «Кинг конг»

-         The Empire State Building.

-         Yes, you are right.

-         1 реб. The Empire State Building is a 102-story  skyscraper located in  Manhattan, New York,  The Empire State Building was designed by William F. Lamb .

-         2 реб.  The building's opening coincided with the Great Depression in the United States. The building's spire was originally designed to be a mooring mast and depot for dirigibles.

3 реб.  In 1964, floodlights were added to illuminate the top of the building at night. Since 1976 the spire has been lit in colours chosen to match seasonal and other events, such as St. Patrick's DayChristmasIndependence Day and Bastille Day.  After the death of actress Fay Wray (King Kong) in late 2004, the building stood in complete darkness for 15 minutes.

  4 реб. The Empire State Building has one of the most popular outdoor observatories in the world, having been visited by over 110 million people. The 86th-floor observation deck offers impressive 360-degree views of the city. 

  5 реб. The Empire State Building also has a motion simulator attraction located on the 2nd floor.  It is called the New York Sky ride tour over the city.

-         Thank you!  And the last project.

1.     … Manhattan - is the heart of New York, and  one of the five boroughs. it consists of nine small islands which connected by bridges and ferries.  In addition, Manhattan is the most expensive borough  of ​​New York without  the main street.

2.      Dutch explorer Peter Minuit bought the island from the  Indians tribe for about $ 24.

So, the name of the island of Manhattan in an Indian language means "place of drunkenness" or "the place where we had been poisoned."

Originally the island was settled by immigrants from Holland, then began to appear block of houses  which were divided strictly along the  national feature.

3.     Well, The famous Statue of Liberty, and  a fort in the shape of eleven point  star,  is located on Liberty Island, which is a part of Manhattan.  

4.     Roosevelt Island and Manhattan are connected  by cable way,  like a tram.

More  over, getting around Manhattan is best on foot because the transport is stuck in traffic.

5.     One of the biggest and most famous parks in the world - Central Park is located. On the island. Its length is 4 km and the width - 800 meters.  Besides, there is  St. Nicholas  Cathedral  In Manhattan.

-          Let’s sum up our lesson and vote what project is  the  best. You have the name of the sights on the sheets of paper on your desks.  But  remember  you can’t vote for your own one.  Let’s vote.

-         Показывают.

-         Well, I see now. According to the results of  the  voting  every  project is scored an equal number of votes. In my opinion each of this project is  perfectly  done .   These  sights   are  really worth seeing. You’ve got excellent marks. Thank you!

Will you write down your homework   to write an essay “Travelling to New York”. The lesson is over. Good-bye!

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