Презентация "Westinster abbey" к уроку английского языка по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему

Тюменцева Светлана Александровна

Презентация "Westinster abbey" к уроку английского языка по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона" рассказывает об одном из самых известных архитектурных сооружений в Лондоне.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

SIGHTSEEING OF LONDON. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Выполнила: Тюменцева Светлана Александровна Учитель английского языка МБОУ « Тункинская СОШ им. Седова Ю.П.»

Слайд 2

Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey, the cathedral church of St. Peter - one of the most important shrines of England, located in the London borough of Westminster. This Gothic church - the traditional place of coronation and burial of British monarchs. Westminster Abbey is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Слайд 3

A physical location

Слайд 4

. Architecture Westminster Abbey has the shape of a Latin cross. The length of the church with the chapel - 156 m, width of the main and side aisles - 22 m, height of the temple - 31 m, height of towers -. 69 m

Слайд 5

As well modern look Westminster Abbey received about the middle of the XV century. Imagine its original form preserved only in the XI century embroidery - "Bayeux Tapestry".

Слайд 6

Most of the monarchs of this country since 1066, was crowned here , and here eighteen of them were buried , and royal weddings Abbey has seen a lot .

Слайд 7

A remarkable example of early English Gothic architecture , Westminster Abbey was laid more than a thousand years ago . Today it is the main shrine of the British nation and its character .

Слайд 8

Up to 1365 the British Crown Jewels, jewels of the British crown and the state treasury kept in Westminster Abbey. Treasury located in the dungeons under the dormitory (a huge hall with a wooden vaulted ceiling, where the library is placed today).

Слайд 9

During the Second World War in the Abbey building bombs fell twice, but by good fortune they have not caused significant damage to the structure.

Слайд 10

At the beginning of the main gallery of the temple are located the icons work Russian icon painter Sergei Fedorov .

Слайд 11

The Abbey regularly hosts concerts of sacred and secular music.

Слайд 12

Westminster Cathedral Westminster Cathedral - one of the main Catholic churches in England and Wales, the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church in Britain, located in the London borough of Westminster.

Слайд 13

The cathedral was built in 1895-1903 years, it is unique to England unusual neo-Byzantine architecture, and its high campanile dominates the surrounding buildings. Temple interesting interior, made of a hundred different varieties of marble.

Слайд 14

Westminster Bridge

Слайд 15

Next in popularity after the Tower is perhaps the Westminster Bridge. It combines well-known district of Westminster and Lambeth . Near the bridge is the famous Westminster Abbey, Parliament, and the clock tower with a world-famous Big Ben bell inside. It was opened in 1862 to visitors. The main color of Westminster Bridge - green. This color symbolizes the color of seats in the House of Commons, to which leads and bridge.

Слайд 16


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