Методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме: "Youth subculture".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

Рыбакова Ольга Валерьевна

План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Youth subculture" для учащихся 10 класса и учебная мультимедийная презентация, разработанная к уроку.


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Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект урока

по  английскому языку

в   10 классе

Тема: «Youth Subculture»

Учитель английского языка

Рыбакова Ольга Валерьевна

г. Санкт-Петербург

Тема урока: «Youth Subculture»

Урок проводится по актуальной и интересной для старшеклассников теме,   материал которой   позволяет активизировать, направить, расширить   компетентности и языковую культуру учащихся.

          Цель   урока:   продолжить формирование   коммуникативной  компетентности учащихся,   стимулируя  развитие  самостоятельного  мышление на иностранном языке,  расширяя  активный  вокабуляр.


1. Создать условия для активного обсуждения тематики  занятия, используя материал презентации.

2. Развивать умения вести диалогическую речь.

3. Продолжить формирование у учащихся  толерантного отношения к представителям иных субкультур как предпосылки формирования толерантного поведения в обществе.

   Формируемые УДД:

Коммуникативные: адекватно использовать речевые средства для эффективного решения различных коммуникативных задач, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию.

Регулятивные: принимать и сохранять цели учебной деятельности, находить средства её осуществления.

Познавательные: выполнять логические действия сравнения, анализа, установление аналогий.


  1. компьютер с проектором
  2. компьютерная презентация
  3. раздаточный материал

План  урока:

  1. The beginning of the lesson
  • Good morning, dear pupils! I'm glad to see you today. I hope you are fine and are ready to work hard at our lesson. The topic of our lesson today is “Youth subculture”. (Слайд 1)
  •  We are going to speak about different groups and movements.
  • The plan of our lesson is: (Слайд 2)

At first we’ll listen and read the poem “Today is yours” by Amanda Bradley. Then we’ll give the definition of subcultures and name their structure. After that we’ll give the groups’ description and name the reasons of joining different movements. And at the end of our lessons we are going to listen to your ways’ of expressing yourselves.

  1. Warm up

Let’s listen and read the poem “Today is yours” by Amanda Bradley. (Слайд 3)

Don't wait till tomorrow                                    

 to reach out and grow,

To learn something interesting

you didn't know.

Don't wait till tomorrow

to find ways to share,

To make a new friend,

really show that you care.


Don't wait till tomorrow

to follow your heart, 

To savor the beauty

that life can impact.


Don't wait till tomorrow

to let yourself start...

Take time to do it today!

                           By Amanda Bradley

- Do you like the poem?

- What is the main idea of this poem?

- What does the author want to tell us?

      Some teenagers join different groups to express themselves and to get their message across. We call these groups – subculture. What is it? (Слайд 4)

     - What do people of one subculture have in common?  (Слайд 5)

     -  What subcultures are popular in Russia?

  1. Vocabulary

  Let’s remember the vocabulary which we will need for our lessons.

  First do it individually, and then check it in pairs.

Fill in the blanks in the sentences with the expressions from the box.

  1. He got together with a group of … friends to organize an environmental protest action.
  2. The disagreement among the members of the group led to … them.
  3. In their attempts to … some teenagers go beyond all limits and start hurting people.
  4. Hippies … with their long hair, unusual clothes and bizarre lifestyle.
  5. Straight edges often behave in a way that goes beyond norms; people think they … .
  6. If you stop accepting any new ideas you become … .
  7. Punks opposed the values of the society and … its materialism.
  8. Hippies were unlikely to …; they lived in groups together and were very peaceful.

make a statement     get their message across     like-mined     narrow-minded  

  take their beliefs to extremes     tension between     protest against

hurt people physically

  1. Speaking

Let’s have a look at and describe some of youth subcultures.

4.1 Hippies (Слайд 6)

- don’t confirm to society’s standards

- dress in unusual clothes

- have long hair

- live in groups together

- accept others as they are

- go where the flow takes them ….

  1. Goths (Слайд 7)

- startling white make-up

- black or purple hair

- black lipstick and fingernails

- see the world as a dark place and like it in that way ….

4.3Punks (Слайд 8)

- they are opposed to the values, norms and materialism in the society

- listen loud and violent music

- dress in strange clothes

- have hair of unusual colours….

  1. Rappers ( music) (Слайд 9)

       - wear wide clothes

- wear caps

- metal chain

- listen to or red rap……

  1. Bikers (sounds)   (Слайд 10)

      - 2-3 wheeled bike

- leather jackets

- army boots…..

  1. Football fans (Слайд 11)

      - symbol of the favourite sport team

- follow the favourite team….

- Are you a sport fan?

- What is your favourite sport team?

- What is your player?

  1. Musical fans (Слайд 11)

      - visit concerts

- listen to music

- collect CDs, information …..

-Are you a musical fan?

-What is your favourite music group?

-What is your favourite singer?

-Why do people join different groups and movements? (Слайд 12)

-Would you like to belong to a teenage group? Why \ Why not?

-Does belonging to a group help to express one’s individuality or not?

    -How can teenagers express themselves? (Слайд 13)

        -Do you know this beautiful woman? (Слайд 14)

Maria Sharapova (She is 25 years old. She is Russian tennis player and one of the richest and popular sportswomen in the world. She is the deserved master of sports. She is the silver winner of the Olympic Games.) (Слайд 15)

      - What other famous persons who are popular and reach much do you know?

- How do you express yourselves? What is your way? (Слайд 16)

5. The end of the lesson

I like your activity at the lesson very much. Your marks are….Our lesson is over.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Youth Subculture Рыбакова Ольга Валерьевна ГБОУ СОШ № 186

Слайд 2

Plan: Poem “Today is yours” by Amanda Bradley Subculture and its structure Groups’ description Reasons of joining Ways of expressing What is your way ?

Слайд 3

Don't wait till tomorrow to reach out and grow, To learn something interesting you didn't know. Don't wait till tomorrow to find ways to share, To make a new friend, really show that you care. Don't wait till tomorrow to follow your heart, To savor the beauty that life can impact. Don't wait till tomorrow to let yourself start... Take time to do it today! By Amanda Bradley

Слайд 4

SUBCULTURE A particular group of people within a society, often a group whose behavior is disapproved of by most people

Слайд 5


Слайд 6


Слайд 7


Слайд 8


Слайд 9


Слайд 10


Слайд 11


Слайд 12

REASONS of joining To achieve something in life To solve own problems To prote s t against the parents To differ from others Don’t confirm to society standards To express yourself To get your message across

Слайд 13

Fond of sports Be interested in music Be interested in painting Be interested in photography Collect different interesting things Ways of expressing

Слайд 15

Maria Sharapova

Слайд 16

What is your way ?

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