Методическая разработка "Проблемы окружающей среды"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

методическая разработка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What are we going to talk about ?

Слайд 2

Green issues = ecological problems How to save the Earth ?

Слайд 3

Match the words to the pictures 1 A power station a 2 Toxic fumes 3 Factory waste 4 Acid rain c 5 Polluted clouds 6 Loss of natural habitats 7 Water pollution b d e f g

Слайд 4

Check your answers 1 A power station b 2 Toxic fumes 3 Factory waste C 4 Acid rain a 5 Polluted clouds f 6 Loss of natural habitats d 7 Water pollution g e

Слайд 5

Look at the pictures and fill in the missing letters 1 a ____ r ____ 2 p_____ s_____ 2 3 f____ w______ 4 l______ of n___ h___ 4 5 t_____ f______ 6 p_____ c________ 5 7 w____ p_____ 6 1 3 7

Слайд 6

What can you see in the pictures ?

Слайд 7

Read the text below and try to guess which words are missing SB Spotlight 7 p. 76-77

Слайд 8

Now listen to the text and check your answers. SB Spotlight 7 p. 76-77

Слайд 9

Answer the questions. Find the information in the text and prove your answers . 1. Why does the air that we breath e become polluted ? 2. Why does the pollution gathered in the clouds turn into acid ? 3. What’s acid rain ? Why is it dangerous for the environment ? What causes acid rain ? 4. What is soil and water pollution ? 5. What can we do to protect the environment ?

Слайд 10

Fill in the gaps the with the words bellow Wipe out, petrol, carry, emit, land, poison, serious damage, heat, the amount of, harmful, reduce 1) burn________ 2) _____toxic fumes 3)______ clouds across long distances 4) ______ on tress , houses, buildings 5)_______fish and plant species 6)_______trees and plants 7) cause ________ 8) ________the air pollution 9) be________to the environment 10) reduce ________of acid rain

Слайд 11

Check your answers 1) burn _ petrol _______ 2) _ emit ___ toxic fumes 3)__ carry ____ clouds across long distances 4) _ land _____ on tress , houses, buildings 5)_ wipe out ___ fish and plant species 6)__ poison ___ trees and plants 7) cause __ serious damage __ 8) _ reduce _______the air pollution 9) be __ harmful ______ to the environment 10) reduce __ the amount of ____ acid rain

Слайд 12

Replace the highlighted words with synonyms 1) petrol _______ 2) emit ___ 3) carry __ 4) _ land _____ 5)_ wipe out ___ 6)__ poison ___ 7) __ serious damage __ 8) _ reduce _______ 9) __ harmful ______ 10) __ the amount of ____

Слайд 13

Check your answers 1) petrol (n) - gas, fuel 2) emit (v) - release, produce, let out, exhale 3) carry (v) __ transport, transmit 4) _ land (v) _ set down, come, get 5)_ wipe out (ph. V) _kill, eliminate, 6)__ poison (v) - kill, spoil, destroy 7) __ serious damage __severe, damgerous harm, 8) _ reduce (v) __ make shorter, degrade, demote 9) __ harmful ( adj ) __ adverse, bad, dangerous 10) __ the amount of (n) ____quantity, measure Make up your own sentences with the words above .

Слайд 14

Read the text again and guess what words are missing .

Слайд 15

Check your answers

Слайд 16

Discuss what we can do to help the environment.

Слайд 17

Let’s sum up! What new words and collocations do you remember ? What did you find out about acid rain ? How can we protect the environment and save the Earth ? What are you personally going to do to make a difference ?

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