Работа с лексикой по теме Crime and Punishment (Преступление и наказания) на материале учебника Starlight 11
материал по английскому языку (11 класс)

Дворкина Нелли Вальтеровна

Работа с лексикой, с моей точки зрения,  является основной составляющей успеха в изучении иностранного языка. В данной работе представлены различные виды работы с изученным лексическим матриалом, которые могут бфть применены на разных уровнях изучения иностранного языка.


Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Listening

What are the people talking? What crime is the man talking about? Why do you think so? What do you think the police will do next?

  1. Put the crimes into the correct category

……………….. crimes

………………….. crimes

  1. Cross the odd word out. Explain why

1. assassination, murder, vandalism, kidnapping

2. accuse, charge, prevent, commit

3. policeman, witness, mugger, bystander

4. drink driving, cyber crime, car theft, illegal parking

5. imprisonment, death penalty, warning, life sentence

  1.  Fill in the verbs in their correct forms into the sentences. There are two words you do not need to use.

investigate, charge, break, arrest,  collect/find, interrogation, accuse, send, commit,  sentence

Jack (1)……………. a minor offence. The police (2) …………….. it. They (3)……….. evidence that was enough to (4)……….. him and keep him at the police station for a while. After the  (5)………… Jack was (6)……….. to court. There he was finally (7)……… with the offence and (8)………. to community service.

  1. Word Formation
  1. They are demanding the release of all political ………….
  2. Fortunately, we live in a highly  …………. neighbourhood.
  3. The ………… of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.








  • prison


  • respect

  • identify


  1. Having shown constant ……………. for law, he finally got to the police cell.
  2. Their names have been changed to protect their …….
  3. The ………. bodies are supposedly of two suspected drug dealers.
  4. Throw away these shabby jeans. Go and make yourself look ………
  5. Some young mothers feel ………. in their own homes.
  6. They looked at us ………….. and thanked for the visit.







  1. Match the beginning in A with the relevant ending in B, then think of a synonym to each expression


to let smb off

to run away

to run off

to hold

to break


into the building

from the police

with/without a fine

up a bank

with the money

  1. Use the correct forms of the words\expressions from the box to complete the sentences

похитить, высшая мера наказания, алиби, обвинить, черты лица,  местонахождение, улика/доказательство

  1. My brother and I have very similar …………. People often think that we are twins but, in fact, Sam is two years older.
  2. The police interrogation revealed he had no ………. for that day.
  3. The criminals who … Laura sent a letter to her family and demanded a ransom of $30 000.
  4. The police asked the witness about his …… and decided that he couldn’t be guilty.
  5. CCTV footage of poor quality cannot be accepted as …………… in court.

  1. Put one word in its correct form into the sentences

Tom was (1)…………..   under arrest because he had committed a (2)……………..

As it was his first offence and he had no (5)…………… record, the judge (6)…………   him off with a fine of just $50.

  1. Put the words together to make 3 idioms. Then make up sentences with all of them

law  into  arm   take  of the   own hands  of the   the long  the law  law   the letter thier

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