Тестовый материал по теме "Crime and punishment"
тест по английскому языку по теме
Тестовый материал по теме "Crime and punishment" разработан для специальности Право и организация социального обеспечения
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Предварительный просмотр:
(Crime and punishment, Условные предложения)
Variant I
I. Give the Russian translation:
1. manslaughter
2. misdemeanor
3. accusation
4. capital punishment
5. to interrogate
6. crime scene
7. to fight crimes
II. Give the English translation:
1. тяжкое убийство
2. мошенничество
3. приговор
4. доказательство
5. выслеживать, обнаруживать
III. Choose the right word to complete the sentence and translate it into Russian:
1. Some indictable … may under some circumstances (обстоятельства) be tried summarily (упрощённое судопроизводство).
a) offences b) murders c) witnesses
2. Criminal sentences ordinary embrace (включают в себя) four basic modes of …
a) justification b)proof c) punishment
3. One of the main duties of police officer is … .
a) to commit a crime b) to be witnessed c) to prevent crimes
IV. Match the columns and give the translation:
1. a hijacker a) buys and sells drugs illegally
2. a kidnapper b) takes control of a plane by force and makes the pilot
change the course
3. a robber c) takes away people by force and demands money for their return
4. a shop-lifter d) attacks and robs people, often in the streets
5. a drug dealer e) steals from shops while acting as ordinary customer
V. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb in Subjunctive Mood:
1. Your brother (to become) much stronger if he took cold baths regularly.
- will have become
- will become
- would become
- If I (to know) the result now, I would phone her immediately.
- know
- knew
- had known
- If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.
- snows
- had snowed
- snowed
VI. Choose the right equivalent for the following words and word combinations:
1. главная задача
a) the principal objective b) the principal task c) solution of a crime
2. обнаружить преступника
a) to trace a criminal
b) to interrogate a criminal
c) to reveal a criminal
3. исследует очень тщательно
a) examined very carefully
b) examines very carefully
c) interrogates very carefully
VII. Choose the right variant of the translation:
- Если я узнаю результат, я тебе сразу же позвоню.
- If I knew the result I will call you at once.
- If I know the result I will call you at once.
- If I knows the result I will call you at once.
2. Если бы мы больше занимались, мы бы написали тест лучше вчера.
a) If we had studied more we would have written the test better yesterday.
b) If we studied more we would have written the test better yesterday.
c) If we did studied more we would have written the test better yesterday.
(Crime and punishment, Условные предложения)
Variant II
I. Give the Russian translation:
1. burglary
2. perjury
3. to violate a law
4. imprisonment
5. solution of a crime
6. death penalty
7. divisional inspectors
II. Give the English translation:
1. улика
2. свидетели
3. обвинение
4. наказание
5. государственная измена
III. Choose the right word to complete the sentence and translate it into Russian:
1. In accordance (согласие) with modern classification … are divided into arrestable non-arrestable ones.
a) treasons b) crimes c) witnesses
2. The rate (количество) of … in the USA appears to be growing.
a) sentence b)imprisonment c) punishment
3. The principal task of our police is to … .
a) fight crimes b) search for a person c) commit a crime
IV. Match the columns and give the translation:
1. a spy a) steals things from people’s pockets in crowded places
2. a murderer b) kills someone
3. a pickpocket c) gets secret information from another country
4. an arsonist d) brings goods into a country illegally without paying any tax
5. a smuggler e) sets fire to property illegally
V. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb in Subjunctive Mood:
1. You (to pass) your examination if you studied regularly.
- will have passed
- will pass
- would pass
2. If I (to know) her address, I would write her a letter yesterday.
- know
- knew
- had known
3. If it (to rain), I will take an umbrella.
- rains
- had rained
- rained
VI. Choose the right equivalent for the following words and word combinations:
1. обеспечить их наказание
a) to examine the scene
b) to provide their punishment
c) to investigate a crime
2. установление (выявление) свидетелей
a) the discovery of witnesses
b) the interrogation of witnesses
c) the examining of witnesses
3. сложная задача
a) a simple task b) an important task c) a complicated task
VII. Choose the right variant of the translation:
1. Если погода будет хорошая, мы поедем за город завтра.
a) If the weather was fine we will go to the country tomorrow.
b) If the weather had been fine we will go to the country tomorrow.
c) If the weather is fine we will go to the country tomorrow.
2. Если бы ты вчера мне позвонил, я бы к тебе приехал.
a) If you called me yesterday I would have come to you.
b) If you call me yesterday I would have come to you.
c) If you had called me yesterday I would have come to you.
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