Презентация к уроку по теме "Crime and Punishment" (part 1)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Презентация к уроку по теме "Crime and Punishment" (part 1)
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Подписи к слайдам:
1. What is the connection between the pictures? 2 . Would you like to be a judge? Why/Why not? 3. What do you know about the prison system in our and other countries?
For or Against? Crime is inevitable in any society. The number of crimes committed in the society shows the state of it. The reason of many crimes committed by people is poverty.
Why do people commit crimes? Don’t forget to use some linking devices: First of all, Secondly, Moreover, Besides, Furthermore, In addition to it, Finally.
L isten to monologues of 6 young people about crimes and match them with the statements. A. I feel frustrated about the increase in crime. B. I think there should be stricter punishments for criminals. C. We need to fight crime as a community. D. Crime is being fought, but not in the right ways. E. I don’t worry too much about crime where I live. F. It’s important to try to reduce certain kinds of crime. G. I am concerned about my personal safety. Listening Answers: CEGABF
Word formation
Answers: Accused Investigation Evidence Lawyers Proof Thief Robberies Conviction Forgery Imprisonment Stop Press Frank Turner, the (accuse)......in a trial that has attracted national attention, was today convicted of murder. The police (investigate).......lasted for a year and during the trial over 100 hours of (evidence).......were heard. Turner’s (law)......had all argued that he was not in the area at the time, but could not provide the necessary (prove)...... Police described Turner as a well-known (theft)...... who was responsible for many (rob).......in the local region. This is not Turner’s first (convict).......Seven years ago, he was found guilty of (forge)...... and served three years in prison. The judge is expected to sentence Turner to a period of (prison).......later this week.
Read the sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below. V O C A B U L A R Y My lawyer advised me to......guilty, but I’m not going to. I’m innocent! People imprisoned for life are usually ......after about 20 years. My......has instructed me not to discuss this case with reporters. The suspect was released without being charged due to lack of...... No European country supports......Most Europeans think it’s barbaric. Losing your driving license would be a good......against drinking and driving. I’m buying a new suit. My......at the County Court starts on Monday. I can’t believe the police have......Jane with embezzlement. They must have made a mistake. Can you imagine being sentenced to ......and knowing you have to spend the rest of your life behind bars? The foreman of the jury read out the verdict. “......,” he said.
Vocabulary 1 plead 2 released 3 lawyer/solicitor 4 evidence 5 capital punishment 6 deterrent 7 case 8 charged 9 life imprisonment 10 N ot guilty
Reading AAAA Match the headlines A-H with Texts 1-7.One headline is extra.
A. Capital Punishment B. Shoplifting C. Crime Prevention D. Kidnapping E. Frightening Changes F. Long-Term Effect G. Virtual Crime Y. Guilty or not Guilty? Answers : HBDGEFA
What types of criminals do you remember: А thief is someone who … An arsonist is someone who … A kidnapper is someone who … A mugger is someone who … A burglar is someone who … A murderer is someone who… A hijacker is someone who … A vandal is someone who … A forger is someone who … A robber is someone who… A shoplifter is someone who …
Thanks a lot!
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