Краеведческое задание по английскому языку (7-8 класс) по теме Великая Отчественная война
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Краеведческое задание  по английскому языку (7-8 класс) по теме Великая Отчественная война


Файл the_monuments_of_the_great_patriotic_war_in_suzdal.docx14.39 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

 The monuments of the great Patriotic war in Suzdal

  Let`s start our tour to Suzdal historical sights. Our town is architectural jewel. It is one of the so called golden Ring towns of old Russia.
 But there are a lot of places in Suzdal which evoke sad thoughts. Do you know them? We will go to the centre of the town where we`ll find a square near Tsarekonstantinovskaya Church. Our way runs to the Eternal Flame. The Eternal Flame burns to honour the memory of soldiers who gave their lives for our Motherland. These soldiers were born in Suzdal and Suzdal district.
 The  monument is in the form of the Orthodox church. A soldier`s helmet is in the central part of it. You can read the names of the defenders on the memorial signs around the monument.
 The architect of the monument  is O. Kiryokhin, the sculptor is V.Nesterov
 Every year on Victory Day the citizens of  the town come to the monument to remember the defenders and lay flowers to the Eternal Flame. Many of them died young.
 More than 13000 suzdalians went to the war, 7042 didn’t come back.
 Not only monument but Lounskau street is connected with the Great Patriotic War.
 Otakar Yarosh is the first foreigner who became Hero of the Soviet Union. He was in Suzdal as a commander of an infantry regiment. Suzdal and  the town of Louny, where the hero was born, became town – friends.
  There is an obelisk on the territory of School  № 1. It was founded with the help of its Head teacher Klevtsov I. A. to hononour pupils and teachers who died during the Great Patriotic Was. All the teachers and pupils supported the idea to build the obelisk. They earned money and helped to build it. The obelisk was built in the form of the crane with the white opened wings. A crane is the symbol of those who died for freedom.
 School remarkable events take place near the obelisk: the Day of Knowledge, Victor Day. The Farewell Bell and so on.
 Suzdal streets are full of poetry. Aleksey Lebedev is a famous poet and a sailor. He is a wonderful person. Tourists stop to look at the monument where they see a man in a sailor`s striped vest with a book in his hands. He was a very talented poet and a brave sailor.
 Alexey died in 1941 together with his submarine. Only three sailors remained alive.
 We must remember the heroism of our people. Thanks to them our country exists and we live.

  1. What places evoke sad thoughts in Suzdal?
  2. Why do we remember the Great Patriotic Was?
  3. To whom did they build the obelisk near School № 1?
  4. Who is Lebedev?
  5. Do you know any another monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic Was in Russia? And abroad?

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