Выступление на городском конкурсе "Мировое наследие науки и культуры "
занимательные факты по английскому языку (6 класс)
Городской конкурс исследовательских проектов учащихся " Мировое наследие науки и культуры" по произведениям Киплинга.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Kipling was a British writer, who lived in India many years. India is a special country! Kipling loved it and knew not only its wildlife, but also ancient tales about animals.
Kipling wrote some of the best animal stories for children, including his Jungle Books and Just So Stories. His language is rich, inventive, and sonorous звучный.
The aim of our research is to identify the characteristics and to show unusualness of Kipling’s tales from his book Just So Stories; Цель исследования выявить особенности и показать неординарность сказок;
The first characteristic feature is the titles of the tales
The titles of Kipling’s works begin with a question - HOW
"How the Whale Got His Throat",
How the Camel Got His Hump,
How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin,
The tale “The Elephant's Child”
The second characteristic feature:
A reader got the answer to the question HOW … GOT…
It’s very interesting to know how and why animals have taken a modern look. The tales tell new information about animals, a reader gets new knowledge. So they are cognitive tales
The third characteristic feature:
The question HOW is serious, scientific, not a Humorous question
The work of R. Kipling is a fabulous version on the scientific question. Произведения Р. Киплинга – это сказочная версия на научный вопрос.
Это своеобразные мифы о том, как мир стал таким, каков он сейчас, как и почему звери приняли современный вид.
how all the animals fitted into Noah’s Ark. как все животные снабжены в Ноев ковчег.
- В этом необычность этой сказки. the singularity of this tale. uncommonness unusualness
Сделать вывод о том, чем сказки Киплинга отличаются от народных сказок о животных. Это похоже на обычную сказку, но в то же время напоминает своеобразную историю человечества вообще: как человек расстался со своей «дикой» жизнью и захотел жить по-другому. Эта сказка похожа на народные сказки о животных: из нее мы также узнаем о взаимоотношениях людей и зверей. Но вместе с тем сказка Киплинга больше напоминает миф: в ней рассказывается о том, что происходило когда-то давно, и объясняется, как это повлияло на жизнь сегодняшнюю. У Киплинга несколько таких сказок: «Откуда у Кита такая глотка», «Отчего у Верблюда горб», «Откуда у Носорога шкура», «Слоненок». Это своеобразные мифы о том, как мир стал таким, каков он сейчас, как и почему звери приняли современный вид. kind of myths about how the world became what it is now, how and why animals have taken a modern look.
Just So Stories are considered some of Kipling's best works. They are myths about how and why the animals got their modern appearance. They give fantastical explanations for various phenomena.
"How the Whale Got His Throat"
A whale eats a crafty man, who finds a way to escape and damn up the whale’s throat. Rudyard Kipling's Just So Story explains why whales can only eat the very smallest of things.
A camel refuses to work and only says “humph” in response to requests for work... в ответ на запросы для работы...so a Dijnn gives him a “humph” as punishment for laziness.
Kipling’s “Just So” story from when the world was very new tells how the grumpy, idle бездеятельность, Camel turned his “humph” into a “hump”. The moral of the story is that not having enough to do makes people (and animals) grumpy. несдержанный, раздражительный
Do you see that?’ said the Djinn. ‘That’s your very own humph that you’ve brought upon your very own self by not working. Today is Thursday, and you’ve done no work since Monday, when the work began. Now you are going to work.’
‘How can I?’ said the camel, ‘with this humph on my back?’
‘That’s made a-purpose,’ said the Djinn, ‘all because you missed those three days. You will be able to work now for three days without eating, because you can live on your humph; and don’t you ever say I never did anything for you. Come out of the desert and go to the three, and behave. Humph yourself!’
And the camel humphed himself, humph and all, and went away to join the three. And from that day to this the camel always wears a humph (we call it ‘hump’ now, not to hurt his feelings); but he has never yet caught up with the three days that he missed он еще не догнал трех дней, что он пропустил
at the beginning of the world, and he has never yet learned how to behave.
"How the Leopard Got His Spots"
How a leopard and an Ethiopian hunter changed the color of their skin to help them hunting the animals of the High Veldt. and why a Leopard can never change his spots.
"How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin"
Extreme itching wrinkles the rhino’s skin. This story tell us of how the rhinoceros got its characteristic skin. how rhinoceroses became so wrinkly and so bad tempered.
How elephants got trunks, and how the Elephant’s Child learned to like his new feature. The young elephant hero is full of questions. Why is his tall uncle the giraffe so spotty? Why are the eyes of his broad aunt the hippopotamus so red? Above all, he wants to know what the crocodile has for dinner. And in the end we learn how the elephant got his trunk.
In the High and Far-Off Times the Elephant, O Best Beloved, had no trunk. He had only a blackish, bulgy nose, as big as a boot, that he could wriggle about from side to side; but he couldn't pick up things with it. But there was one Elephant — a new Elephant — an Elephant's Child — who was full of 'satiable curtiosity, and that means he asked ever so many questions.
Then the Elephant's Child put his head down close to the Crocodile's musky, tusky mouth, and the Crocodile caught him by his little nose Then the Elephant's Child sat back on his little haunches, and pulled, and pulled, and pulled, and his nose began to stretch. And the Crocodile pulled, and pulled, and pulled.
So the Elephant's Child went home across Africa frisking and whisking his trunk. When he wanted fruit to eat he pulled fruit down from a tree, instead of waiting for it to fall as he used to do. When he wanted grass he plucked grass up from the ground, instead of going on his knees as he used to do. When the flies bit him he broke off the branch of a tree and used it as fly-whisk; and he made himself a new, cool, slushy-squshy mud-cap whenever the sun was hot. When he felt lonely walking through Africa he sang to himself down his trunk, and the noise was louder than several brass bands.
At this, O Best Beloved, the Elephant's Child was much annoyed, and he said, speaking through his nose, like this, 'Led go! You are hurtig be!'
This masterpiece by the author of the Jungle Books is full of language that evokes Africa – the banks of the great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about with fever-trees.
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