Открытый урок по английскому языку в 4 классе
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку
Открытый урок по английскому языку в 4 классе
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Предварительный просмотр:
4 класс
УМК Английский в фокусе
Модуль 5
Урок №41, стр. 85, 146, 158
Тема урока: Пожелания на день рождения. День города. (Birthday wishes. The Day of the City)
Тип урока: Урок общеметодологической направленности.
Технологии: Здоровьесбережения, коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения, поэтапного формирования умственных действий, развивающего обучения, дифференцированного подхода в обучении, коммуникационно-информационного обучения, игровые.
Решаемые проблемы: Как дети отмечают дни рождения в Великобритании? Как празднуют День города (села) в России? Как работать с текстами познавательного характера? Как построить и выполнить проектную работу в группе или индивидуально?
Виды деятельности (элементы содержания, контроль): Формирование у учащихся деятельностных способностей и способностей к структурированию, систематизации изучаемого предметного содержания: знакомство с новыми лексическими единицами; чтение и перевод небольших текстов познавательного характера; определение незнакомых слов с помощью картинок, контекста или словаря в учебнике; подготовка к выполнению проектной работы при консультативной помощи учителя.
Планируемые результаты
Предметные: Уметь читать про себя и понимать содержание текстов, включающих как изученный материал, так и отдельные новые слова, находить в тексте нужную информацию, развивать языковую догадку, распознавать и употреблять в речи изученные лексические единицы.
Лексика активная: present, begin, balloon, candle, birthday party/wish, birthday boy/girl, home town, flags, competition, fireworks.
Лексика пассивная: blow out, decoration, celebration, parade, carnival, street performer, concert.
Метапредметные УУД
Коммуникативные: Понимать содержание прочитанного текста, формулировать собственное мнение и позицию.
Регулятивные: Осваивать способы решения проблем творческого и поискового характера.
Познавательные: Владеть основами смыслового восприятия художественных и познавательных текстов, уметь выделять существенную информацию из текстовых сообщений.
Личностные УУД: Формирование целостного, социально-ориентированного взгляда на мир, эстетических потребностей, ценностей, чувств, основ гражданской идентичности.
Оборудование: картинки для творческой работы и введения новых структур, интерактивное приложение к УМК Spotlight – 4 (раздел Spotlight on Australia и Spotlight on Russia)
Ход занятия и материалы по нему
Организационный момент
1. How are you?
2. Who is on duty today?
3. Who is away today?
4. What season is it now?
5. Why do you like winter?
6. Are you ready for today’s lesson?
Фонетическая зарядка
Let’s say our tongue-twisters as quickly as you can.
1) The teacher often asks the class to make masks. The students like the task.
2) All children like playing with a ball when they’re small.
Речевая зарядка
Answer my questions:
1. Do you like birthday parties?
2. What do you do at the birthday party?
3. When do you have your birthday?
4. When do you get up on your birthday?
Выполнение упражнения 1 стр.85
Look at the picture and answer my question
1. What do you see in the picture? (I see children, a birthday cake, candles, hats on their heads)
Let’s learn new words before reading the text
1. a birthday girl - именинница
2. a birthday boy – именинник
3. presents - подарки
4. balloons – воздушные шары
5. blow out - задуть
6. make a birthday wish – загадать желание на день рождения
Let’s read the text
(сначала читает учитель, дети следят. Потом читают дети по цепочке и переводят)
Answer my question:
1. Which of the words in bold can you see in the picture? - I can see presents, food, hats, a birthday cake, candles.
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Выполнение упражнение 2 стр.85
(дети поют песенку)
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you!
Выполнение упражнения 3 стр.85
Answer my questions about birthday party
1. Do you bring presents and cards for the Birthday Girl or Boy?
2. Is there much food and drinks at the birthday party?
3. Are there many balloons in the room?
4. Do you wear party hats?
5. Who blows out the candles on the birthday cake?
6. Who makes birthday wishes?
7. Do you sing “Happy birthday”?
Работа с материалом на стр.157. Обучение написания письма-приглашения. Памятка.
Writing a birthday party invitation
Writing tips! (советы по написанию)
When you write an invitation you must include (включить):
∙ your friend’s name
∙ the reason (причина) you are invited (приглашать) him\her
∙ the place, the date and the time the party is taking place (проходить, иметь место)
Выполнение упражнения 1 стр.158
(Можно сделать детям в виде карточки и вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Инструктаж для выполнения домашнего задания
(Учащимся дома предлагается оформить открытку-приглашение для друга на свой день рождения. Можно для этого раздать детям заготовки для заполнения и вклеивания затем в тетрадь. Можно предложить самим изготовить открытку)
Выполнение упражнения 2 стр.158
Вариант 1
Send an invitation to a friend for your birthday party. | |
Dear ………………….., …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………. …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Love, ……………….. |
Динамическая пауза
Will you stand up? We shell remember our poem. I want you to stand up.
Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
Two little feet go jump, jump, jump.
Two little hands go thump, thump, thump.
Чтение текста на стр.146. The Day of the City.
Do you know what's the day of the city?– (Ваши предположения.)
Слова из текста:
carnival competition decoration fireworks parade street performer | карнавал соревнование украшение фейерверк парад уличный артист | [ka: rnivəl] [kɔmpitiʃən] [dekəreɪʃən] [faɪəwɜ: rks] [pəreɪd] [stri:t pə rfɔ:rmər] |
Чтение учителем текста а потом чтение учащимися по цепочке с переводом
Answer the questinon
1. What’s the day of the City? - It’s a City’s Birthday
Выполнение упражнения 1 стр.146
Look at the pictures and say how people celebrate “the Day of the City”. Посмотри на картинки и опиши их, опираясь на текст.
Ключ к описанию картинок:
1) The evening is the time for fireworks.
2) There are a lot of flowers, balloons, flags and other decorations everywhere.
3) There are a lot of competitions for sports, dancing and singing.
4) People can watch parades or take part in them.
Выполнение упражнения 2 стр.146
Do you celebrate this holiday in your home village (town)? What do people do on this day? (Примерная беседа с учащимися о Дне села)
1. When is the Day of our village? – The Day of our village is in June every year.
2. Is our village beautiful on this day? – Yes, it is. Our village is beautiful on this day.
3. What decorations can you see in the streets? – We can see colourful flags, balloons, many flowers
4. Can you buy a special birthday card? – No, I can’t. But I can buy some taste food.
5. Do you watch or take part in competitions, concerts or parade? – I like to take part in competitions. We haven’t parades on the Day of the City.
Выполнение упражнения 3 стр.146
Design a programme for this day.
(Можно учащимся предложить заготовку программы с указанием времени и расписать, что может быть в день села в эти часы)
Образец составленной программы на День села
The Day of Bazhir | |
10. 00 – opening of the festival 11. 00 – sport competitions 12.00 – plays for children. 12.00 – concert 13.00 – film about our village 14.00 – opening of the exhibition (woks of our villagers) 8.00 - fireworks
The Day of the Village (The Day of Bazhir)
10. 00 – opening of the festival
11. 00 – sport competitions
12.00 – plays for children.
12.00 – concert
13.00 – film about our village
14.00 – opening of the exhibition (woks of our villagers)
8.00 - fireworks
The Day of Bazhir | |
10. 00 - ___________________ ____________________________ 11. 00 – ____________________ ___________________________ 12.00 – ____________________ ____________________________ 12.00 – ____________________ 13.00 – _____________________ ___________________________ 14.00 – ____________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 8.00 - _____________________
Итоговая беседа
1. Are English birthday parties different from Russian birthday party?
2. Do you know how to write an invitation to a friend for your birthday party?
3. Can you make a programme for the Day of the Village?
Let’s repeat our short poem
Holidays are over,
No more fun,
Holidays are over,
School has begun!
It’s time to stop now. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day! See you tomorrow! Good bye, boys and girls!
Предварительный просмотр:
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Карточка (Можно вклеить в тетрадь после выполнения)
Read and say True or False
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. | Children bring food and drink for the birthday Boy or Girl. At the party there is always lots of food and drinks. There are usually a lot of balloons in the room. The children wear warm hats at the party. All the children blow out the candles on the birthday cake. Then everyone sings “happy birthday” Ключ: 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – F; 6 – T. |
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
Fill in the missing information: birthday, address, six, seventh, party
Dear Anton,
It’s my (1)_______________ on the (2)________________ of December and I’m having a (3)_________________!
Can you come? My (4) ______________________ is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at (5)_________________ o’clock. Be there!
Ключ: 1 - birthday; 2 – seventh; 3 – party; 4 – address; 5 – six.
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Школа - это весело. Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку 5 класс....
Открытый урок по английскому языку 2 класс "The ABC"
Открытый урок по английскому языку 2 класс по УМК Биболетова "Enjoy English"...

Открытый урок по английскому языку 3 класс "Части тела" (Биболетова М.З.)
Урок-путешествие по теме "Части тела". Во время урока учащиеся путешествуют по планетам солнечной системы, выполняя различные задания по теме. Закрепление грамматического материала "Спряжение глагола ...

Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку 2 класс, Family and friends 2, Presents
Презентация+конспекст урока по английскому языку...

Открытый урок по английскому языку 2 класс (УМК "Rainbow English" 2 класс)
В данной разработке представлен открытый урок по УМК Афанасьевой, Михеевой Rainbow English. Урок проводился по 2-й части учебника, Step 30. Этот шаг был разделен мною на 2 этапа (в данном уроке были и...