Сценарий итогового мероприятия на неделе иностранных языков
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс)
Данный сценарий концерта может быть использован в рамках внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий итогового мероприятия недели английского языка
Заключительный концерт
Никита: Dear Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen, Children and Grown-ups! You are welcome to our foreign languages party, dedicated to the week of foreign languages.
Our party is unusual. It’s both concert and tea party. It’s common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have a nice cup of tea from 6 to 8 times a day, sometimes even more. All the treats on your table are handmade. If you like it, you can take the recipe from our pupils.
Вероника: Nowadays learning foreign languages is very important in our life. And today we propose you to learn English together. Because children of our school were preparing for this main event during all the week.
Никита: Our concert today is called «If you feel like singing». You have texts of songs on your table. You can sing along and enjoy.
The words that sound in the songs become clear and close, because the music is perceived by the heart. By memorizing the words in a song, we enrich our vocabulary. And learning new words and phrases using this method is much more interesting and easier.
Вероника: Even the smallest children of our school enjoy English. And now they want to sing an English children’s song “Rain, rain, go away”.
Выступление учеников 3 Д класса
Никита: Thank you for your song! The second language in the world is English. People speak English not only in British islands but more thаn 45 countries use it as the second one.
Вероника: The modern person is difficult to exist without knowledge of the foreign language. And if you want to be cultural person, good specialist, you should have necessary knowledge at least one foreign language.
Of course, you must learn and know English language.
Никита: They say А different language is a different vision of life. When we sing in a foreign language, we get acquainted with the customs and features of another country, another culture.
Music is the universal language of mankind. Songs in different languages are understandable for both adults and children.
Вероника: Now pupils of 6th year are going to sing very famous song “Sunny”. Sing along and enjoy the language!
Песня 6Г класса.
Никита: What a wonderful singing! Excellent!
Вероника: To have another language is to possess a second soul. It turns out that the more languages we know, the richer we become. We can read books in foreign languages, listen to songs and understand their content. Isn't it happiness to understand the content of a particular book, novel or song yourself, without resorting to the services of an interpreter? After all, you can not only understand the content of the text, but also feel the beauty of the language, feel and imagine…
Никита: Now you are welcome to listen to the song “Sweet dreams”. The pupils of 6th year Олеся Герасимова and Anna Baranova.
Выступление учащихся 6В класса
Вероника: Thank you, girls! What a wonderful song!
Никита: A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good.
Вероника: Spring is a wonderful time of the year. Spring nature has always inspired poets and composers to create masterpieces. The famous English writer and poet William Shakespeare was born in April. His works are still relevant today. Quotes have become catch phrases. The word is given to Gorban Vladimir, who will introduce us to the life and work of the great writer.
Выступление Вовы Горбаня с презентацией о Шекспире.
Никита: Thank you, Vova! The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. Books, music, cinema and theater give us new things. The theater teaches us the traditions and customs of other countries, their culture. For example, it develops a sense of beauty. Misetov Artem with a poem by William Shakespeare.
Выступление Артема Мисетова.
Вероника: We continue the theme of spring and invite pupils of the 6th year with poems about spring.
Выступление учащихся 6А класса
Никита: Brilliant! And now girls of 6th year with the song “Spring is coming”
Выступление учащихся 6Б класса
Вероника: Thank you, girls!
Никита: I’m so sad.
Вероника: Why?
Никита: Unfortunately, our party is almost over.
Вероника: But now each of us has seen how important it is to learn a foreign language. And we are not saying goodbye to you. We continue to explore the wonderful world of foreign languages already in our lessons. And remember: "Teachers only open the doors, then you go yourself."
Никита: At the end of our party you are welcome to listen to the pupil of 3rd year Slivko Liza – Raindrops.
Вероника: And now enjoy you tea!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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