Открытое мероприятие к неделе иностранного языка по теме: "Англоговорящие страны"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие по теме: "Англоговорящие страны"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Today we are going to speak about English-speaking countries. Do you know any of them?
Why do we call these countries English-speaking?
We’ll have two teams – team 1 and team 2.
So today we are going to speak about three English-speaking countries and I want you to guess what they are.
1) I give you cards with the task. Read the descriptions of three countries and guess their names. Write down all your answers in the answer sheet.
Each team will get points for each correct answer. And you will get extra points if your team is the first.
Each country prepared a musical present for you today but you’ll get it a bit later.
We’ll begin with the UK.
Complete the sentences
You won’t get any points for it, let’s just do it together.
Now let’s speak about countries, their capitals, nationalities and languages. Look at the table on the slide and complete the sentences below.
Now let’s speak about the national symbols of the UK. National symbols of any country represent the country in the world.
On the slide you’ve got prompts, they will help you guess the symbols.
Write down your answers in the answer sheet.
And now it’s the time for the musical present from the UK.
And I hope you know that different places of interest in different cities, especially in London, have become the symbols of the UK.
Do you know what bridge is situated not far from the Tower? – The Tower Bridge or London Bridge. And the song we’re going to sing together is call “London Bridge is falling down”. But first of all let’s read the text of the song. Look at the slide and repeat after me. Try to guess the meaning of the new words using the pictures.
The next English-speaking country is the USA.
Complete the sentences
And this country has also got a musical present for you. It’s “The 50 states song”. Listen to it very attentively and try to memorize as many states as you can because you will have the task then.
3) And the task for you is to find in the greed the names of 7 American states
Now let’s speak about the national symbols of the USA.
On the slide you’ve got prompts, they will help you guess the symbols.
Write down your answers in the answer sheet.
Now let’s have a rest. Stand up, watch a video, join in singing and do the same things.
And the last country today is Canada.
We’ll speak together about the national symbols of this country. Look at the slide. Maple trees are very popular (and widely spread) in Canada that is why this tree has become its symbol.
And now it’s the time for the musical present from Canada.
It’s a song which is called “Canada in my pocket”. But before listening to this song you’ll have to do the tasks.
V. Read the chorus of the song and find the names of four coins
Write down your answers in the answer sheet.
VI. Match the pictures of the coins with their names
But before doing the task answer my questions:
How many cents are there in a penny / nickel / quarter / dime?
Write down your answers in the answer sheet.
VII. Read the text of the song and fill in the gaps with the missing symbols of Canada
Write down your answers in the answer sheet.
Now let’s watch and listen to the song.
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Read the descriptions of three countries and guess their names
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) |
2. The United States of America (the USA) |
3. Canada |
II. The national symbols
1. Queen Elizabeth II | 4. the lion |
2. "The Union Jack" | 5. the bulldog |
3. The national anthem | 6. the robin |
III. Find 7 states
1. Washington | 4. Florida
2. California | 5. Texas |
3. Nevada | 6. Colorado |
7. Alaska |
IV. The national symbols
1. "The stars and stripes" | 3. The bald eagle |
2. The Great Seal of the USA | 4. the oak |
5. the rose |
V. Find the names of 4 coins
1. a penny | 3. a quarter |
2. a nickel | 4. a dime |
VI. Match the pictures of the coins with their names
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
c | d | b | a |
VII. Read the text of the song and fill in the gaps with the missing symbols
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
maple leaf | beaver | schooner | caribou |
Предварительный просмотр:
I. Read the descriptions of three countries and guess their names.
1) It is an island state. It is situated to the north-west of Europe. It consists of 4 countries. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel. Its flag is called “The Union Jack”. What country is it?
2) This country is situated in North America. It is large. The flag of this country has got 50 stars and 13 stripes. What country is it?
3) This country is situated in North America. It is washed by 3 oceans – the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. It has got 2 official languages – English and French. What country is it?
I. Read the descriptions of three countries and guess their names.
1) It is an island state. It is situated to the north-west of Europe. It consists of 4 countries. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel. Its flag is called “The Union Jack”. What country is it?
2) This country is situated in North America. It is large. The flag of this country has got 50 stars and 13 stripes. What country is it?
3) This country is situated in North America. It is washed by 3 oceans – the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. It has got 2 official languages – English and French. What country is it?
I. Read the descriptions of three countries and guess their names.
1) It is an island state. It is situated to the north-west of Europe. It consists of 4 countries. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel. Its flag is called “The Union Jack”. What country is it?
2) This country is situated in North America. It is large. The flag of this country has got 50 stars and 13 stripes. What country is it?
3) This country is situated in North America. It is washed by 3 oceans – the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. It has got 2 official languages – English and French. What country is it?
III. Find in the greed 7 American states
w | a | z | i | f | l | r | d | e | c |
a | r | u | l | c | y | c | o | l | a |
s | o | f | l | o | r | i | d | a | l |
h | v | e | e | l | h | u | t | a | i |
i | i | d | n | o | t | k | e | n | f |
n | i | k | e | r | p | o | x | e | o |
g | w | a | l | a | s | k | a | t | r |
t | o | r | s | d | z | a | s | o | n |
o | n | q | p | o | i | t | i | r | i |
n | e | v | a | d | a | m | p | n | a |
“Canada in My Pocket”
V. Read the chorus of the song and find the names of four coins
I've got Canada in my pocket
A little bit of history
A penny, and a nickel
And a quarter and a dime
Mean a lot to you and me
It's more than pocket money
They're the symbols of our land
They're pictures of important things
For which this country stands
“Canada in My Pocket”
V. Read the chorus of the song and find the names of four coins
I've got Canada in my pocket
A little bit of history
A penny, and a nickel
And a quarter and a dime
Mean a lot to you and me
It's more than pocket money
They're the symbols of our land
They're pictures of important things
For which this country stands
“Canada in My Pocket”
V. Read the chorus of the song and find the names of four coins
I've got Canada in my pocket
A little bit of history
A penny, and a nickel
And a quarter and a dime
Mean a lot to you and me
It's more than pocket money
They're the symbols of our land
They're pictures of important things
For which this country stands
VII. Read the text of the song
and fill in the gaps with the missing symbols of Canada
schooner caribou beaver maple leaf |
The …, the …
Is a beautiful sight to see
It waves 'hello'' to us below
From the top of a maple tree
And with every year that passes
It grows like you and me
So should we all grow straight and tall
Like the lovely maple tree
The …, oh the …
Is a beautiful sight to see
He's a happy, furry animal
Like a teddy bear with teeth
He's never ever lazy
He works all night and day
Building houses for his family
He's got no time to play
The …, oh the …
Is a beautiful sight to see
It's a great big wooden sailing ship
That can sail across the sea
It brings to other countries
The things their people need
And brings back things
Like chocolate bars
And books for us to read
The…, the …
Is a beautiful sight to see
He's a really big strong animal
I'm sure you'll all agree
He looks like Santa's reindeer
And he loves it when
The wind blows cold
So he lives up north
With the polar bears
'Cause he likes the ice and snow
VI. Match the coins with their names
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. |
a) nickel | b) penny | c) dime | d) quarter |
a 1 cent coin = 1 penny
a 5 cent coin = a nickel
a 10 cent coin = a dime
a 25 cent coin = a quarter
VI. Match the coins with their names
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. |
a) nickel | b) penny | c) dime | d) quarter |
a 1 cent coin = 1 penny
a 5 cent coin = a nickel
a 10 cent coin = a dime
a 25 cent coin = a quarter
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