Открытое мероприятие к неделе иностранного языка по теме: "Кино в нашей жизни"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Task 1. Match the film descriptions with their types
1. A film about space travel, things like aliens or life in an imaginary future. 2. A film with songs and dancing 3. A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West. 4. A funny film with happy ending. 5. A film in which strange and frightening things happen. 6. A film with magical creatures 7. A film that gives facts about a real situation or real people 8. A film with an exciting story, often about crime | a) a western b) a comedy c) fantasy d) a science fiction film e) a documentary f) a musical g) a thriller h) a horror film |
1 d | 2 f | 3 a | 4 b | 5 h | 6 c | 7 e | 8 g |
Task 2. Label the different types of films
1. comedy
2. animated cartoon
3. detective
4. horror
5. romance
6. musical
7. action
8. historical
9. western
10. fantasy
11. adventure
12. thriller
13. science fiction
14. superhero
Task 3. Listening skills practice: “Going to the cinema”
Do this exercise while you listen. Choose the correct answers.
1. Which film are Mario and Tamara going to see?
a) Mr and Mrs Jones b) War Games c) Robot 2075 d) King Robert V e)Forever f) Midnight Moon
2. What time does the film they want to see start?
a) 12.00 p.m. b) 2.30 p.m. c) 5.20 p.m. d) 7.00 p.m. e) 7.15 p.m. f) 7.30 p.m.
3. What time are Mario and Tamara going to meet?
a) 12.00 p.m. b) 2.30 p.m. c) 5.20 p.m. d) 7.00 p.m. e) 7.15 p.m. f) 7.30 p.m.
1. Midnight Moon
2. 7.30 p.m.
3. 7.00 p.m.
Task 4. Mime and guess a famous cartoon character
- Karlsson
- the wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait!"
- the little Mermaid
- Snow White
- Winnie-the-pooh
- Mickey Mouse
Task 5. Reading skills practice
Look at the magazine article and do the exercises. Match the words with the definitions.
| a) A woman who stars in films. b) A famous person. c) An award for the best actor or actress in Hollywood. d) A beautiful woman who helps to sell a product. e) A poster or notice to help sell a product. f) To suggest someone for an award. |
Put these sentences about Jennifer Lawrence’s life in the correct order.
a) She moved to Los Angeles.
b) She moved to New York.
c) She appeared on TV for the first time.
d) At school she played basketball for a boys’ team.
e) She was nominated for an Oscar.
f) Jennifer was born in Kentucky.
g) She played Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games
1 f | 2 d | 3 b | 4 c | 5 a | 6 e | 7 g |
Task 6. Guess what film it is
1) a) "Look left"
b) "Dangerous flight"
c) "The crew"
2) a) "The revenant"
b) " The dead"
c) " A man near the fire"
3) a) "A boy and a lion"
b) "The lion king"
c) "The chronicles of Narnia"
4) a) "The prince and the Pauper"
b) "Jack the Sparrow"
c) "Pirates of the Caribbean"
5) a) "Hachi: A dog's tail"
b) "Let's go for a walk"
c) " A black case and a white dog"
1) c
2) a
3) c
4) c
5) a
Task 7. Join dancing “RIO”
Task 8. Do the quiz
1. ‘Script’ means a) an idea b) a written story c) negation 2. ‘Genre’ means a) a film b) a modern movie c) a kind of movie 3. ‘Cast’ means a) people b) children c) all the actors in the film 4. ‘Character’ means a) a man b) an individual played by the actor c) a woman 5. ‘Soundtrack’ means a) songs with no words b) all the songs in a movie c) a set of ten songs 6. ‘Role’ means a) a character in a movie b) a love affair c) a message 7. ‘Subtitles’ means a) a song b) the translation of the film on the screen c) a dialogue | 8. ‘Masterpiece’ means a) an old movie b) a movie with a strong idea c) a great work of art 9. ‘Blockbuster’ means a) a big failure of the film b) a nice movie c) a successful movie 10. ‘A newsreel’ means a) an old film b) a cinema film of news c) a funny film 11. ‘Movie buff’ means a) a film lover b) a music lover c) a person who hates films 12. ‘Sequel’ means a) a police movie b a gambling movie c) a movie that follows a previous movie 13. ‘Animated’ means a) cartoon-style b) exciting c) black-and-white 14. ‘Critics’ means a) people who like things b) television people c) people who write reviews |
Key: 1. b; 2. c; 3. c; 4. b; 5. b; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. c; 10. b; 11. a; 12. c; 13. a; 14. c.
Task 9. Sound the episode from a famous animated film “Three from Prostokvashino”
Cat: it is wrong to eat your sandwich this way, Uncle Fedor.
Put the meat at the bottom. It will be much tastier.
Fedor: How do you know that my name is Uncle Fedor?
Cat: I know everyone in our house. I live up in the attic and see everything.
I am Matroskin the Cat. It is my last name.
But now my attic is being repaired and I don't have the place to live in.
Uncle Fedor, did you have only one wrong sandwich?
Fedor: Oh, I have more at home. Do you want to live with me?
Cat: Your mum will turn me out of the house...
Fedor: no, no! She won't! Maybe, maybe my dad will stick up for you.
Mum: I smell a cat spirit here. I bet Uncle Fedor dragged in a cat again.
Dad: So what then? One cat won't do us any harm.
Mum: Maybe not to you but it will to me!!!Just think what is the use of this cat?
Dad: and what is the use of that picture on the wall????
Mum: this picture on the wall is of great use! it is covering the hole in the wall paper!
Dad: we can make the cat useful too! He can catch mice!
Mum: but we don't have mice!
Dad: then we will get some!
Mum: listen!!! If this cat is so important to you, then choose - either him or me!
Dad: ok! I choose you! I have known you for a long time already but I see this cat for the first time!!!
Team 1
1. _____ point(s)
2. _____ point(s)
3. _____ point(s)
4. _____ point(s)
5. _____ point(s)
6. _____ point(s)
Total score: ____
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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