урок английского языка по теме "Australia"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Родина Наталья Владимировна

урок английского языка по теме "Australia"


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Урок английского языка по теме «Австралия»


Познавательные: знакомство с особенностями географического положения Австралии, развитие умения извлекать информацию о культуре англоязычных стран из текста;

Развивающие: развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению, к выявлению причинно-следственных связей в тексте, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного;

Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного аспекта к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран;

Учебные: формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения и аудирования


Ознакомить студентов с основными достопримечательностями, историей и социальным аспектом жизни Австралии.

Планируемые результаты:

  1. Научиться узнавать в письменном виде и звучащем тексте изученные лексические единицы
  2. Учиться читать и находить в несложных текстах, содержащих отдельные неизученные языковые явления, запрашиваемую информацию

УУД, формируемые на уроке:

Регулятивные: развивать мотивы познавательной деятельности, умение самостоятельно определять цель деятельности на основе определённой проблемы, формирование навыков оценивания правильности решения учебной задачи.  

Познавательные: развивать механизмы чтения про себя (умение извлекать информацию из текста с дифференциацией главного и второстепенного, осуществлять поиск аналогий)

Коммуникативные: развитие умений продуктивно взаимодействовать со сверстниками, работать в группе

Личностные: формирование устойчивого учебно-познавательного интереса к предмету, мотивационной основы учебной деятельности

Оснащение урока:  компьютер, , проектор, карточки с заданиями

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning! I am glad to see you.  Today we are going to speak about one of the English-speaking countries, about its geographical position, its history and culture. So let’s begin to speak English.

Речевая зарядка:

There are some proverbs on the blackboard. Your task is to put the words of the proverbs in a right word order: (3 мин)

Place there no like is.

Best East home is or West

House castle my is

  1. Прослушивание текста из учебника Кузовлева  (слова на доске) (3 мин)

Now let’s listen to the text and guess which country is described

Right you are. We’ll speak about Australia. There are some words on the blackboard. Lets repeat them.

Студенты слушают текст об Австралии.

Every country has its own national symbols, such as the National emblem or coat of arms, the flag and the anthem. Now we’ll listen to the anthem of Australia

Anthem [           ]

Гимн Австралии. (2мин)

  1. Фильм об Австралии.

Now let’s watch a small film about Australia.

  1. Чтение и перевод текста об Австралии.

Now let’s read and translate the text about Australia and then answer my questions. But at first we’ll work at the vocabulary

Отработка слов в индивидуальном и групповом режимах: (7 мин)


commonwealth –содружество

settler - поселенец

convict - осужденный

industrial towns – промышленные города

population - население

inhabitant - житель

huge - огромный

land – земля

desert - пустыня

harbor - гавань

federal state – федеральное государство

head of Government – глава правительства

head of State – глава государства

mining – горная промышленность

agriculture – сельское хозяйство

source of income – источник дохода

unique – уникальный

platypus - утконос

natural features – природные явления

 There are many names for Australia-Oz, Down Under, and the official name, the Commonwealth of Australia - but the name that the Australians like is «the Lucky Country». It probably didn’t seem very lucky to the first European settlers. They were

convicts who had been transported from Britain. However, after gold was discovered in the 1850s, thousands of free settlers left the cold, dark industrial towns of Britain to find their place in the sun. Australia has a population of about sixteen and a half million people. In a country of over seven and a half million square kilometers – the sixth largest in the world – this is a very small population. At least three cities in the world have larger populations than the whole of Australia. Over half the population lives in the south-east corner of the country between the two state capitals of Sydney and Melbourne. Over eighty per cent of Australia's inhabitants are of British origin and this can be seen in many aspects of Australian life. English is the national language, cricket is the national game, and they drive on the left. In recent years, however, most immigrants have come from other European countries such as Italy, Greece and Poland or from Asian countries. Only about one per cent of the inhabitants are Aborigines.

Australia is a huge country and has a wide range of climates from the tropical rain forest of the Northern Territory and northern Queensland to the mild temperate climate of Victoria and Tasmania in the south east. About two-thirds of the land is desert or semi-desert.

Although Sydney, with its beautiful harbour, bridge and opera house, is the largest city it isn't the capital. Australia is a federal state and, like the United States of America, it has a separate capital city - Canberra - which isn't in any of the states themselves. The Commonwealth of Australia consists of six states (Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania) and two territories (the Northern Territory and the Canberra Capital Territory). The Head of Government is the Prime Minister but the Head of State is still the British monarch.

Mining, industry and agriculture are Australia's most important sources of income. More recently, tourism has become important, too. Tourists come to enjoy Australia's warm climate, to see the unique animals, such as the kangaroo, the koala and the platypus, and to see beautiful natural features like the Great Barrier Reef and the mysterious Ayers Rock.

QUIZ (5 мин)

Answer the questions:

  1. Why do people call this unusual continent an "upside-world"?
  2. What is Australia's climate?
  3. Name the animals unique to Australia?
  4. What does the koala eat?
  5. What is the state language of Commonwealth of Australia?
  6. What animals can you see on the National Emblem of Australia?

Exercise 1. Copy and complete this table: (7 мин)

  1. Official name ___________
  2. Area __________________
  3. Population _____________
  4. Language _______________
  5. Currency _______________
  6. Largest city _____________
  1. Capital city ________________
  2. Political structure____________
  3. Head of Government__________
  4. Head of State ________________
  5. Main sources of income _________

Exercise 2. Find these numbers in the text. What do they mean? (5 мин)

1/2 7.5 million 80% 2/3

Exercise 3. Copy and complete these sentences: (3 мин)

  1. Over … Australia's inhabitants are of British origin.
  2. About … the land is desert or semi desert.
  3. Over … the population lives in the south-east corner.

Exercise 4. Look at the text and the picture again. What information do they give about these things? Write one or two sentences about each one:

  1. Canberra
  1. Animals
  2. Sydney

2. Работа с карточками (15 мин)

There are some interesting facts about Australia.  Your task is to find suitable pictures for the descriptions

Студенты читают факты об Австралии и сопоставляют их с картинками

1. Capitain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770. Не was sent to discover a huge land that mаny  people believed was south of the equator. Не landed south of present day Sydney in New South Wales. Не claimed this part of the land the Kingdom of England.

claimed this part – провозгласил эту часть

2. At this time England was having many social problems. Crime was one of the greatest problems. England's solution to crowded prisons was to send prisoners to the far colonies. They could work off their prison sentences as labourers and eventually еаrn their freedom. Therefore, in 1788 eleven ships with convicts landed in Australia. In 1851 gold was discovered about 300 km west of Sydney. People rushed to the goldfields to find their fortunes. This attracted rоbbеrs called bushrangers.

work off their prison sentences – отработать свои приговоры

labourers – каторжники

convicts –осужденные

eventually – в конце концов

goldfield -        золотой прииск

fortunes – удача

bushrangers – разбойники

3. In 1901 Australia becаmе а nation within the British Empire under Queen Victoria’s rule. It was called the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia had а very limited constitution. Great Britain continued to make decisions regarding all of Australia's foreign affairs. In 1931 Australia gained independence from Great Britain.

within the British Empire -  в составе Британской империи

decisions regarding all of Australia's foreign affairs – решения, касающиеся Австралийских          международных отношений

the Commonwealth of Australia - Австралийский Союз

4. Australia's coat of arms - the official emblem of the Australian government – was granted bу King Georg V in 1912. The supporters аrе native Australian fauna - а kangaroo and еmu. А yellow-flowered native plant, wattle, also appears in the design.

Australia's coat of arms - Австралийский герб

supporters - изображение животного на герб

yellow-flowered native plant, wattle – растение с желтыми цветами, Австралийская мимоза

5.Australia Day a public holiday on 26 January and is Australia's national day. It marks the arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales on that date in 1788, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain by Captain Arthur Phillip. If 26 January falls on a weekend, then a public holiday will be observed on the following Monday.

Fleet – флотилия

falls on – выпадает на

will be observed – будет праздноваться

6.The flag of Australia is the only one оvеr а whole continent. The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, the large seven-pointed star represents the six States and the Territories, and the small stars fоrm the Southern Cross is а prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky.

prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky – выдающаяся черта ночного неба в Южном полушарии

Southern Cross – Южный крест

Represents – представляет


- Thank you for your work today. You were really excellent students today. Let's remember what was the aim of our lesson?

- Did we take it?

- Raise your hands who can tell the general facts about Australia and ready for travelling there?

-Who was the best student today?

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