Тест 10 кл "Sport"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 10 th form “Sport”
I Вариант
I. Choose “a, b, c”
1. I – (to train) since early morning and I am very tired.
a) train; b) am training; c) have been training;
2. Pete is a champion. He – (to win) a golden medal recently.
a) has won; b) won; c) is winning ;
3. Let’s support John! He – (to swim) now.
a) is swimming; has been swimming; c) swim;
4. Helen is already in the pool. She always – (to train) in the morning.
a) is training; b) has trained; c) trains;
5. Mark – (to do) rowing since childhood.
a) does; b) has been doing; c) is doing;
6. We – (to run) in this park every morning as we have 2 trainings a day.
a) are running; b) run; c) have been running;
7. I always – (to dream) to win a golden medal in such competitions.
a) dream; b) have dreamt; c) have been dreaming;
8. These competitions – (to hold) since 2000.
a) have held; b) have
been held; c) are held;
9. His first golden medal – (to win) by him last year.
a) is won; b) was won; c) have been won;
10. I – (to do) gymnastics since 5 years.
a) am doing; b) do; c) have been doing;
II. Make colocations:
1. cruise a. tickets
2. beach b. tour
3. guided c. landmarks
4. famous d. dishes
5. local e. holidays
6. first – class f. ship
III. Put the verbs into the correct form:
1. If I … (have) a headache, I would take in a medicine.
2. You … (not fail) the competitions if you train hard.
3. If I were you, I …. (not eat) so much ice cream.
4. You wouldn’t have lost your competitions if you … (attend) all the
5. If the weather is fine, we … (go) to the forest.
6. This dish … (taste) better if you had added cinnamon.
7. If I … (have) an opportunity, I would join you.
I I Вариант
I. Choose “a, b, c”
1. I – (to train) since early morning and I am very tired.
a) train; b) am training; c) have been training;
2. Pete is a champion. He – (to win) a golden medal recently.
a) has won; b) won; c) is winning ;
3. Let’s support John! He – (to swim) now.
a) is swimming; has been swimming; c) swim;
4. Helen is already in the pool. She always – (to train) in the morning.
a) is training; b) has trained; c) trains;
5. Mark – (to do) rowing since childhood.
a) does; b) has been doing; c) is doing;
6. We – (to run) in this park every morning as we have 2 trainings a day.
a) are running; b) run; c) have been running;
7. I always – (to dream) to win a golden medal in such competitions.
a) dream; b) have dreamt; c) have been dreaming;
8. These competitions – (to hold) since 2000.
a) have held; b) have been held; c) are held;
9. His first golden medal – (to win) by him last year.
a) is won; b) was won; c) have been won;
10. I – (to do) gymnastics since 5 years.
a) am doing; b) do; c) have been doing;
II. Make colocations:
1. cruise a. tickets
2. beach b. tour
3. guided c. landmarks
4. famous d. dishes
5. local e. holidays
6. first – class f. ship
III. Put the verbs into the correct form:
1. If I … (have) a headache, I would take in a medicine.
2. You … (not fail) the competitions if you train hard.
3. If I were you, I …. (not eat) so much ice cream.
4. You wouldn’t have lost your competitions if you … (attend) all the
5. If the weather is fine, we … (go) to the forest.
6. This dish … (taste) better if you had added cinnamon.
7. If I … (have) an opportunity, I would join you.
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