CLIL lesson
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)
CLIL lessons are a great type of lessons to integrate into your English language syllabus.In this article I will share :
-lesson stages
-ideas for activities
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A CLIL lesson
Good morning! Glad to see you!
Ask students to finish the sentence: «Last lesson I learned…» (students have to write down at least 3 things- a word, a phrase or a sentence). Pinpoint random students and ask them.
Do you like puzzles? Try to solve this rebus and you’ll know the theme of our lesson.
And what about these schoolchildren? Look at them and say what they are eating now?
Give each students a «List of achievements», where everyone will point out their task performance.
List of My Achievements.
Today we are going to do some tasks in 3 zones: Studio Zone, Café Zone and Speaking Zone.
We’ll begin with Studio Zone .
Listen and repeat the rhyme. (twice)
We Are Hungry
I'd like some chicken and rice,
I think it's very nice.
He'd like some bread and cheese,
Can he have it, please?
She'd like some tea and cakes,
She likes the cakes mum makes.
We'd like some veg and fish.
The fish from that big dish.
They'd like some porridge and jam,
They live on them.
Our next zone is Café Zone.
Acquaint students with the café menu.
Each student is given the task to come up with his own menu. Pinpoint random students and ask them.
We’ve come to Speaking Zone.
Play one of the dialogues in pairs. Is organized a pair work.
The teacher divides students into pairs and distributes cards, for example: carrot - apple, cucumber - kiwi, potato - banana, pepper - orange, tomato - pineapple, cabbage -lemon, radish - apricot.
Students create dialogues using these words combination.
4. Reflecting.
Ask students to summarize the lesson (they have to name the top five most important words of the lesson).
Is organized the self-assessment of students with the help of achievement lists.
The homework is: ex. 8, p. 32
The lesson is over, thank you. Good-bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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