План-конспект открытого урока в 10 классе; New Millennium English 10, Unit 5 "Family Issues", lessons 1-2: "What makes a family?", lesson 2 "Family Values"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Кириллина Зиляра Викторовна

План-конспект открытого урока в 10  классе по требованиям деятельностного подхода: целеполагание, работа в парах, четкие указания перед каждым заданием, саморефлексия и самооценка в конце урока.


Предварительный просмотр:

План-конспект открытого урока в 10 б классе

Учитель: Кириллина Зиляра Викторовна, МОБУ СОШ№7, Якутск

Учебник: New Millennium English 10

Раздел5: Family Issues

Уроки 1-2: What makes a family?

Тема: Развитие коммуникативных навыков путем активизации лексики на тему "Семейные ценности"

Тип урока: введение новой лексики

Цели: создание условий для активизации лексики на тему "Семейные ценности" через организацию работы в парах.

Способствовать развитию умения продуктивного взаимодействия с одноклассниками и учителем.

Ход урока:

1. Орг момент.

Учитель приветствует детей.

Good morning! Nice to see you again.

2. Актуализация знаний. Речевая зарядка

3. Этап разрыва между знанием и незнанием. Целеполагание

Вспоминаем названия членов семьи. Учитель на доске рисует mind map. Дети дают свои варианты ответов.

Учитель предлагает детям назвать семейные ценности.

Дети выводят цель урока.

What associations do you have when you hear the word FAMILY?

What unites the family? What makes the family?

What do they feel to each other?

We are going to talk about family values/

4. Этап введения новой лексики.1

Предлагается слайд с новыми словами и с переводом. Читаем и записываем.

So these are the values which unite and make a family. Let’s read the new words

5. Этап введения новой лексики.2

Проводим словарную работу, называя части речи, к которым относятся слова с поиском синонимичных слов.

Рисуем mind map  на доске. Каждой паре свое новое слово

Is it an adjective, noun or verb?

Think of the synonyms to the new words.

6. Этап первичного закрепления знаний. Работа в паре.

1. Назови какую семейную ценность описывают эти утверждения. (2 упр) По учебнику. Целый класс

2. Продолжи предложение (внизу). Выбери лучший вариант. В парах продолжают данные  предложения, используя новую лексику. Договариваются между собой и выбирают наилучший вариант.

Read the statements below. What family values or their absence do they describe?

In pairs continue these sentences. Then in pairs compare your sentences and choose the best one to present in class.

7. этап первичной активизации лексики. Работа в паре.

Согласись или не согласись с данными утверждениями.

Объясни почему. Работа проводится в парах, только в этом случае ребята должны сообща привести не менее трёх аргументов в пользу выбранного утверждения.

In pairs choose only one statement which suits you best. Explain your choice giving three arguments.

8. Этап рефлексии и подведения итогов.

Учащиеся заполняют бланки с критериями, где выводят себе оценку за урок. Учитель ставит их в журнал, комментируя.

Take self evaluation cards and tick each criterion you are able to do now.

9. Этап дачи дз.

Письменное задание с элементом рассуждения.

Ex 5, p.74 Agree or disagree with the statements. Give arguments to each statement.


  1. In an extended family one can always find comfort because there’s always someone who …
  2. I share my worries and problems with my family because  there’s always someone who …
  3. We are so lucky to have a caring family because there’s always someone who …
  4. In our family we always try to show each other our respect because we …
  5. I trust my family because I …
  6. I’m sure that I can find security in my family because there’s always someone who …
  7. In an extended family it’s difficult to find privacy because …

Self evaluation card



I can name the family values


I can find the synonyms to family values words


I can describe (описать) the family values


I can express my opinion about statements


I can discuss and come to an agreement with my partner


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What makes a family ?

Слайд 2

Family values Caring Забота, внимательность Sharing Разделение, рапределение Mutual respect Взаимоуважение Security Безопасность, благополучие Comfort Поддержка, успокоение Privacy [‘ privəsi ], [ praiv əsi ] Частная сфера Trust доверие

Слайд 3

What family value is this? feeling that someone is important, so that you are interested in them, worried about them, etc . caring 2. having the same opinion, experience, feeling etc. as someone else sharing

Слайд 4

What family value is this? 3. an attitude of regarding someone as important so that you are careful not to harm them, treat them rudely, etc. Respect 4. state of being protected from the bad things that could happen to you security

Слайд 5

What family value is this? 5. feeling of being more calm, cheerful, or hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy comfort 6. the state of being free from public attention privacy 7. a strong belief in the honesty, goodness etc. of someone or something trust

Слайд 6

Read the statements below. What family values or the" absence (see ex, 4A) do they describe? More than one choice is possible . a) A family has things together... like dreams and hopes and possessions and memories and smiles... b) It is a shelter from the storm... a friendly port when the waves of life become too wild. c) With so many people in one house you don't have a chance to be alone, unseen, or unheard. d) Whatever I say my family will take my word against anybody else's... e) A family is a place where love and faith dwell ... I a place where all members can enjoy the dignity ( достоинство ) of their own personalities. f) We talk about what's happening, who's doing what, it's lovely to have the family round you and to know they are Interested in you.

Слайд 7

Continue the sentences in pairs Continue the sentences with your own idea Discuss the ideas with your partner Choose the best idea from the two and read it aloud. Example: When it’s tough I find comfort in my family because there’s always someone who … will listen to me and give some advice.

Слайд 8

Sentences In an extended family one can always find comfort because there’s always someone who … I share my worries and problems with my family because there’s always someone who … We are so lucky to have a caring family because there’s always someone who … In our family we always try to show each other our respect because we … I trust my family because I … I’m sure that I can find security in my family because there’s always someone who … In an extended family it’s difficult to find privacy because …

Слайд 9

Statements: 1 We only need a family for comfort and protection . 2 Sharing feelings comes after sharing a meal . 3 Privacy is impossible in an extended family . 4 Too much caring is annoying. 5 Mutual respect can substitute for love in a family. 6 Trust IS more important for a happy family than any other feature.

Слайд 10

№ 5 p.74 Try to reach an agreement on the statements below. In pairs decide which of the following statements you agree or disagree with, Negotiate in pairs and come to an agreement Explain your point Be ready to report the results of your discussion to the class

Слайд 11

Tips for r eporting results We’ve chosen a statement number … …. W e agree/disagree with it because, in our opinion, … Also, … Besides, …

Слайд 12

Self evaluation card 1 I can name the family values 2 I can find the synonyms to the words expressing family values 3 I can describe ( описать ) the family values 4 I can express my opinion about the statements 5 I can discuss and come to an agreement with my partner Mark

Слайд 13

Tips for evaluation: Read all the points Put plus (+) if you are able to do them easily Put minus (-) if you think it’s still difficult for you to do it Say your opinion in reflection: It was easy to … It was difficult to … Now I know … Now I can …

Слайд 14

Homework №6 p.74 Write a paragraph on one of the topics (1-6) from ex. 5

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