тест 8 класс Theme You are what you eat
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

тест 8 кл Theme You are what you eat


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TEST 2, Grade 8

2nd term 2019-2020

Theme: ‘You are what you eat’


Vocabulary: nutrition facts, food, cooking, health and fitness

Grammar: countable/uncountable nouns, much/many, should, would

Four aspects are tested:

I. Comprehending written text (Objective A.)

II. Comprehending spoken text (Objective B.)

III. Communicating (Objective C.)

IV. Using Language (Objective D.)

Objective A. Comprehending written text

Student’s Book p.116, 117, ex.3 Reading

Suggest synonyms for the highlighted words:

  1. elevate
  2. alert
  3. energy boost
  4. flexible
  5. reflexes
  6. absorb
  7. nod off
  8. hectic
  9. vital
  10. take the edge off



0-2 correct answers


3-5 correct answers, the student can provide synonyms for 3-5 highlighted words and make 2-4 sentences about how similar his daily eating habits are to what the article says.


6 correct answers, the student can provide synonyms for 6-8 highlighted words and make 5-7 sentences about how similar his daily eating habits are to what the article says.


6 correct answers, the student can provide synonyms for 9-10 highlighted words and make 8-10 sentences about how similar his daily eating habits are to what the article says.

Objective B.

II. Comprehending spoken text

Listening p.124 ex. 31

Three friends are talking about eating out and having dinner at home. Listen and decide who said what.



0-2 correct answers


3-4 correct answers


5-6 correct answers


7 correct answers, the student is able to explain why junk food is so popular giving supportive arguments


Objective C. Communicating + Objective D. Using Language

Writing - For and against: Eating out versus cooking at home

120-180 words



  • presents limited ideas which may be largely irrelevant/repetitive
  • may use a very limited range of cohesive devices, and those used may not indicate a logical relationship between ideas
  • the student hardly uses any new expresses


  • generally addresses the task; the format may be inappropriate in places
  • uses a limited range of vocabulary, but this is minimally adequate for the task
  • the student uses 4-6 new expressions


  • sequences information and ideas logically
  • uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately
  • covers all requirements of the task sufficiently.
  • the student uses 7-9 new expressions


  • fully satisfies all the requirements of the task
  • clearly presents a fully developed response
  • uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features (the student uses 10-12 new expressions)

Optional task

Describe the pictures, compare and contrast. (p.116)


  1. Who seems to be a sensible eater? Give reasons.
  2. Who prefers home cooked meals to junk food or snacks?
  3. Who is more likely to skip breakfast?

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