Разработка урока на тему: “Holidays” (Отдых) 10 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Пашкова Марина Борисовна

Good morning, students! Nice to meet you. How are you today? I hope everybody is OK. So, let’s start our work.

T: Open your books at p. 81. Look at the title of  Module 5 .

What topic are we going to learn in Module 5?


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе по УМК  “Spotlight 10”

С использованием технологии критического мышления

Учитель Пашкова Марина Борисовна

ГБОУ школа № 601 Приморского района Санкт-Петербурга

Тема : “Holidays” (Отдых)

Тема урока “Travelling”

Цель: Развитие навыков/ умений чтения


1. Образовательная: научиться читать тексты с извлечением детальной информации

2. Воспитательная: воспитание интереса к учению и познанию мира через путешествие

3. Развивающая: развитие критического мышления

Тип урока: комбинированный

Технологии: критическое мышление, системно- деятельностное обучение, коммуникативно-ориентированное обучение, использование ИКТ

Планируемые результаты

I Предметные результаты

1. Чтение дневника путешественника (упр.: Zig-zug,  T/F , comprehension questions) научиться читать тексты с извлечением основной, требуемой и полной  информации;

2.Освоить новые  лексические единицы по теме « Путешествие»

3. Научиться говорить по теме «Путешествие»

4. Научиться писать открытку

II Метапредметные результаты (УУД)

1. Коммуникативные: развитие коммуникативных способностей, умения выбирать адекватные языковые и речевые средства для успешного решения коммуникативной задачи, расширение лингвистического кругозора;

2. Регулятивные : принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, находить средства её осуществления, планировать , контролировать и оценивать учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её реализации; освоение способов решения проблем творческого и поискового характера.

3. Познавательные: осуществлять логические действия сравнения и анализа; осознанно строить речевые высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации; осуществлять логические действия сравнения и установления аналогий; осознанно строить речеввые высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации.

II Личностные УУД

Формирование уважительного отношения к культуре других народов;

Языковой материал: лексика по теме “ Travelling”

Оснащение урока :                                                                                                                                    1. Учебник “Spotlight 10”

2.  картинки по теме  “Travelling”

3. компьютерная  презентация по теме “ Travelling”

Ход урока

1. Приветствие

Good morning, students! Nice to meet you. How are you today? I hope everybody is OK. So, let’s start our work.

T: Open your books at p. 81. Look at the title of  Module 5 .

What topic are we going to learn in Module 5?

P1- Holidays (отдых)

Song SB p. SS3 “Chill out”

T: What is the role of holidays?

P2: Holidays are necessary for people. They help to break the usual tedious routine of life and it’s nice to take time off school /work and rest doing whatever you like.

T: Explain the sayings. Are they similar ones in your language? Choose one from below and give an example from your personal experience to illustrate its meaning.

1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

2. He lives long who lives well.

3. Live for today for tomorrow never comes.  

T: What  ways of spending holidays do you know? What kinds of things do people like doing on holiday?

T: What is the most popular way of spending holidays?

P3: Travelling (going to different places)

Picture on the screen

2. Тему урока формулируют ученики. (Travelling)

T: You are right. Today we will learn about travelling.


I Evocation(вызов)

1. Brain Storm

T: What does “travelling” compose?

(Pupils work in pairs to work out the idea; then the teacher writes their ideas in the cluster “Travelling” with possible key-words:


Aspect of travelling

Thick and thin questions


1.  reason for travelling

Why do most people enjoy travelling?

2. place of destination/ location

What places of destination are popular with people?

3. means of transport

What means of transport do people use by travelling and why?

4. length of the journey

How long can the travel be?

5. weather/season

What is the weather like in there?

6. activities

What activities do people prefer doing while travelling?

7. type of holiday

What kinds/types  of holidays do you know?

8. accommodation/ facilities

What accommodation can people choose?

What place/where  can they stay in? What  facilities are available?

9. preparation

What preparations can be done before the holiday?

10. problems

What holiday problems can happen?

2. Thick and thin questions

T: Answer my questions about travelling

1. Why do most people enjoy travelling?

2. What places of destination are popular with people?

3. What means of transport do people use by travelling and why?

4. How long can the travel be?

5. What is the weather like in there?

6. What activities do people prefer doing while travelling?

7. What kinds/types  of holidays do you know?

8. What accommodation can people choose?

What place/where  can they stay in? What  facilities are available?

9. What preparations can be done before the holiday?

10. What holiday problems can happen?

T: Right.  Open your books at p. 82.

T: Look at the title.

P1: Beautiful Nepal!

T: Where is Nepal situated?

P3: In Asia.  

T: Look at the pictures. What can you see?

P 2: snow-capped mountains

T: How are the mountains called?

P3: The Himalayas

T: So, What can tourists do in the mountains?

P4: Tourists climb the mountains.

T: What can you say about this girl?

P5: I can see a local native person (an Asian girl)

T:  What can you see in the third picture?

P6: I can see temples and monks.

T: So, Are the pictures related to the title and subtitles of the text?

P7: Yes.

T: What is the text about?

P8: About Nepal.

T: What can tourists see and do in Nepal?

P11: Tourists can climb the mountains, meet local people , visit magnificent temples and see beautiful scenery.

T: Look at the text. What is the genre of the text?

P12: It’s a travel diary.

II Realization of Meaning  (осознание)

T: Now you will read about the travel in Nepal.

Work in groups. Complete the table.

1. “Zig-zug”

T: Share your knowledge with the pupils of the other group (pupils rotate and tell each other the information they are responsible for)

Place of destination


The Himalayas


The length

Means of transport


The weather

Local people



Impressions/ feelings/ emotions

2. True/False statements

1. The weather wasn’t very good when the travelers arrived in Kathmandu.

2. Kathmandu was clean and quite.

3. The view from Himalayas was great.

4. The two young boys asked the travelers for money.

5. Bhaktapur is a modern town.

6. Bisket Jatra takes place once a week.

7. Bisket Jatra lasts a week.

8. Jake and the author went back home by plane.

9. The author missed home.

10. The author didn’t sleep at all during the holiday.

Работа с лексикой

4. Ex. 4 A

T: Find the adjectives the author uses to describe the following.

Use your dictionary to suggest antonyms.



1. view



2. scenery



3. sunrise



4. boys



5. villagers

Poor, happy

Rich, unhappy

6. contest



7. parade



8. Bhaktapur temples


modest/ plain

9. pottery



10. campsites and hotels



11. experiences



Did the author like Nepal? Prove. (He uses such adjectives as : breathtaking, spectacular, amazing, magnificent, cheap, beautiful)

T: Add other adjectives to these categories.

III Reflection


Talking about a holiday

1. What country did the author visit?  The author visited four countries in Asia including Nepal.

2. What type of holiday was it? It was backpacking holiday

3. Who was the author with? She was with Jake.

4. What was the weather like? The weather was very foggy in Kathmandu. In the Himalayas, it was hot in the bright mountain sun but quite cold in the shade. It got very cold at night.

5. What means of transport did the travellers  use while in Nepal?  In Nepal, they travelled on local buses, in a small plane, on foot and in a taxi.

6. Where did they stay? What accommodation did they choose? What places  did they stay? They stayed in cheap campsites and hotels.

7. Which places did the author visit? What activities did they do? What did they do and see?

1. They visited the Monkey Temple near Kathmandu,

2. They went on a trekking excursion to the Himalayas, where they camped near a village called Phakding and

3. They visited Bhaktapur, where they saw the events of the annual Bisket Jatra festival and took a guided tour of the magnificent temples.

4.  Finally she bought some souvenirs.

8. Did they try local dishes/food? They tried some local food.

9. Did they  like the holiday/ journey? She enjoyed her journey but found it uncomfortable and tiring at times.

Suggested Answer Key

The author visited four countries in Asia including Nepal. In Nepal she went to Kathmandu where she visited the Monkey Temple. She also went on a trekking excursion in the Himalayas. Then she went to Bhaktapur and saw the events of the Bisket Jatra festival and went on a tour of the temples and finally she bought some souvenirs. She enjoyed her journey but found it uncomfortable and tiring at times.

T: There is a proverb about travelling: Travel broadens the mind.  What Russian proverbs correspond to it? (Путешествие расширяет кругозор.)

Prove that travel broadens the mind.

While travelling people

1. discover new places and new ways of life,

2. try foreign food,

3. listen to unusual musical rhythms,

4.  meet new people,

5. see interesting places in the world(other countries and continents),

6. get new experiences

7. learn about a different culture, customs and traditions and

8. understand their own culture more.

 What place would you like to go? Why?

H/W: ex 8 p. 83

Imagine you are the author of the travel diary on p. 82. Write a postcard home from Nepal (50-60 words). Write about:

1. Where are you?

2. What are you doing?

3. What can you see there?

4. Do you like it there?

5. What have you bought?

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