Разработка урока по теме "Спорт", 7 класс
план-конспект урока (7 класс) по теме
Разработка урока по теме "Спорт", 7 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок теме «Спорт» в 7 классе
Цель урока: Обогащение словарного запаса по теме «Спорт» и активизация их в речи. Развивать навыки чтения, письма и устной речи. Активизировать ранее изученные речевые структуры . Основные формы классной работы: групповая, в парах, индивидуальная. Во время данного урока все учащиеся заняты разнообразными формами заданий.
Теги: sport, sportsmen, sport events (спортивные события)
Theme: Sport
Goal: • Students will become familiar with language related to sports and they
will be able to describe sporting event, using appropriate language and structure.
Language learning objectives:
• To develop sports-related vocabulary in speech
• To encourage students to use the particular structure they have been studying in
oral discussion
•To improve speaking, listening skills
•To improve pair, group work skills
Type of the lesson: Lesson of learning new knowledge
Materials: poster, flashcards, picture from magazine, CD, paper, markers, chalk,
I. Organization moment. Task of the lesson
II. Warm-up:
a) Write the word sport on the board. Have st-s form groups of three and brainstorm lists of words associated with sports. Write nouns, adj., verbs, adverbs,
b) Categorize the words on the board
III. Focus on the nouns-specifically, names of sports. Work in groups of 4.
1group: What sports are played in the summer? What sports use water?
2group: What sports are played in the winter? What sports do you need to wear special clothes for?
3group: What sports do people play individually ?
4group: What sports do people play in teams? What sports use balls?
IV.Work in groups.
1group: What are the most popular sport in our country? Why?
2group: What are the least popular sport in our country? Why?
V. Writing .Complete the chart. Categorize the sports according to the verb that is used with each sport
Play | DO | GO |
football | gymnastics | skiing |
VI. Describe the picture. Work in groups
1group: Where does she live?
What else does she like to do besides this sport?
What kind of music does she like?
Where does she go to school?
What subjects does she like to study in school?
2group: Why does she like this sport?
When did she begin playing this sport?
How did she learn to play this sport?
How often does she practice?
3group: What will she do after playing sport?
How will she feel?
How often will she practice?
What sport will she do tomorrow?
VII. Listening
a) pre-listening questions on the board
- Where is she?
-What is the weather like?
-What sport does the girl like the most?
b) listen to the text
c) Work in pairs. Complete the chart
Where | |
When | |
What | |
Accommodation | |
Food | |
Transportation | |
Duration |
d) retell the text
VIII. Work in groups. Speak about the Asian Games
-Type of event
-Sports that are included
-Length of the event
-Theme of the event (season, region, type of sports played)
-Sportsmen (who they are, how many there are, where they are from, etc.)
Each group presents its sporting event and poster
IX. Overall results.
I hope you have learned a lot of interesting about sports. You have worked well today. Let’s remember what we have done at the lesson.
Your home task for the next lesson is to prepare a story about your favorite kind of sport.
Your marks for the lesson are …
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