разработка урока по теме "Holidays"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку

Татьяна Александровна Кожухарь

Разработка урока


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Предварительный просмотр:

Разработка урока по теме «American holidays» Задачи:

  1. Практиковать в устной речи, аудировании, чтении по теме: American holidays.
  2. практиковать в употреблении времен группы Past.

I.   Начало урока

Организационный момент, приветствие.

П. Речевая зарядка.

(На доске картинки с символами праздников, перечень наиболее популярных праздников).

Т: Look at the blackboard. You can see the symbols of the most popular holidays. Look at them, read the names and tell what they are symbols of.

  1. Halloween
  2. Christmas Day
  3. Easter
  4. New Year Day
  5. St. Patrick’s Day
  6. Thanksgiving Day
  7. Independence Day
  8. St. Valentine's Day

Ученики читают названия праздников, подбирают картинки к ним.

III.        Аудирование.

Т: Listen to the text and be ready to say what holidays they are about.

Text 1. It is the happiest holiday of the year. I like the perfect atmosphere of this holiday. Grown-ups are busy doing hast shopping. They make or buy cards, presents, food, fir-trees, special cookies. Children put their letters into special stockings. But the best moment is when I find the stocking near my bed or under the Christmas fir-tree and look into it.

(Christmas Day)

Text 2. People have parties and dress as witches and ghosts. Children wear masks and colorful costumes. Everyone tries to look scary on this day.


Text 3. Last year on this day I found a Ion of cards in my school bag. I liked one of them very much. It was in form of a big heart. There was written on it: «I love you, darling». I knew that John had send it.

(Valentine's Day)

IV.        Активизация лексических единиц по теме.

Построение семантического ряда.

PI: Christmas Day        Р2: Valentine's Day        РЗ: Halloween        

celebrate        celebrate        believed  in

a religious holiday        roots        a nice holiday

come together        a letter        dress up

are decorated        sweat hearts        trick or treat

К доске вызываются учащиеся (трое), которые одновременно заполняют семантический ряд. Остальные в это время подбирают приветствия к праздникам, символы которых представлены на доске.

1 V.        Пресс-конференция.

Let's pretend that PI, P2, P3 have spend a year in America. They have lived in American families and they know a lot about the holidays in America. Let's make a round-table.

T—>P1: Tell us about Christmas.

T—>P2: Ask our pupils about Halloween.

T—>P3: Be ready to answer our questions about St. Valentine's Day.

Учащиеся рассказывают о праздниках, демонстрируя наглядный материал подготовленный ими (a pumpkin, a stocking, greeting cards, balls...)

VI.        Чтение.

T: There is a text about another famous American holiday. The name of the text is «Thanksgiving Day».

  1. Read the text and find the sentence which gives the main idea of the text.
  1. There is a very popular English proverb: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Is it good for this text? If "Yes" prove it with a sentence from the text.


In the USA Thanksgiving Day started as a holiday of thanksgiving four hundred years ago.

A group of European settlers sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to New World. They were looking for religious freedom. Their first winter was very hard and without fresh food half of the colony had died to the end of the winter.

Next spring the Native Americans showed them how to grow corn, how to hunt, how to fish.

Next autumn the pilgrims had a great harvest.

They decided to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with their Indian friends.

In the following years the colonists celebrated the autumn crops with a feast of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate.

VII.        Работа над грамматикой.
T^Pl, P2, P3...:

Look the text through. Choose the predicate. Define the V and grammar Tense.

VIII.        Употребление времен Past Simple.

T: Speak about the Russian New Year Day (about the history) using the predicates from the text.

PI: In Russia the New Year celebration on the first of January started tree hundred years ago. Before that time they had the celebration on the first of September.

Peter the First was a man who introduced the new tradition.

He sailed across a lot of seas, looking for new ideas. After his trips he decided to celebrate the New Year Day on the first of January.

So the old tradition had died and the Russians celebrated this day on the first of January.

IX.        Домашнее задание.

"55 topics" p. 71 "My favorite holiday"

X.        Подведение итогов.

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