Разработка урока по английскому языку для 11 класса «Teen Years- Do they bring luck?»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс)
Цели: систематизация знаний по теме.
Познавательный аспект – знакомство с высказываниями зарубежных сверстников проблемах молодежи;
Развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к логическому изложению, формированию выводов;
Воспитательный аспект – формирование критического отношения к действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям;
Учебный аспект – активизация лексики, совершенствование речевых навыков.
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Разработка урока по английскому языку для 11 класса
«Teen Years- Do they bring luck?»
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ№ 56»
Максимова А.В.
Цели: систематизация знаний по теме.
Познавательный аспект – знакомство с высказываниями зарубежных сверстников проблемах молодежи;
Развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к логическому изложению, формированию выводов;
Воспитательный аспект – формирование критического отношения к действительности, умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям;
Учебный аспект – активизация лексики, совершенствование речевых навыков.
картинки, отражающие проблемы молодежи;
индивидуальные карточки с заданиями для работы на уроке;
письма подростков со странички молодежного журнала (Problem Page Ask Daisy);
магнитофонные записи.
Ход урока
Организация начала урока.
Вступительное слово учителя.
Good morning, children! The topic for our today’s discussion is “ Teenage Years – Do they bring luck?”
I want you to be active at our lesson. Let’s start our lesson with such a question “What does it mean to be a teenager?”
Учащиеся по очереди высказывают свои мнения, начиная с фразы “Being a teenager is…”
And now you will hear three teenagers, answering the same question “What do you think about being a teenager?”
Listen to the cassette and choose from the list A – D a sentence that describes each speaker. Use letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not use.
Учащиеся слушают кассету со следующим текстом.
Speaker I. Everybody says that youth is probably the best time of life. I doubt whether it is true. It seems to me that it is the most difficult time. You have to make some very important decisions which will influence all your future life.
Speaker II. Being a teenager means dates, love, new discoveries, choosing career, thinking about many problems and ways to overcome them.
Speaker III. Being a teenager means taking a lot of exams. It is very difficult. Especially, if you fall in love and can not think about anything but your love.
Затем учащиеся выполняют задание по карточке “task №1”
Образец “Task №1”
I am quite indifferent to many problems, but choosing career.
It is time for important decisions.
Exams make my life difficult.
Despite love and dates I think about everything in the world.Speaker 1 2 3
And now let’s check up what you have done.
Be ready to expand the idea.
The teen’s life ambitions are very different.
The world is becoming a very scary place.
There are a lot of reasons which cause teenagers to run away from their homes and commit suicide.
Учащиеся, используя лексику предыдущих уроков, расширяют данные утверждения.
And now pay attention to the poem, written by the girl of your age.
You are to read this poem and comment it from your points of view.
На доске стихотворение.
Why is nothing ever easy?
Why are some boys so very sleazy (неряшливые)?
Why can’t I have that brand (фирменное) new dress?
Why am I under so much stress?
Why don’t my parents ever believe me?
Why can’t they ever see…
Why do I feel so often unhappy?
Why do they always wish I was still in a nappy (в пеленках)?
Why does my face feel like a block of lard (кусок сала)?
Why are all these years really hard?
There’s a reason for all these problems and tears.
I am going through my Teenage Years!
Let’s read the poem.
Which problems does the girl touch upon in her poem?
Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения о проблемах, поднятых в стихотворении.
As far as I know, some of you are fond of reading magazines for young people. It seems to me that in many magazines, you, especially, girls pay much attention to so-called problem page where you can find teen’s letters, complaints, advice and so on. And I want you to listen to the girl’s letter in Russian and render it in English.
Учитель зачитывает письмо.
“Дорогая страничка Advice Special! У меня проблемы с родителями. Они не понимают меня. Когда я хотела найти временную работу, чтобы не просить на карманные деньги у них, они запретили мне даже думать об этом. Они советуют мне сидеть дома и готовиться к экзаменам. Каждый день моя мама говорит, что я должна уделять больше внимания моей учебе. Если послушать ее, я должна сидеть за уроками 24 часа в день. Если я иду гулять, то комендантский час – для меня. Мне приказывают быть дома в 10 часов, меня всегда спрашивают, куда и с кем я иду.
Моим родителям не нравится музыка, которую я слушаю, дискотеки кажутся ужасными им. Они считают, что я провожу слишком много времени со своими друзьями или за компьютером. Я часто спорю с моей мамой из-за одежды, уборки квартиры и т.д. Мои родители пытаются решить все за меня, и они даже не спрашивают меня, согласна ли я с ними. Родители! Прекратите думать за меня. Я хочу, чтобы со мной обращались, как со взрослой!”
Учащиеся, прослушав текст на русском, стараются также от 1-го лица передать его на английском языке.
Another teenager suggests rules for parents. Listen to the text and complete the sentences instead of dots in your cards. (card “task №2”)
Parents! Try to understand your children. Be friendly when our friends come to visit us. Remember that we need our private places. Don’t clean our rooms – we can not find anything after your cleaning. Allow your children to keep animals at home. Let children choose their clothes and haircut by themselves. And explain me why I can not eat in front of the TV. I think this rule is silly.
And now read your rules. (учащиеся, прослушав текст, зачитывают правила, которые они получили, закончив предложения).
Образец “Task №2”
Complete the sentences (instead of dots)
Try …………. your kids
Be ………… when our friends come to visit us.
Remember that we need …………
Allow children to …………
Children can choose their ………… by themselves.
Not to eat in front of TV is a …………. rule.
Pay attention to the problem page, taken from the magazine for the young and independent.
Read these letters and match a heading to a letter and to an advice.
Образец “Problem Page Ask Daisy”
If you have a problem that want to get off your chest, write to Daisy at:
The Indy
40 City Road
London EC1Y 2DBNever been kissed Food for thought To dye, or not to dye?
I live on a farm, and I have started thinking about animal rights. Now I am a vegetarian. My problem is that my parents are furious. My Mum doesn’t cook anything different for me, so every night all I eat is vegetables and bread and cheese. I don’t think this is fair. Why can’t she cook me something tasty?
Michelle, 17 MY PARENTS went away on holiday recently, so I decided to dye my hair. I am blonde and I dyed my hair black. Now it looks awful and I don’t know what to do.
A couple of days ago my parents came home, and when my Mum saw my hair, she went completely mad. Now, as a punishment, she says I can’t dye it back. What should I do?
Lucy, 16 I’m 16 and I have never been out with a girl. I’ve never even kissed one. My friends have all had lots of girlfriends, but girls don’t seem to be interested in me. Now I tell everyone that I have a girlfriend in France, but I don’t think they believe me. What should I do?
Richard, 16
I think you should dye your hair back to it’s original colour. Tell your mother first this is what you’re going to do if you want to, but I’m sure she’ll be pleased to see her ?old? daughter again. People of your age, especially boys, often tell stories about their experiences. I’m sure some of your friends are telling stories too! You shouldn’t tell lies, because that will make you feel more worried, and people will learn the truth sooner or later.
Don’t worry about not having a girlfriend. Your time will come. I think you’re being a little selfish. You chose to stop eating meat, not your parents. Your mother is probably a very busy woman. I think you should cook for yourself. Baked potatoes are very easy!
(Контроль выполнения задания).
At the end of our lesson let’s make the conclusion if being a teenager is easy or difficult and why.
(Учащиеся высказывают свои точки зрения, аргументируя их).
Подведение итогов урока.
We have discussed all the problems of our theme. Thank you for the lesson!
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