Социальное обеспечение в России и Великобритании
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс)
Урок по теме "Где живет твоя бабушка" освещает проблемы социального обеспечения в России и Великобритании. Урок рассчитан для учащихся 11 класса по учебнику УМК Кузовлева.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Тема: Where Does Your Granny Live?
Учебник: Английский язык, 10-11 класс. Автор Кузовлев В.П., Перегудова Э.Ш. – М.: Просвещение, 2016.
Дата: 16.10.2007.
Класс: 11
-знакомство учащихся с особенностями взаимоотношений британских семей,
-развитие способностей к распределению и переключению информационного понимания услышанного и прочитанного,
-к сравнению и формулированию выводов,
-развитие способностей к подбору ситуативных выражений,
-использование союзов и предлогов при составлении сложно-подчиненных предложений.
Ход урока.
- Организационный момент.
Hell, students. We are continuing speaking about elderly people in Russia and Great Britain.
- Речевая зарядка.
Firstly, let’s remember words on this topic. We are working one by one. Режим работы – цепочка, учащиеся называют по одному слову из темы урока.
- Введение в тему.
Speaking about elderly people, there is a question: being the elderly is bad or good? Why? What do you think? Стр. 156. Режим работы – цепочка, учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по теме.
- Now remember linking words: prepositions and conjunctions. What are they? Учащиеся называют союзные слова и предлоги: while, whereas, because of, although, however, in spite of, despite.
Your task is: match the coloumns making sentences. You are working in pairs. Режим работы – в парах. Учащиеся выполняют задание 1 – подбор частей предложения.
Let’s check your task. One of your is beginning, other – continuing. Keys:1.4, 2.3, 3.2, 4.5, 5.1.
- Объявление темы.
Today’s topic is: Where Does Your Granny Live? P.160-161. ex.1.
Open your exercise-books, please, Write down the date and the topic. Make a table of two coloumns, please. It’s title is: Grandparents in Great Britain and in Russia.” There are four lines – points in it.
- Look at task 1.1. The question is… We are listening the dialogue. Слушание. Answer the question about Jane’s Granny.
- 7. The next task is the test. № 2. Choose the right item. (In pairs). Keys: 1.b, 2.a, 3.b, 4.a.
- Ex. 1, p.2. True\false.
Explain your choice, from please, find out information in the text. Read it the text
- Ex. 1, p.3. Read the opinions. Write down the information about British grandparents. Check it. On the blackboard. Один ученик у доски.
- Ex. 2, p.2.p. 162. Agree or disagree with opinions. Why? (In pairs).
- Write down information about Russian grandparents. Check it. On the blackboard. Один ученик у доски.
- Home task: Ex. 3 p. 163
Оформление доски. On the blackboard
Grandparents in Great Britain and in Russia
Great Britain | Russia |
Old people’s home | Live together with adult children. |
Pleasant | Live in countryside |
Trained nurses | adult children move out of them |
Parents don’t care of them | Don’t live independent life. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Match two coloumns and make sentences
1. Some elderly people prefer staying at home,
1. despite the fact that she has bad health and her friends live far from our place.
2. When Mr. Smith was seriously ill he suffered the fear of death
2. while some others live a lonely life.
3. Some elderly people live with their adult children
3.in spite of the fact that he was a strong-willed person.
4. Being a patient of a home for elderly people she did not ask for help from her adult children
4. whereas some others travel a lot.
5. My Granny visits her friends very often
5. although she didn't get good medical care there.
Match two coloumns and make sentences
1. Some elderly people prefer staying at home,
1. despite the fact that she has bad health and her friends live far from our place.
2. When Mr. Smith was seriously ill he suffered the fear of death
2. while some others live a lonely life.
3. Some elderly people live with their adult children
3.in spite of the fact that he was a strong-willed person.
4. Being a patient of a home for elderly people she did not ask for help from her adult children
4. whereas some others travel a lot.
5. My Granny visits her friends very often
5. although she didn't get good medical care there.
Match two coloumns and make sentences
1. Some elderly people prefer staying at home,
1. despite the fact that she has bad health and her friends live far from our place.
2. When Mr. Smith was seriously ill he suffered the fear of death
2. while some others live a lonely life.
3. Some elderly people live with their adult children
3.in spite of the fact that he was a strong-willed person.
4. Being a patient of a home for elderly people she did not ask for help from her adult children
4. whereas some others travel a lot.
5. My Granny visits her friends very often
5. although she didn't get good medical care there.
Test. Choose the correct statement.
1. a) Granny Molly lives in a home for elderly people because her husband died.
b) Granny Molly lives in a home for elderly people because she became helpless.
2. a) Though the Browns put Granny Molly into a home for elderly people they continue taking care of her.
b) Though the Browns put Granny Molly into a home for elderly people nobody takes care of her.
3. a) Granny Molly can do nothing in the home for elderly people.
b) Granny Molly can call a trained nurse if she has any difficulties.
4. a) Tanya thinks that families lose their warm relationship if they don't care of one another.
b) Jane doesn't think that families lose their warm relation ship if they don't care of one another.
Test. Choose the correct statement.
1. a) Granny Molly lives in a home for elderly people because her husband died.
b) Granny Molly lives in a home for elderly people because she became helpless.
2. a) Though the Browns put Granny Molly into a home for elderly people they continue taking care of her.
b) Though the Browns put Granny Molly into a home for elderly people nobody takes care of her.
3. a) Granny Molly can do nothing in the home for elderly people.
b) Granny Molly can call a trained nurse if she has any difficulties.
4. a) Tanya thinks that families lose their warm relationship if they don't care of one another.
b) Jane doesn't think that families lose their warm relation ship if they don't care of one another.
Test. Choose the correct statement.
1. a) Granny Molly lives in a home for elderly people because her husband died.
b) Granny Molly lives in a home for elderly people because she became helpless.
2. a) Though the Browns put Granny Molly into a home for elderly people they continue taking care of her.
b) Though the Browns put Granny Molly into a home for elderly people nobody takes care of her.
3. a) Granny Molly can do nothing in the home for elderly people.
b) Granny Molly can call a trained nurse if she has any difficulties.
4. a) Tanya thinks that families lose their warm relationship if they don't care of one another.
b) Jane doesn't think that families lose their warm relation ship if they don't care of one another.
Предварительный просмотр:
Word Power
- The elderly – пожилые люди
- Retirement - пенсия
- Pension - пенсия
- Pensioner - пенсионер
- The widowed - вдова
- Available - доступный
- – Allowance – денежное пособие
- Welfare – социальное обеспечение
- Benefit – польза, выгода
- Provide - обеспечивать
- Insurance - страхование
- Security - безопасность
- Be entitled to –иметь право на
- Claim - требовать
- Income - доход
Most people who retire from the labor force, government employment, or a military career receive regular income in order to maintain a standard of living. Payments normally arrive monthly, but they may also be made quarterly, semiannually, or annually. The periodic money payments are called pensions, and they usually last for the rest of an individual's life. In some cases the payments continue to a beneficiary after the death of a retiree.
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