Ролевые игры к учебнику «Звёздный английский» для 5 класса.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Нарышкина Валентина Викторовна

Ролевые игры разработаны на основе тематических текстов из школьного учебника "Звёздный английский" для 5 класса. 


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Ролевые игры к учебнику английского языка «Звёздный английский» для 5 класса.

Ролевые игры разработаны на основе тематических текстов из школьного учебника по английскому языку. Для учащихся 5-х классов ролевые игры могут представлять трудность, поэтому при составлении ролевых игр был выбран формат контролируемой языковой игры, то есть кроме описания роли в ролевой игре представлены выражения, которые могут быть использованы участником ролевой игры.

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 1 (Module 1f).

Role 1. It’s a radio show ‘Famous people’ and you invited famous athletes to the studio. Tell your name and say how glad you are to see some famous athletes at the studio today. Ask them about age, birthdays, height, the number of gold medals or any other interesting facts. Say thank you at the end. Do not forget to react naturally to the answers.

Useful Language: Tell me a little about yourself…. How old are you…How tall are you….How many Olympic gold medals have you won…Thanks for coming…Oh…Really…I see….mmm…OK….Right…

Role 2. You are a famous person. You are invited to a radio show. Answer the interviewer’s questions and tell about your name, profession, age, birthdays, height, the number of gold medals and any other interesting facts. Do not forget to sound natural.

Useful language: Well…You know…Actually…I’m…..I have won…My birthday is on the….I can say that…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 1 (Module 1e).

Role 1. You go into the Ascot Hotel where your friend Bob Evans is staying. Ask the receptionist which room he has, and if he is in his room. Describe Bob to the receptionist. Do not forget to say ‘Hello’ and “Thank you”.

Useful language: I’m looking for….Which room does he….Is he in…..What a nuisance…He is…..He has got…..Really…

Role 2. You are the receptionist at the Ascot Hotel. Mr Avans has Room 357. He is not in his room. Ask for a description of him. You saw him go to a restaurant a moment ago.

Useful language: How can I help you…Let me see….Just a second….Let me check…I’m afraid he is out…How does he look like….Oh, I saw him go to….

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 1 (Module 1i).

Role 1. You are a show presenter, Dean Martin. Greet the participants of the show. Say your name. Tell that the theme of the show is landmarks in the world. Start asking questions about different landmarks. Do not forget to react naturally to the answers.

Useful language: My name is…Hello everybody….Nice to see you at the show…The theme of the show is…Please, put up your hand when you are ready to answer…

Role 2. You are a participant of a quiz show. Answer the presenter’s questions as quickly as you can putting up your hand.

Useful language: Nice to see you, too…I think it might be in….I’m sure it’s in…I’m not sure but it may be…Probably it is in….

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 1 (Module 1).

Role 1. You are a student from England and you are visiting Saint-Petersburg. Your name is John and you are staying at a host family with a student of your age. You really like different active games. Greet your Russian friend and ask him about a Russian game. Ask what it is like, where to play, what equipment you need. Say that you would like to play it.

Useful language: Well… What are we going to do….I like…actually…Do you have any Russian…What is it like…Is it…Where can we play it…What is the equipment…I’d love to…

Role 2. You are a member of a host family. Your name is .. An English student is staying at your flat. He asks you questions about a Russian national game. Tell him about Gorodki. Tell about the name, the place, the equipment and the objective of the game.

Useful language: Ahh…What are you into…Really…Me too…Well, yes, there is one active Russian…It is very like bowling…Everywhere on a flat surface….You just need…Do you want to play it…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 2 (Module 2a).

Role 1. You are an estate agent. The Nautilus House is on sale now. The young couple want to look around the house. Show and tell about the number of floors (2), spiral staircases, rooms, plants in every room, a nice garden outside and a great view out of the window.

Useful language: Hello…My name is…The Nautilus…Sure…Look there are spiral…There are plants…Oh, there is a….And it has a great view…Of course…Great…

Role 2. You are a young couple. You want to buy a new house. Ask about the number of floors, rooms, a garden. Do not forget to say thank you. Say that you need to think. Say that you call tomorrow.

Useful language: Hello…I’m…I want to buy…Can I look around…How many floors does it have…How many rooms…I need a garden…I like this house but I…I’ll call you…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 2 (Module 2e).

Role 1: You are a tourist in Peru. You would like to see the Floating Islands of Lake Titicaca. You are talking with a travel agent. Ask him about these islands: location, material, people, their life, how to get there. Do not forget to say thank you. Be polite.

Useful language: I’m interested in…Where are they…Does anybody live there…Tell me about…What do they do…How can I…It was of great help…

Role 2: You are a travel agent in Peru. You are talking with a tourist about the Floating Islands. Answer his questions about these islands: location, material, people, their life, how to get there. Tell that you will help him to get there. Be polite.

Useful language: Sure…The houses are built from…Are now living…The islands are in different places…Without medicine…There’s one school…I advise you to use…No problem…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 2 (Module 2g).

Role 1. You are a stranger in town. You want to get to Palace Square. Stop someone and ask about the way. Ask if it is far from where you are. Answer the person’s questions (you are from England and plan to stay in SPb for two weeks). Remember to thank the person.

Useful language: Excuse me…..Can you tell me where ……Is it far from here…I’m from…For two weeks…

Role 2. Help the tourist. Tell him how to get to Palace Square. Tell him that it’s not that far. Ask where he is from, how long is he going to stay. Tell him to enjoy his visit.

Useful language: Sure… Go along….Turn left/right….Walk past…Cross….Enjoy your visit….How long are you going to…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 2 (Module 2i).

Role 1. You are a teenager. During the break at school you are discussing the tallest tower in the world with your classmates. You tell them about the Space Needle: its height, location, how it looks.

Role 2. You are a teenager. During the break at school you are discussing the tallest tower in the world with your classmates. You assume that the tallest tower in the world is the Eiffel Tower. You tell your classmates about it: its height, location, how it looks.

Role 3. You are a teenager. During the break at school you are discussing the tallest tower in the world with your classmates. You do not agree with your classmate. You give a new version that the tallest tower in the world is the Eureka Skydeck 88. You tell your classmates about it: its height, location, how it looks.

Role 4. You are a teenager. During the break at school you are discussing the tallest tower in the world with your classmates. You tell them about Triumph Palace in Moscow. You tell your classmates about it: its height, location, how it looks.

Useful language: I’ve read recently…I heard that…I know that….The tallest tower in the world is…It is…tall…There is/are….It is made of….It has got…How tall is it…It is located in…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 3 (Module 3a, 3b).

Role 1. You are Bill Hernandez. You are meeting your friend Nathan Dell. Ask him about how he is, what he does, his daily routine, what exactly his job involve. Tell him about your job. Answer his questions politely and naturally.

Useful language: Hi…What a pleasant surprise...What do you do…What is your usual…Well, as for me…What do you actually…It is indeed…See you…

Role 2. You are Nathan Dell. You are meeting your friend Bill Hernandez. Answer his questions and ask him about his daily routine. Tell that his job is dangerous. Do not forget to use fillers and react naturally.

Useful language: Why, if it isn’t Bill…Glad to see you…What about you…Wow it’s really dangerous, isn’t it…That’s cool…Most of it is…What about……I heard that…See you…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 3         (Модуль 3с).

Role 1. You are a student from Russia and you come to England to visit your friend. You and your friend are going to meet in the park. He comes with his cousin. You want to talk about an English school. Ask about school subjects, school uniform and tell about your school.

Useful language: How are you… Nice to meet.. School lunch… School uniform, Subjects…

Role 2. You are a pupil of an English school. Your cousin calls you to meet up with his friend from Russia. You want to know about schools in Russia. You ask about school uniform, subjects, breaks and school activities.

Useful language: And you?... Attend after school activities… Break for lunch… English, Math…

  1. Ролевая игра к модулю 4         (Module 4e).

Role 1. You are John. You are at a Camden market. You want to buy a present for your friend David because he has a birthday soon. Your friend Sally tries to help you. You pick up different things and ask Sally for her opinion. You have to come to a decision.

Useful Language: I need… Can you help….What do you think….What about this one…He really likes… At bargain prices…Why don’t we try….

Role 2. You are Sally. You are at a Camden market with your friend John who wants to buy a birthday present for his friend David. He asks for your advice and opinion. Ask him about David’s likes and dislikes, his interests and hobbies. You have to come to a decision.

Useful Language: Why don’t you…..I think you should…..What does he like…..It’s a good choice….It would be great…Food courts…  


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