Презентация к открытому уроку The country across the ocean( Rainbow English-6)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)
Презентация к открытому уроку The country across the ocean (Страна за океаном)
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Подписи к слайдам:
Washington D.C. 1492 Mexico Rhode Island 50 The Mississippi
Columbus and his discovery to be born in Italy to be a seaman to be interested in India to bring a lot of gold to give ships and money to sail west to see an island to discover the new continent
Speak about the USA one of the largest in North America neighbours of the USA extends from…. to… many kinds of land different weather the longest river the Rocky Mountains
The country and the capital 50 states more than 300 million the capital city District of Columbia doesn’t belong to The Potomac River The US government and Congress
Speak about Native Americans Before Europeans arrived: native Americans in tribes to grow … and to hunt…. wooden houses (wigwams) to believe in spirits traditions and culture peaceful people
Speak about Native Americans After Europeans arrived: to take the lands to fight with Europeans to defend their land to send to reservations to keep their traditions to have festivals
Thanksgiving day the 4 th Thursday of November to go back to 1621 a big feast to thank God native Americans to celebrate Thanksgiving to eat turkey to get together
new York
Answer the questions: Manhattan is an island, isn’t it? Which avenue is famous for its shops? What can visitors see in the Metropolitan Museum? Why should you visit Chinatown or Little Italy? Why do New Yorkers love their Central Park? From what places is it best to see Manhattaan ? What do you know about the Statue of Liberty?
If I go to New York one day, I… When I am in New York, I… I will go to New York if… I will go to New York when….
Summing up At this lesson I’ve learnt…. It was interesting to learn that… Now I know that….. I liked this lesson because… Most of all I liked…. I didn’t like this lesson because…
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