План проведения учебного занятия по теме Научно-технический прогресс
план-конспект по английскому языку
Конспект урока для первого курса с презентацией
Предварительный просмотр:
СПб ГБ ПОУ «Российский колледж традиционной культуры»
План проведения учебного занятия (для общеобразовательных дисциплин)
Дата поведения «_10___» ____декабря____________ 2019 __г.
ФИО преподавателя: ______Желамская Л.Л.
Группа: 119 К ____________________________________________________________
Специальность/профессия: _Модельер-конструктор_____________________________________________________
Учебная дисциплина/ПМ,МДК: ___Иностранный язык (английский)_______________
Раздел, тема программы:___Научно-технический прогресс__________________
Номер занятия в соответствии с КТП:__№31-32_________
Тема занятия по КТП: _Изучение лексического материала по теме «Научно-технический прогресс»____________
Тип занятия: _____Комбинированное____
Цель и задачи занятия
Цель занятия: (указать конкретные знания и умения, которыми должен овладеть обучающийся в ходе занятия) __Комплексноеформирование лексико-грамматических навыков студентов в рамках темы; обучение устной речи в рамках темы «Научно-технический прогресс»____
Учебная: познакомить с лексическим материалом и создать условия для ее освоения и формирования умений;
Воспитательная: Воспитывать умение работать в группе и индивидуально;
Воспитывать интерес к достижениям современной науки;
Воспитывать интерес к будущей профессии и передовым достижениям в
швейной промышленности. Развивающая: развивать умение выражать свое мнение и приводить аргументы;
В ходе занятия формируются и развиваются элементы профессиональных и общих компетенций ( в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины) ОК1, ОК2, ОК6.
Средства обучения: компьютер;
раздаточный материал;
информационные источники:
презентация по теме «Научно-технический прогресс»;
электронный ресурс «Первое сентября»: https://1sept.ru/
электронный ресурс «Учительская газета»: https://ug/ru/
электронный ресурс «Инфоуро» :https://infourok.ru/
Дидактические единицы: washing machine, vacuum cleaner, fridge, dishwasher, TV-set, computer, smart phone, sewing machine, embroidering machine.
Формы и методы контроля
1 Организационная часть (3 мин.)
2 Проверка внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (указать время)
3 Актуализация знаний (указать время)
4 Изложение нового материала (указать время)
5 Выполнение практического задания (указать время)
6 проверка полученных знаний (указать время)
7 Подведение итогов (указать время)
8 Выдача задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (указать время)
Содержательная часть занятия
Этап занятия | Время | Цель этапа | Методы, приемы | Что делает преподаватель | Что делают студенты |
I.Организационный | 3 | Мотивация на работу | Словесный | Приветствует. Мотивирует на работу. Объявляет тему и цель занятия. | Приветствуют препод. Знакомятся с темой. Включаются в работу. |
II.Актуализация темы. 2.1. Введение новой лексики | 40 10 | Изучение новой лексики. | Словесный. Наглядно-иллюстративный. | Знакомит с новой лексикой с использованием презентации. | Знакомятся с лексикой и историей вещей. Записывают новые слова в тетрадь. |
2.2. Закрепление лексического материала. Диалогическая речь. | 5 | Активиза ция лексики. Работа в парах. Диалогическая речь. | Практический | Организует работу студентов на работу в парах. | Выполняют лексические задание в парах. |
2.3. Игра «Угадай что это». Чтение. | 5 | Закрепление лексики. Развитие навыков чтения. | Словесный | Дает задание прочитать описание и угадать что это. | Читают и угадывают описанный прибор. |
2.4. Работа на доске. Письмо. | 5 | Закрепле ние лексики. Развитие навыков письма | Практический | Организует выполнение упражнения в тетрадях и на доске | Выполняют упражнение в тетрадях и на доске |
2.5.Выполнение заданий по тексту | 10 | Закрепление знаний по содержанию прочитанного. | Практический | Контролирует работу студентов. | Выполняют задания по тексту. |
2.6.Релаксация. Песня « » | 5 | Знакомство с музыкальным произведением. | Практический | Рассказывает о песне и исполнителе. | Слушают песню и подпевают . |
3.Подведение итогов | 2 | Оценка работы студентов | Словесный | Оценивает работу студентов. | Участвуют в подведении итогов. |
- Оргмомент.
Good morning! Today we are going to study new vocabulary on the topic “Scientific technical progress”. We will develop our lexical skills about dependence of modern technologies.
- Актуализация темы.
2.1. Let’s start! We live in the 21st century and can’t imagine our life without modern objects we are surrounded in our everyday life.
People’s How can we name all the things?
Invention - изобретение
Application - приложение, прикладная программа
Gadget - приспособление, прибор
Device - устройство
Unit - агрегат, прибор
Item - изделие, элемент
What are they? Let’s see! Open your copy books and copy the words. Работа в тетрадях.
Просмотр презентации.
- Закрепление лексики. Выполнение упражнений.
Work in pairs. Think of technologies you cannot imagine your life without.
- Explain why you cannot imagine your life without these technologies.
- How do they make your life easier?
Чтение примеров
Example 1: I can’t imagine mу life without a refrigerator. If I didn't have it I wouldn’t be able to keep food cold and fresh and I would have to do shopping every day.
Example 2: I can’t imagine my life without an automatic washer because it is my assistant in daily work. It does the washing faster. It helps me to relax after a hard day's work and gives me an opportunity to have more free time reading and communicating with my relatives and friends.
Dialogue vocabulary
I find... very useful because...
I spend too much time...
I could be doing...
I spend most of my time...
It’s good / bad for my health because...
If I didn’t have... I would...
- And now guess the riddles! What is this? Read and guess!
A microwave oven is a cooking device that can cook or reheat food much faster than a conventional oven. Using microwave technology, water and particles within the food are heated incredibly fast, turning cold or frozen food into steaming and hot meals. Although the technology behind microwave ovens has been around for nearly seventy years, many people still believe there are some health risks associated with using this type of oven for cooking.
It is responsible for washing dishes in a restaurant, dining hall, cafeteria, or other eatery. It can scrub pots and pans, and maintain a general level of cleanliness in the kitchen. It doesn't receive much training, and there are not many requirements to get the position.
They are telephones that provide features that are above and beyond the simple ability to make calls.They are normally understood to be small computers and not land line telephones. Over the years, the concept of them has continued to expand as hand held devices have become more sophisticated.
- Look at the blackboard! Finish the sentences! (по одному к доске. В тетрадях только окончание.
- People’s lives have changed a lot because of …
- People didn’t use to have ….. 50 years ago.
- Now we use ……. Every day.
- It’s much more convenient ……..
- It’s less natural ……….
Устная тема по английскому языку с переводом: Scientific and Technological Progress Scientific and Technological Progress
It"s difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in practice improving the life of people. Let"s compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the beginning of the 20th century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn"t the slightest idea of the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not.
They would seem miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can"t imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it"s rather rapid. Millions of investigations the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world. All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.
3. Итог.- What have we done today? What was difficult for you? What new words have you learnt?
Thank you for your work. The most active students today are... Your marks for the lesson ...
Work in pairs. Think of technologies you cannot imagine your life without.
- Explain why you cannot imagine your life without these technologies.
- How do they make your life easier?
Example 1: I can’t imagine mу life without a refrigerator. If I didn't have it I wouldn’t be able to keep food cold and fresh and I would have to do shopping every day.
Example 2: I can’t imagine my life without an automatic washing machine because it is our assistant in daily work. It does the washing clothes faster. It helps to relax after a hard day's work and gives us an opportunity to have more free time reading and communicating with our relatives and friends.
Dialogue vocabulary
I find... very useful because...
I spend too much time...
I could be doing...
I spend most of my time...
It’s good / bad for my health because...
If I didn’t have... I would...
Task II. Read and guess what is it?
- It is a cooking device that can cook or reheat food much faster than a conventional oven. Using microwave technology, water and particles within the food are heated incredibly fast, turning cold or frozen food into steaming and hot meals. Although the technology behind microwave ovens has been around for nearly seventy years, many people still believe there are some health risks associated with using this type of oven for cooking.
- It is responsible for washing dishes in a restaurant, dining hall, cafeteria, or other eatery. They can scrub pots and pans, and maintain a general level of cleanliness in the kitchen. It doesn't receive much training, and there are not many requirements to get the position
- They are telephones that provide features that are above and beyond the simple ability to make calls.They are normally understood to be small computers and not land line telephones. Over the years, the concept of them has continued to expand as hand held devices have become more sophisticated.
Task III. Insert the words in the text.
Scientific and Technological Progress
It"s difficult to overestimate the role of ____________ in our life. They accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply their knowledge in ___________ the life of people. Let"s compare our life nowadays with the life of people at ____________. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn"t the slightest idea of the trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in _______. I mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not.
They would seem miracles to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, airplanes, combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can"t imagine our life without them. A century is a long period for ____________, as it"s rather rapid. Millions of investigations the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been made. Our century has had several names that were connected with ____________. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first time in __________ a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world. All these things prove the power and ____ in our life.
the beginning of the 20th century
a certain era in science and technology
our every day life
the history of mankind
science and technology
the greatest progressive role of science
scientific and technological progress
practice improving
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
HOW HAS TECHNOLOGY HELPED IMPROVE LIFE IN THE HOUSE? Progress has brought about many changes. Inventions that were once considered amazing are now everyday household items which make life easier and provide entertainment and security. . Invention - изобретение Application - приложение, прикладная программа Gadget - приспособление, прибор Device - устройство Unit - агрегат, прибор Item - изделие, элемент
Washing machine Washing clothes in the past Modern washing maches not only wash but dry things
Vacuum cleaner In the past Modern vacuum cleaner clean rooms without people’s participation
Refrigerater /fridge In the past they kept food in cellars Modern fridge helps to keep food fresh
Electric stove, microwave oven Russian stove Modern stoves and ovens make cooking easy and pleasant
TV set First TV –set was real marvel Now you can entertain at home watching everything you want
Mobile telephone/ smart phone Modern smartphones
PC - personal computer Computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions called program and then carry out them. The modern world of high technology could not be possible without computers.
And what about your future profession? The first sewing machine Modern sewing machine
Embroidering Embroidery machines at a factory
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