Тест страноведение "The UR, the USA, The Russian Federation"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Самойлова Марина Андреевна

Тест страноведение "The UR, the USA, The Russian Federation"


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Test (Russia, the UK, and the USA)

  1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

a) Great Britain       b) England        c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  1. What four historic parts does the UK OF Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of?
  1. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
  2. England, Scotland, Wales and British Irelands.
  3. Scotland, Wales, the USA and Northern Ireland.
  1. What is the capital of Wales?
  1. Belfast.
  2. Edinburgh.
  3. Cardiff.
  1. What is the historic color of Northern Ireland?
  1. White.
  2. Green.
  3. Blue.
  1. What is the Scottish symbol?
  1. The Leek.
  2. The Red Rose.
  3. The Thistle.
  1. Who is the Irish national saint?
  1. Saint Patrick.
  2. Saint Andrew.
  3. Saint David.
  1. What is the capital of the United States of America?
  1. London.
  2. New York.
  3. Washington
  1. There are …stripes and … stars on the American flag.

a. 45/13

b. 50/13

c. 13/50

  1. What is the population of the UK?
  1. 59 million people.
  2. 276 million people.
  3. 147 million people.
  1. Where is the Russian Federation situated?
  1. In America.
  2. In Europe.
  3. In Eurasia.
  1. What is the longest river of the UK?
  1. The Severn.
  2. The Lena.
  3. The Thames.

  1. How is the flag of the UK called?
  1. The Union Flag.
  2. The Union George.
  3. The Union Jack.
  1. At what time did this flag appear?
  1. In 1606.
  2. In 1801.
  3. In 1603.
  1. What colors represent the UK’s flag?
  1. White, green, blue.
  2. Red, blue, yellow.
  3. White, blue, red.
  1.   The symbol of America is …

a. double-headed eagle

b. bald –headed eagle

c. a unicorn

  1. What does white color of the Russian flag mean?
  1. Generosity and frankness.
  2. Honesty and wisdom.
  3. Courage and love.
  1. When was the Russian flag officially adopted by the Russian President and the Russian Parliament?
  1. In 1917.
  2. In 1991.
  3. 300 years ago.
  1. What was the first American flag?
  1. The Union Jack.
  2. The Imperial Flag.
  3. The Grand Union Flag.
  1. What is the main part of the emblem of our country?
  1. The double-headed eagle.
  2. The bald-headed eagle.
  3. The English lion and Scottish unicorn.
  1.  The highest mountain of the USA is…, the highest mountain in Russia is…, the highest UK’s mountain is …

a. Elbrus, McKinley, Ben Nevis

b. McKinley, Ben Nevis, Elbrus

c. McKinley, Elbrus, Ben Nevis

  1.  There were two Houses in England who argued for the throne in the 15th century, they were…
  1. Thatcher and Bush
  2. Lancaster, York
  3. York, David

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