Тест страноведение "The UR, the USA, The Russian Federation"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)
Тест страноведение "The UR, the USA, The Russian Federation"
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Test (Russia, the UK, and the USA)
- What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
a) Great Britain b) England c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- What four historic parts does the UK OF Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of?
- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- England, Scotland, Wales and British Irelands.
- Scotland, Wales, the USA and Northern Ireland.
- What is the capital of Wales?
- Belfast.
- Edinburgh.
- Cardiff.
- What is the historic color of Northern Ireland?
- White.
- Green.
- Blue.
- What is the Scottish symbol?
- The Leek.
- The Red Rose.
- The Thistle.
- Who is the Irish national saint?
- Saint Patrick.
- Saint Andrew.
- Saint David.
- What is the capital of the United States of America?
- London.
- New York.
- Washington
- There are …stripes and … stars on the American flag.
a. 45/13
b. 50/13
c. 13/50
- What is the population of the UK?
- 59 million people.
- 276 million people.
- 147 million people.
- Where is the Russian Federation situated?
- In America.
- In Europe.
- In Eurasia.
- What is the longest river of the UK?
- The Severn.
- The Lena.
- The Thames.
- How is the flag of the UK called?
- The Union Flag.
- The Union George.
- The Union Jack.
- At what time did this flag appear?
- In 1606.
- In 1801.
- In 1603.
- What colors represent the UK’s flag?
- White, green, blue.
- Red, blue, yellow.
- White, blue, red.
- The symbol of America is …
a. double-headed eagle
b. bald –headed eagle
c. a unicorn
- What does white color of the Russian flag mean?
- Generosity and frankness.
- Honesty and wisdom.
- Courage and love.
- When was the Russian flag officially adopted by the Russian President and the Russian Parliament?
- In 1917.
- In 1991.
- 300 years ago.
- What was the first American flag?
- The Union Jack.
- The Imperial Flag.
- The Grand Union Flag.
- What is the main part of the emblem of our country?
- The double-headed eagle.
- The bald-headed eagle.
- The English lion and Scottish unicorn.
- The highest mountain of the USA is…, the highest mountain in Russia is…, the highest UK’s mountain is …
a. Elbrus, McKinley, Ben Nevis
b. McKinley, Ben Nevis, Elbrus
c. McKinley, Elbrus, Ben Nevis
- There were two Houses in England who argued for the throne in the 15th century, they were…
- Thatcher and Bush
- Lancaster, York
- York, David
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