План-конспект урока по теме «Some facts of Russian Federation and the most beautiful sightseeings»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс)

План-конспект урока по теме  «Some facts of Russian Federation and the most beautiful sightseeings»     


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 11»


урока по теме :

                      «Some facts of Russian Federation and the most beautiful sightseeings»      

учителя английского языка

Пашковой Людмилы Ивановны

Сlass 10.

Тема: «Some facts of Russian Federation and the most beautiful sightseeings»

Цeль: 1. Обучение paзличным мeтoдaм пoнимaния ayтeнтичныx


2. Paзвитиe нaвыкoв мoнoлorичecкoй и диaлorичecкoй peчи.

3. Знaкoмcтвo c кyльтypным и  историческим наследием России.


I Opгмoмент.

T. - Good morning, children!

I’m glad to see you. Let 's  begin our lesson. Who  wants  to teach?

 Listen to him/her  and repeat some words and word-combinations:

II. Фонетическая зарядка :

P.  Area, is located, mountain, lake, ocean, is washed by, borders on, plain, ship-building, capital, natural resources, coal, plateau, gulf, rainfall, heavy industry, government, general-governor, islands, river, cattle-farming, oil-fields, agriculture, the head of the state, peninsula, cape, river, coal, fruit-growing, climate.

T.  What do they have in common?

III. Peчeвaя

P. –The theme of the words is “ Geography”.

T. That’s right. Do you remember what you learnt last lessons?

P . We told about geographical situation of Canada.

T.  Well, let’s remember that great country and answer some questions:

What is the name of the  country ?  (Canada)

Where is the country situated?  (Canada is situated in North America)

What is the origin of the name “Canada”? (Canada is a name derived from Iroquois “Kanata” meaning a village or a settlement)

What is Canada washed by? (Canada is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west)

What country does Canada border on in the south? (Canada borders on the United States of America)

What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is generally temperate but it varies from freezing winter cold to summer heat)

What rivers in Canada do you know? (the St. Lawrence, the Mackenzie, the Columbia, the Yukon)

What are Canada’s national languages? (English and French)

What leaf is on the Canadian flag? (the maple leaf)

What is the Canadian national anthem called? (O Canada)

How many provinces and territories are there in Canada? (the federation is made up of ten provinces and three territories)

What is the capital of the country? ( Ottawa)

IV. Oбyчeниe уcтнoй peчи :

T. Can anybody tell us about Canada? You may take the plan we use when we tell about any country.

Who wants to begin the story?

 The Official Name of the country


Total area


Oceans  аnd  seas




Mountains,  Highlands , lowlands



Flora  and  fauna

Countries(regions)& capitals

Main cities

Population & people


Food & clothes

Traditions & customs

Places of interest

The political system

Parliament & Parties

The State Symbols

The National flags

Centers of Culture

Leisure & tourism


National Holidays& Festivals

Famous people

Writers  & Poets

Famous   Scientists

Famous   Travelers and Navigators

Natural resources




What is the area of Canada? ( More than 9 million square km)

Is it the  largest country? (It is the second largest country)

And do you know what is the largest and the greatest country in the world?


T. As you understood the theme of our lesson is Russia. More correctly: «Some facts of Russian Federation and the most beautiful sightseeings» 

Now let’s try to answer some question about our Motherland we love very much.

What is the official name of our Motherland?

Where is our country situated?  

What is Russia washed by? (Russia is washed by  waters of the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by the Pacific Ocean in the east)

What country does Russia border on  ? (Russia borders on  17  countries)

What do you know about the climate of this country? (It is different in different parts )

What is the relief of the country?

What rivers of Russia do you know? 

What is the national official language? (Russian)

What colours are there in the Russian flag? (white,  blue and red)

What is the Canadian national anthem called? (O Canada)

How many regions are there in Russia? 

What is the capital of the country? ( Moscow)

T: Well, now using our table, let’s tell about Russia. I offer you speak one after other:

The Official Name of the country


Total area


Oceans  аnd  seas



Mountains,  Highlands , lowlands



Flora  and  fauna

Main cities

Population & people


Food & clothes

Places of interest

The political system

Parliament & Parties

The State Symbols

The National flag


National Holidays& Festivals

Writers  & Poets

Famous   Scientists

Famous   Travelers and Navigators

Natural resources



T. - Very well, you know much about Our Country. Now, Let's change task. I'll say some sentences to you in Russian, and you will translate them in to English. Do you agree? P-P.

P. Yes, we do.

T. We will do it in a written form. Open  your exercise-books and write; date@ Classwork.

 But before beginning we’re going to repeat the rule “Using of articles with Proper Nouns”.

Расскажите с какими именами собственными употребляются артикли.

 Now let's begin translating , I’ll give five-seven minutes.

Административный центр нашего края – Ставрополь.

P1. The administrative center of our region (territory) is Stavropol.

Haceлeниe Ставрополя   cocтaвляeт cвьпшe чeтвepти миллиoнa чeлoвeк.

P2.The population of Stavropol is more than two hundred and fifty thousands people.

P3. - I have another variant.

T. - Please, tell us your sentence.

P4. - The population of Stavropol counts over a quarter of a million people.

T. - Your sentence is right too.

Ставрополь основан по плану Суворова.

P5. Stavropol is founded on the plan of Suvorov.

Kaкoй регион  наименее нaceлeнный?

P6. - What region  is the least populated?

Петергоф знаменит своими дворцами и фонтанами.

P7. Peterhof is famous for its palaces and fountains.

Царь-пушка находится в Москве на территории Кремля.

P8. The Tsar Cannon is in Moscow in the territory of the Kremlin.

Мариинской театр -  в Петербурге.

P9. The Mariinsky Theatre is in St Peterburg.

Кунсткамера основана Петром Великим.

P10. The Kunstkammer is founded by Peter the Great.

Кремль находится в центре Москвы.

P.2 The Kremlin is in the center of Moscow.

Национальная галерея – один из Лондонских музеев.

P3. The National gallery is one of London’s museums.

Памятник Пушкину на Театральной площади позади кинотеатра «Россия».

P4. The Pushkin’s Monument is in Art Square behind the cinema “ Rossya”.

По берегам Волги есть несколько кремлей.

P5. In the Volga’s Riversides there are some Kremlins.

Москва основана князем Юрием Долгоруким.

P6. Moscow is founded by Youri Dolgoruky.

В Третьяковской галерее коллекции картин знаменитых русских художников.

P7. In the Tretyakov Gallery there collections of pictures of famous Russian artists.

Пятигорск находится на юге России междy горами Бештау и Машук.

P8. Pyatigorsk is situated in the south of Russia between mountains Beshtau and Mashuk.

V. Обучение чтению:

Now we are going to read the text « Voronezh» at the page________ and then we will ask questions to the sentences of the text.


My native town is Voronezh. I am proud to be its citizen. The history of Voronezh is bound up with the history of Russia.

The first mention of Voronezh can be found in the Russian chronicles dated back to the 12th century. At that time a multy-towered fortress was erected on the right bank of the Voronezh River to shield off the Russian land from the nomadic tribes in the south. The fortress was both a fortification and a place of living. By the middle of the 16th century Voronezh developed into a bustling, densely populated city.

The soils around the town are the black earth. They were the best not only in Russia but all over the Europe. A big piece of the Voronezh black earth was taken to the First World Exhibition and recognized to be the best soil for agriculture. This piece of the black earth was divided into some parts and one of them was placed to the Institute of Measures and Weights in Paris to be a standard of soil.

At the turn of the 18th century Peter the Great found the town of Voronezh the best place to build the first Russia Flotilla for there were dense woods around the town, and the Voronezh River flew towards the Black Sea  . Later the clever prince Potyomckin continued the Peter the Great deal and the Russia Black Sea Flotilla appeared to win its glory.

In 1812 in the battle Borodino the Voronezh popular levy stood the ground. The Voronezh people participated in the revolts against the serfdom; they took part in three revolutions and in the Great Patriotic War of 1941—1945.

Today Voronezh is one of the largest industrial cities of Russia. The trade mark of  Voronezh can be seen on farm machinery, TV sets, radio receivers, tyres and aluminium construction parts. The Il-86 and I1-96 aircrafts came off the line here.

Voronezh is a city of science. It has dozens of research centres, a university, colleges. The city has rich cultural traditions. Its first drama theatre lifted its curtain in 1802.

The priceless treasures of Voronezh land are Koltsov's verses, Nikitin's poetry, Kramskoy's paintings, fairy tales collected by A. Afanasyev, folk songs gathered by M. Pyatnitsky.

In Voronezh one can visit the Opera and the Ballet Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Philharmonic Society, the Russian Folk Choir, the Kramskoy's Fine Arts Museum, the Nikitin's Literary Museum and the Museum of Local Lore.

The city of Voronezh honours its past and is full of creative effort and vitality.

Now ask some questions to the sentence______________________________.

That is enough. I see this work is not difficult for you.

Итor        Well, thank you very much. All of you worked   excellently. Your

уpoкa:        marks for this lessons are The fives (Pupil l, Pupi12, Pupil3). Others

pupils get the fours.

And now open your biaries and write down homework:

“Prepare your stories about any Russian cultural center and its sightseeing”. Приготовить рассказ об одном культурных центров России, его истории и достопримечательностях.

T. - Well,   thank you for the lesson. Good bye! You may go.

Good luck!

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