The Russian Federation
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History of the Russian Federation. Emblem of the Russian Federation. Flag of the Russian Federation. National anthem. Plan
Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR adopted by the Congress of People's Deputies of June 12, 1990. In the summer of 1991 as a result of the first general elections of the president of the RSFSR, became Boris Yeltsin. December 8, 1991 the presidents of Russia, the Ukraine and the President of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus announced about the impossibility create confederation of the Union of Sovereign States and the cessation existense the USSR 1. History of the Russian Federation.
December 25 of the RSFSR Supreme Soviet approved the name of the Russian Federation. December 12, 1993 at the initiative of President Boris Yeltsin, adopted the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which established new bases for the construction of Russian statehood after the collapse of USSR introduced the principle of separation of powers and all regions of Russia got the status of the subjects of the federation
The Russian National Emblem is a golden DOUBLE – HEADED EAGLE with a horseman (St George) on a shield on the eagle’s breast with a red background. Above the two heads of the eagle, there is an historical crown. The first emblem of the double – headed eagle was introduced in 1480, by Prince Ivan III. It was at the time of the establishment of the Russian state system. It symbolised the supreme power and sovereignty of the state. Since then, the double – headed eagle is the main part of the emblem of our country. But now the crown is a symbol of the sovereignty both of the Russian Federation ( as a whole ) and of its parts (subjects of the Federation). 2. Emblem of the Russian Federation.
The Russian flag is sometimes called the IMPERIAL FLAG. It consists of three equal stripes of white, blue and red. The first flag of this design appeared more than 300 year ago. Peter the Great adapted the flag from the National flag of the Netherlands. Later a black two – headed eagle on a golden background was added to the flag of Russia. The flag existed until the revolution in 1917. In the nineties, with the democratic changes, the tree – colour flag was restored again. On 21 August 1991, the flag was officially adopted by the Russian President and the Russian Parliament. 3. Flag of the Russian Federation. In Russia the colours of the current flag symbolise : white-frankness and generosity ; blue-honesty and wisdom ; red-courage and love.
The order of official use of a hymn of Russia is stated in the Federal law signed by president Putin on December, 25th, 2000. Hymn execution is supposed in orchestral, choral, orkestrovo -choral or other vocal and tool variant with exact conformity of the confirmed music and the text. The hymn necessarily should sound in an effective date in a post of the president, heads of public authorities, at opening and closing of sessions of the Federation Council and the State Duma , ceremonies of meetings and wires visiting Russia with official visits of heads of the foreign states, at lifting of national flag and other official ceremonies. 4. National anthem.
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