План урока по апробации программы разновозрастного обучения 10-11 класс, УМК "Спотлайт"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
План урока по английскому языку 10-11 класс
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План урока по апробации программы разновозрастного обучения 10-11, УМК «Спотлайт», в рамках районного семинара зам.дир. 2017
Unit 4-A, Lesson 2, 11, 4a - Reading Skills, p. 64- 65. “Against all odds”
10, 4a – Reading Skills, p. 64- 65. “Environmental Protection”
10, 11- Objectives
-be able to reflect on and express their attitude to extreme opinion
10. 11Form Ss will-
-practice reading for gist
-practice understanding new words from the contest and records
-practice exchanging opinions
-to introduce and practice active vocabulary
-to develop learning strategies
Vocabulary– 10
1.Reduce- amount of water we use, energy (paper) consumption, burning of oil @ coal, rubbish, use of cars, excessive packing.
2.Reuse- old tins, shoe boxes, jars and bottles, writing paper, fruit @ vegetable peeling, water, old towels, sheets, clothes.
3.Recycle- glass, aluminum, paper, plastic.
4. Throw peelings away
5. Switch off (turn down) the light
6. Cut down the amount of paper
7. Put on the warmer clothes
Vocabulary – 11
1. life or death decision
2.faced with an agonizing decision
3.send friend to certain death
5.incredible tale of survival
6.against all odds
7.British mountaineers
8.21,000 foot peak
9.reached the summit
10.frostbitten fingers
11.lowed his friend over crevasse
12.hold weight
13.cut the rope
14.determined not to die
Useful phrases
1.To begin with
2.I (Dis)agree with you but
3.Me too
4.I think that
5.It’s useful to switch off the light when you…
6.I practice the 3 Res
7.A real friend (citizen, hero), positive (negative) man is a person who…
Stage | Purpose | Classroom management | |
1 | Warm - up | -to introduce the topic and to activate Ss’ prior knowledge -to make cross – cultural comparison | -Whole class |
2 | Reading | to practice reading for gist -to produce active vocabulary | -Individual |
3 | Vocabulary. Speaking | -to introduce and practice active vocabulary -to develop learning strategies | -Whole class -Individual -Pair work -Group work |
4 | Self- control | -to develop their responsibility and to reflect on the text -to practice exchanges work -to develop speaking fluently | -Individual |
5 | Listening | -to practice listening for detail and specific words -to practice understanding from the context | Whole class -Individual -Pair work -Group work |
6 | Writing | -to practice writing a paragraph | -Individual |
-to introduce the topic and to activate Ss’ prior knowledge
-to make cross – cultural comparison
-to practice reading for gist
-to produce active vocabulary
-to introduce and practice active vocabulary
-to develop learning strategies
-to develop their responsibility and to reflect on the text
-to practice exchanges work
-to develop speaking fluently
-to practice listening for detail and specific words
-to practice understanding from the context
-to practice writing a paragraph
29.11.2016- Cпотлайт-10-11, 4а
Этап урока | слайд | Teacher | 10 Students | 11 Students |
1.Warm up | 1, Intellectual Museum, Project “Useful Vocabulary” (Тит. Лист) | 1.Start conversation. (Classroom management) 1.Greeting. date, day. 2.Duties. 3.Seasons, weather. 4.Hobbies (fishing, cooking) | 1.Answer the questions 10, 11 | 1.Answer the questions 10, 11 |
1.Warm up | 2 (Лексика 10-11) | 2.1-Seasons, weather, hobbies are connected with environment and danger.Open your copy- books write down the topic 2.2This is a useful voc. To discuss 2 problems (T-Cl), (T- S-S..), 2.3Make sentences positive 1-2-3-4 | 2.2Write down the topic-10 “Environmental protection. Animals” 2.2Refresh Voc. 2.3Past Simple (negative- positive) 10,11 | 2.2Write down the topic-11 “Against all odds” 2.2Refresh Voc. 2.3Past Simple (negative- positive)10,11 |
2.Reading | 3 (Сканированные Страницы 10-11) | 3.1-I want to test you-10 on the passage you were to read at home. 3.2-Revise your story-10 3.3--I want to test you-11 on the passage you were to read at home. | 3.1Read home passage, 10, p.65 (10) 3.2Revise 3Rs | 3.3-1Read home passage, 11, p.64 (11) |
3.Speaking-10, 3.Listening, Writing- 11 | 4 (10- 3 Rs, table 1) | 4.1-10-What was your homework for today? | 4.1Ex.7,p.65-Practice 3Rs 1-2-3(10)-a home story | 4.1-Fill in the table “3Rs” |
4.Language work | 5 (11- сканер Альпинист, Таблица 2 ) | 5.1- 11-What was your homework for today? 5.2-What traits ofcharacter do they have? | 5.1Test-10WB3,4,p.28 | 5.1Ex.7-a,p.65-Prepair an interview (11)1-2-3 4- Fill in the table “Against all Odds” |
5.Listening | 6 -(Кошманов, Календарь Победы, Слайд - шоу | 10-11 | 10-11 | |
5.Reading, speaking | 7(Кошманов, Календарь Победы, Слайд- шоу) -аудиопроект «Биография Кошманова» | 10-11 | 10-11 | |
6.Writing | 8 Test “A real citizen” | 8.1 8.2-What traits of character do they have? | 8.1-10-11 8.2 Koshmanov is a positive hero. He was brave @ modest. | 8.1-10-11 8.2 Koshmanov is a positive hero. He was brave @ modest. |
7.Self- controle | 9Взаимоконтроль 10, р.т.4, с. 28 | 9.1 Check up -10 | 9.1 Check up | 9.1 Check up |
8. Homework 9.Reflection | 10 Homework 11.Reflection | 10.1 | 10.1 7, p. 65 | 10.1 8, p. 65 |
Слайд 1-
11, 4a - Reading Skills, p. 64- 65. “Against all odds”
10, 4a – Reading Skills, p. 64- 65. “Environmental Protection”
Слайд 2- 1. Warm up
Vocabulary – 10
1.Reduce- amount of water we use, energy (paper) consumption, burning of oil @ coal, rubbish, use of cars, excessive packing.
2.Reuse- old tins, shoe boxes, jars and bottles, writing paper, fruit @ vegetable peeling, water, old towels, sheets, clothes.
3. Recycle- glass, aluminum, paper, plastic.
4. Throw peelings away
5. Switch off (turn down) the light
6. Cut down the amount of paper
7. Put on the warmer clothes
Vocabulary – 11
1. life or death decision
2.faced with an agonizing decision
3.send friend to certain death
5.incredible tale of survival
6.against all odds
7.British mountaineers
8.21,000 foot peak
9.reached the summit
10.frostbitten fingers
11.lowed his friend over crevasse
12.hold weight
13.cut the rope
14.determined not to die
Слайд 3- 2. Reading
(сканировать-фото 10-11)
Make positive sentences
1.British mountains didn’t climb Siula Grande.
2.They didn’t reached the summit.
3.Joe didn’t slip on the easiest path.
4.Simon didn’t low the mountain.
Слайд4- 3. Listening
Use Less Stuff | Natasha | Elnura | Dima | |
1 | Reduce | |||
2 | Reuse | |||
3 | Recycle |
Слайд5- 4. Language work
11, 4a
“Against all odds”
Ideas | Joe | Simon |
1.faced with agonizing decision | ||
2.chose a way to summit | ||
3.slipped | ||
4.broke his leg into 3 pieces | ||
5.frostbitten fingers | ||
6.lowered his friend over crevasse | ||
7.hold weight | ||
8.cut the rope |
Слайд6- 5.Speaking, reading
The Biography of Koshmanov
Koshmanov M.M. was born in 29.11.1923 in the village of Nikolo- Komarovka, Kamizyak District, Astrakhan Region in the family of a peasant.
He finished 7 classes of the secondary school in his native village and entered the Professional school in Astrakhan.
When Misha was young he worked as a fitter on the Ship- Building plant.
In 1943 he finished KamishinTank School and was taken to the front where he served in the 69-th Mechanized Brigade 9-th Mechanizes Corps 3-d Guard Tank Army.
This Tank Army was based in the 1-st Ukrainian Front. He was a brave soldier and was awarded a title of the Junior Lieutenant as a tank Commander. His tank took part in the cruel battles on the territory of the Soviet Union but the tank commander Koshmanov M.M. was extremely marked in the liberation of the city Zhalken and Lvov. The crew of the tank made a lot of reconnaissance and deepened the enemy territory into 40 kilometers.
The crew of his tank differed during Vislo- Oder Company when they crashed a lot of German machines and soldiers.
Koshmanov M.M. was awarded the rank «The Hero of the Soviet Union» and received «The Order of Lenin» and «The Gold Star Medal» (№ 4653) 23.09.1944. Our Hero countryman continued brave tank battles in the West Ukrainian.
In 25.01.1944 Koshmanov M.M, The Hero of the Soviet Union, perished in Vislo- Oder Company and was berried on the Lvov Honor Hill.
Слайд7- 6.Listening
Koshmanov. The Victory Calenda
Кошманов Михаил Михайлович - командир танка 53-го танкового полка 69-й механизированной бригады 9-го механизированного корпуса 3-й гвардейской танковой армии 1-го Украинского фронта, гвардии младший лейтенант.
Родился 18 декабря 1923 года в селе Николо-Комаровка Камызякского района Астраханской области в крестьянской семье. Русский. Окончил 7 классов в селе Никольское и школу ФЗУ в городе Астрахань. Работал слесарем на судоремонтном заводе.
В Красной Армии с июня 1942 года. В 1943 году окончил Камышинское танковое училище. В боях Великой Отечественной войны — с ноября 1943 года.
Командир танка 53-го танкового полка (69-я механизированная бригада, 9-й механизированный корпус, 3-я гвардейская танковая армия, 1-й Украинский фронт) кандидат в члены ВКП(б) гвардии младший лейтенант Михаил Кошманов особо отличился в боях за освобождение Западной Украины, на подступах ко Львову.
21 июля 1944 года в боях за город Жалкев младший лейтенант Кошманов с вверенным ему танковым экипажем уничтожил 2 танка, 4 бронетранспортёра и большое количество живой силы противника.
28 июля 1944 года М.М. Кошманов был направлен в танковую разведку. На 40 километров вперёд своего танкового полка вышел танк Кошманова и, достигнув города Самбор, принял бой с превосходящими силами противника. В этом бою было уничтожено 2 тяжелых гитлеровских танка.
В боях по удержанию плацдарма на левом берегу реки Вислы 13 августа 1944 года огнём орудия и пулемёта экипаж танка Михаила Кошманова отражал неоднократные атаки врага и обеспечил удержание плацдарма в течение дня.
Звание Героя Советского Союза с вручением ордена Ленина и медали "Золотая Звезда" (№ 4654) младшему лейтенанту Кошманову Михаилу Михайловичу присвоено Указом Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 23 сентября 1944 года.
25 января 1945 года при форсировании реки Одер младший лейтенант Кошманов М.М. погиб. Похоронен во Львове на холме Славы.
Награждён орденами Ленина, Отечественной войны I степени, Красной Звезды.
В селе Николо-Комаровка, в память о Герое, установлен обелиск. Именем Михаила Кошманова названа улица в Астрахани.
слайд8- 7. Writing
Complete the sentences
A real Hero (citizen) is a person who loves his Motherland and….
1.to work and study hard
2.to help his family @ mates
3.to save his nature
4.to be ready to fight for the country
5.never (to) forget his native place
Слайд9- 10, 4, p.28(WB), Self- control
4 Ways to save the planet
3.down, on
4.down on
Слайд10- Homework, 10- 7, p.65
11- 8, p.65
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