Spotlight presentation Student's book 8
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (8 класс)

Троянова Ксения Сергеевна

Презентация подготовлена для использования на уроке по учебнику Spotlight для 8 класса.


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Слайд 1

Spotlight Student’s book 8 “Express Publishing” Подготовила преподаватель английского языка Троянова К. С .

Слайд 2

What do you usually eat at school? Food & shopping A sandwich crisps Soup or salad Fruit A hot meal Where do you get it/ them from? Home , the shops , the school canteen

Слайд 3

Eating Habits How many …of chocolate do you eat per week? How many…of milk do you do you drink per week? How many …of sugar do you take in your tea? Do you add a…of salt to your salad? How many …of cheese do you put in your sandwich? How many …of brown bread do you buy a week? pinch bar teaspoon loaf slice liter vocabulary

Слайд 4

grammar Read the theory. Is it the same in your language? Words that are only in the plural are: Tools/ instruments: scissors, pliers, scales Clothing: clothes, jeans, trousers Other words: police, goods, stairs Some words look plural but they aren’t: news, means Words that are used only in the singular are: Luggage, money, information, equipment, food, furniture, advice, billiards, dominoes, physics, maths

Слайд 5

Grammar Reference section Choose the correct verb form: A: when is/ are the news on TV? B: in ten minutes. 2. A : Physics is/are my favorite subject. B: Really? Mine is/are Maths . 3. A: Fifty pounds is/are too much to pay for a T- shirt. B: I know, but I couldn’t resist it.

Слайд 6

Study skills shopping In which of the shops below would you hear the following? Newsagent’s Florist’s Shoe shop Hair dresser’s Post office bakery Fishmonger’s Butcher’s Chemist’s “Just a wash and blow- dry, please.” “A kilo of steak please.” “I take a size five, narrow.” “I’ve come to pick up my prescription.” “I need to send this first class.” “These are fresh from the oven.” “A dozen of those pink ones.” “They were caught fresh this morning.” “Is this the July issue?”

Слайд 7

1. How would you like to pay? 2. Whereabouts is it exactly? 3. Can I help you? 4. I’d like some water please. 5. What nice shoes! Are they new? A. Sparkling or still? B. Yes, I bought them last week. No, I am just looking, thanks. C. By cash. D. On Oxford Road , opposite WH Smith’s . Progress check Match to form exchanges Answers

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