презентация на тему Food and Drinks 6 кл.
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс)
презентация на тему Food and Drinks 6 кл.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Phonetic drills [i: ] sw ee ts, t ea , m ea t, ch ee se [ ai ] p ie , i ce-cr ea m, l i ke, r i ce [ æ ] a pple, s a ndwich, s a lad, h a ve [ ei ] c a ke, b a con, cornfl a kes, t a ble [p] su pp er, p otato, a pp le, p orridge
Lexical drills Get up, little Freddy, Breakfast is ready: Butter and cheese All that you please Milk and bread for little Fred. Tea and jam for brother Sam.
Match the words and transcribtions
Confusion 1) Nabaan 7 ) Sfhi 2 ) Geg 8 ) Limk 3) Adsla 9 ) Ccikenh 4) Upos 10 ) Ragus 5) Zazip 11) Crmea 6) Etwes 12 ) Eat
1) banana 7 ) fish 2) egg 8)milk 3)salad 9)chicken 4)soup 10 ) sugar 5)pizza 11)cream 6) sweet 12)tea
Replace the pictures with words Hi ! I`m Margaret Barker. I`m a music teacher and I work in a school. I don`t have time to cook in the morning. Sometimes I make and my husband and children eat it with and or . But usually we have , and . We don`t eat , or for breakfast. We have them for lunch or dinner. On Sunday I can make and . And what do you have for breakfast?
I have for breakfast : fish and potatoes cornflakes with milk tea and chocolate cake chicken and rice porridge with sugar and jam bacon and eggs bread with butter
Choose the right word 1) New cucumbers are ____________ . a) tasty b) favourite c) yellow 2) In the evening we have ___________ in our kitchen. a) lunch b) dinner c) breakfast 3 ) I like my porridge ____________ sugar. a) in b) with c) at 4) What`s __________ breakfast? a) for b) on c) at 5) Is any chicken in the fridge? I think __________ . a) so b) is c) not 6) Bananas are _____________ of all fruit . a) tastiest b) tastier c) tasty 7) I`d like tomato and cucumber ___________ , please. a) porridge b) ice-cream c) salad 8) I am ______________ my breakfast now . a) enjoy b) enjoyed c) enjoying favourite dinner with for so tastiest salad enjoying
Ask your classmates ( Yes, please / No, thank you ) 1) Would you like a ham sandwich? 2) Would you like some porridge ? 3) Would you like some pizza ? 4) Would you like some milk chocolate ? 5) Would you like some cream in your tea ? 6) Would you like some yogurt ? 7) Would you like some hot milk?
Complete the sentences I think / I don`t think
Find the odd word 1)breakfast, lunch, food, dinner 2)cucumber, tomato, potato, salad 3)bacon, bread, porridge, butter 4)tea, ham, coffee, juice , FOOD SALAD PORRIDGE HAM
Let`s play a game ! Eaten / uneaten
Thank you for the lesson! Я всё понял, мне всё понравилось! У меня есть вопросы, затруднения. Мне ещё есть над чем работать…
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