"My family"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
Данная презентация составлена к уроку английского языка по теме «Моя семья» 5 класс, Unit 5, Lesson2 для учебника «Английский язык» 5 класс по УМК Ю.А.Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Гренджер.
В презентации также содержится грамматический материал на отработку превосходной степени прилагательных, упражнения на закрепление грамматического и лексического материала.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Let’s remember mother father
grandfather grandmother
aunt uncle
son daughter
Practise saying the words the oldest the best the fittest the youngest the friendliest the most beautiful the most generous the most talkative the most handsome
It’s Wayne
Read about Wayne’s family
Sally's my grandmother and today's her 70th birthday. What's special about Gran? Well she’s the oldest person in family and she's holding the youngest person, Gina. Gina's my baby cousin and she's only nine months old. I think Gina's the most beautiful person in my family! That's Uncle Tony behind the sofa. Look at the present he's giving Gran. It's so big! Tony's the most generous person in our family. He always gives us great present.
And that's my sister, Tina. Tina's the fittest person in my family and she's also the best at sport. She's crazy about exercise and loves going to the gym. And that's my mum, Linda. She's the friendliest person in my family and she's also the most talkative. She loves parties and chatting to people. And me. Well, umm, l'm the most handsome person in my family!
Copy the chart about Wayne’s family and complete it Name Relationship Special things Sally grandmother oldest Gina Tony Tina Linda
Check your answers Name Relationship Special things Sally grandmother oldest Gina cousin youngest / most beautiful Tony uncle most generous Tina sister fittest / best of all Linda mother frendliest / most talkative
Superlative adjectives
Write the superlative adjectives from these words 1.messy 2. good 3. young 4. fit 5. friendly 6. big 7. beautiful 8. small 9. funny 10. far 11. generous 12. bad
Check your answers 1.the mess iest 2. the best 3. the young est 4. the fit test 5. the friendl iest 6. the big gest 7. the most beautiful 8. the small est 9. the funn iest 10. the farthest /the furthest 11. the most generous 12. the worst
Listen to the song and say who is… The sportiest The most generous The most talkative The most hard-working The oldest The youngest The funniest
Our family I'm the best with computers, I'm really good at IT. My cousin Joe is the sportiest He loves to do PE. My uncle Fred's the most generous He buys presents as big as a house. My brother Mike's the most talkative, He loves chatting, even to a mouse! Chorus Welcome to our family, We're the friendliest people in town! Welcome to our family, We're the happiest people around!
My mum is the most hard-working, She's always got things to do. My great-grandma is the oldest, She's one hundred and two. My cousin Jen's the youngest, She's only one and a half. My sister Sue is the funniest, She makes everybody laugh. Chorus
I'm the best with computers
Joe is the sportiest
Fred's the most generous
My mum is the most hard-working
My great-grandma is the oldest
My cousin Jen's the youngest
Sue is the funniest
The lesson is over!
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