Мастер-класс "Welcome to London"-5-6 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)
Урок представлен в форме виртуальной экскурсии в Лондон. Прежде,чем отправиться в путешествие, обучающимся предлагается заполнить паспортные данные о себе: Name, Surname, Age, Job
Во время экскурсии экскурсовод не только знакомит гостей с памятными местами Лондона, но и интересуется,что известно детям о городе. Предусмотрена остановка в одном из парков Лондона,где можно
отдохнуть.Проводится небольшая физическая разминка. Предусмотрено использование мультимедийной презентации с музыкальным сопровождением. Дети также знакомятся с памятными местами
родной столицы
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Предварительный просмотр:
МКОУ «Обильненская средняя школа»
«Welcome to London»
Емельянова Алла Дмитриевна
учитель иностранного языка
МКОУ «Обильненская СОШ»
Республика Калмыкия
Сарпинский район
с. Обильное
Welcome to London
Цели: 1.Систематизировать знания по теме
2.Развивать навыки монологической речи
3.Активизировать навыки письма
Оборудование: магнитофон, мультимедиа
Ход урока
1.Начало урока.
Орг. момент. Hello, dear friends! Today we have an unusual lesson.
Цели и задачи: We will travel to London. You should be very attentive today, at
the end of our lesson we will have a test ,,How do you know
Фонетическая. зарядка: Dear friends, do you like to travel?
Have you ever been to London?
What kind of transport can we travel by?
What kind of transport is the fastest?
Of course, it’s a plane.
Look! It’s a plane. Listen! Its bussing: ,, Hum, hum, hum!” Repeat: [hum], [hum], [hum!] (слайд№ 1.)
And now we are on a board of our plane. It’s my clock. Listen to my clock.
Tick –tock, tick- tock. (слайд№ 2.)
Ticks my clock.
Tick-tock, Tick-tock,
Ticks and ticks my clock.
So, it’s a clock. Repeat: a clock. Часы тикают: ,, Tick-tock, tick-tock”
Repeat: [tik- tok], [tik- tok] Lets learn the poem.
Well, children, we are flying to England.
Самолет гудит: ,,Hum,hum,hum”
We are exited. This is a heart (слайд№ ) Repeat: a heart. Listen: ,,Pit a pat, pit a pat!” Так бьется сердце. Repeat:[pit-e-p t], [pit-e-p t], [pit-e-p t]
Learn the poem: Pit-a pat, (слайд № 3.)
Sounds my heart!
Well, children. We have arrived to London. Мы покидаем самолет. Ой, начинается дождь.(слайд № ) Its rain .Repeat: rain. It sounds;, Tap-a-tap-a-tap”. Repeat: [t p-e-t p-e t p] Это шумит дождь. (слайд № 4.)
Но что это за звуки? ,,Honk,honk,honk and honk!” Это сигналит наш автобус. Надо торопиться. Let’s hurry up! (Слайд № 5)
2.Систематизация знаний. Проведение экскурсии.
Its time to travel around London. Before we start our trip you should fill in the passport. (Слайд № 6.)
(Слайд № 7.)
Dear friends, I invite you to join our armchair tour. You are welcome to London.
T: As you know, London stands on the river of Thames. Ой, что-то я разволновалась и забыла, Лондон-столица, какой страны?
-London is a capitol of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
T: Can you show us London on the map?
-Yes, we can. (Показ)
T: What can you tell about London?
-London is very old city. Its two thousand years old. About 7 million people live here.
We start our tour from The Tower of London. The Tower is on the right side of the Thames. What do your know about the tower? Tower is a very old building. It is 900 years old. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It has a long and cruel history. It is not just one building. The tall building is the Bloody Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London. The bloody Tower is near the river. It has a histoty of blood, the blood of men, women and even children. (Слайд № 8.).
Т: Now you can see Saint Pail’s Cathedral. What do you know about it?
It is not far from the Tower of London. It is the most powerful architectural statement over made in London. It was built in 17 century by Sir Christopher Wren. (слайд № 9.)
T: The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. Trafalgar Square is the geographical centre of London. There is Nelson Column with the figure of Admiral Nelson on the top in the centre of the square. (Слайд № 10)
( слайд № 11)
T: Are you tired? Let’s go to the park and have a rest. There are a lot of parks in London. What parks do you know? – Hide Park, St. James Park. Where will you go? I advice you to go to Hide Park. It is famous for its entertainments and its Speakers Corner. In London Parks you can play tennis, take part in different activities. I offer you to do sport. (Зарядка)
(Слайд № 12.)
T: Let’s return to our trip around London. Now we are going to speak about the symbol of London. How do you think what it is? -Yes, of course, it is Big Ben. What do you know about this sight? -The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament. Big Ben is really a bell. You hear it every hour. It weights 13,720 kilograms.
T: Thank you for traveling with us. But now I would like you to make a small test. Complete the sentences.
Test: (слайд № 13)
1. The population of London is: 1).one million people 2).10 million people;
3).7 million people 4). I don’t know.
(слайд №14)
2. London stands on the river of: 1).Nile 2).Mississippi 3.Thames 4.I don’t know
( слайд №15)
3. The Tower of London wasn’t: 1).a fortress 2.a bank 3.a palace 4.I don’t know
(слайд № 16)
4. It took Sir Christopher wren 35 years to build: 1). Buckingham Palace
2).Saint Paul’s Cathedral 3). Houses of Parliament 4). I don’t know.
(слайд № 17)
5. Big Ben is: 1). The Bell 2). The clock 3). The Bell and the clock.
(слайд № 18)
6. The oldest park in London is: 1).Regents park 2). St. James Park 3).Hyde Park 4). I don’t know.
( слайд №19)
7. In the middle of the Trafalgar Square stands:
1. The monument of Admiral nelson 2).The monument to Sherlock Holms
3). Queens Monument 4). I don’t know.
T: You know London very well. I hope you will not lose your way there. As you know each country has its own proverbs. Proverbs make language more beautiful and more alive. Proverbs is the wisdom which goes from generation to generation. Look at the blackboard! Here you can see some English proverbs and their Russian equivalents. Now I say English proverbs and you say me the Russian one.
(слайд № 1)
1. East or west home is best. A). Мой дом- моя крепость.
2. My home is my castle. Б). В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
3. There is no place like home. В). Нет лучше дома родного.
T: And what home is for you? Of course it’s our Republic of Kalmykia. 408 years ago our Republic joined Russia. (Слайд № 2) Our capital will receive a lot of guests from all over the world. What can we show our guests?
(слайд № 3).
T: Listen and repeat! The statue of Budda, City chess, Hurul (Buddhist Temple), The Stupa of Enlightenment, ,,Echo”, Kazansky Cathedral, ,,The golden Abode of Budda Shakyamuni”, The Golden Gates.
T: Have you ever been to Elista? Have you visited Hurul? Listen and guess: what sightseeing is it about?
1. City Chess. It is one of the most famous places in Elista. It was built specially for the 33-d Chess Olympiad. Chess competition and other events often take place there.
2. Hurul (Buddhist Temple) is one of the beautiful buildings in Elista. Kalmyk people come here to pray here. It’s the main sacred religious place for Buddhists. It was built in 1996.
3. The Stupa of Enlightenment. This 11-m. high symbol of the enlightened mind of Buddha was set up by the Buddhists of Russia. (Просветленный ум)
4. Kazansky Cathedral. Was opened and sanctified (освящен) by Alexei II in 1977.The Cathedral is built in the Byzantine style.
5.,, Echo’’. The sculpture symbolizes the link (связь) between the past, present and future generations. It was built by N.Yevseyeva.
6. The Golden Gates. This place is the most exotic gates in Elista. Whenever people go through them they clean themselves of sins (грехи).
7.,, The Exodus and Return’’. It is the most magnificent monument in Elista. It was created by the world-famous sculptor Ernst Neizvestny.
9. Golden Abode of Budda Shakyamuni. It is the main Buddhist Temple in Elista. It is the biggest Buddhist temple in Europe and Russia. It was built in 2005.
Thank you! I think you will be able to show and tell our guests about Kalmykia. Now I offer you to sing the song ,,Elista’’.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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