Проект по теме “A Packaged Tour around London” для 8 класса
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Educational questions:
- What is the most famous bridge across the Thames?
- What was the Tower of London earlier? And what is the Tower of London now?
- What is the second famous church in London?
- What can people see in Madam Tussaud`s museum?
- What is the largest park in London?
- What is “London Eye”?
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The main problem question is: What places attract Russian tourists in London? Educational questions: What is the most famous bridge across the Thames? What was the Tower of London earlier? And what is the Tower of London now? What is the second famous church in London? What can people see in Madam Tussaud`s museum? What is the largest park in London? What is “London Eye”?
Tower bridge
The Tower of London
For many centuries the Tower of London was known as the White Tower because in 1240 Henry III painted the fortress white. This name is still applied to the central part of the fortress.
Tower of London now is a museum! There are a lot of treasures there.
It is the main church of London. There are many famous people are buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
St . Paul ' s Cathedral
Hyde park
Hyde Park is the largest park in London. In the 18 and 19 centuries it was a place where kings and queens walked and rode, and duels were fought. The park was founded in 1536, now it is a popular place for recreation. In the park you can find playgrounds, the most popular place is the Lookout — an educational centre where children learn about nature, and lots of catering outlets, they offer everything from a simple sandwich to three-course meals.
Thank you for your attention
List of Literature: Большой справочник по английскому языку для школьников и поступающих в ВУЗы. -Москва, Дрофа, 2002 г. Устные темы по английскому языку для 9 класса. – Москва, Дрофа, 2000 г. 70 устных тем по английскому языку. – Москва, «Аст-Пресс Книга», 2002 г. http://bobych.ru/english/geo.136.html http://slovo.ws/topic/britain/37.html http://www.karlonia.com/2009/01/31/london-places-of-interest /
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