Разработка итогового мероприятия "One Day in London" в 5 классе по предмету "Технология межкультурных коммуникаций".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Итоговое мероприятие "One Day in London" было разработано в рамках учебной программы по предмету "Технология межкультурных коммуникаций", в соавторстве с Лезгиян А.А., учителем английского языка НОУ гимназии "Школа бизнеса".
Программа по предмету нацелена на совершенствование коммуникативной компетентности учащихся и решает следующие задачи:
1.обогатить школьников знаниями об историко–культурном развитии англоговорящих стран, т.е. развивать социо-культурную личность;
2. формировать у учащихся представление о месте англоговорящих стран в системе мировой культуры;
3. формировать у учащихся специальные умения и навыки,обеспечиваюшие их основные коммуникативные потребности.
Данная программа является сквозной и состоит из 3 модулей:
I модуль(5класс) - «Культура общения в Великобритании» (на этом этапе особое внимание уделяется развитию навыков чтения и диалогической речи);
II модуль (6 класс) - «Все об Америке» (чтение, письмо и монологическая речь);
III модуль(7 класс) - «Люди, похожие на нас» (чтение, письмо, аудирование и устная речь).
В конце каждого модуля проводится зачет:
в 5 классе – диалоги на заданную тему (в этом году мы сделали коллективный проект “One day in London”);
в 6,7 классе – проекты мультимедийные, газеты, рефераты.
Считаем важным отметить, что при переходе на ФГОС общей школы эта программа, а следовательно и мероприятие, может выйти за рамки учебного плана и использоваться во внеурочной деятельностьи и дополнительном образовании, т.к. составлена с учетом обеспечения дополнительной углубленной подготовки по английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
At the Hotel
- We’re in London
- We’re in London
- There is so much to be seen in London.
- What shall we start with?
- It seems to be a good idea to study the program first.
- Ok. And then we can book the excursion we like best.
- Well, let’s go to a travel agent’s.
- There is one on the first floor.
At the Travel Agent’s
- Good morning. Can I help you?
- Good morning. We’d like to see the program to choose a tour around London.
- Here you are.
- We’re at a loss. There is such a variety of tours that it’s very difficult to make the right choice.
- Could you recommend something to us?
- We’ve got full-day and half-day tours. Which do you prefer?
- Full-day tours, please.
- There are 3full-day tours.
- I like them all.
- But we don’t have enough time. We have only one day in London.
- Let’s see what can be done. I think “Sights and Sounds of London” is the best for you.
- When does it start?
- Just in ten minutes.
- It’s great.
Sights and Sounds of London
Hello, ladies and gentlemen!!!
Welcome to London!!!
This tour of London begins with a unique look around the Royal Albert Hall. As you appear in the centre of London, you see the busy streets and many buildings of different styles and ages.
Everywhere, there are bright red buses and black taxis, busy restaurants and, in contrast, quiet open spaces and parks.
Soon you arrive at the very centre to see the best known sights: Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Covent Garden, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower of London and Changing of the Guard.
Piccadilly Circus is the heart of London’s entertainment world. Within a few hundred yards of it we find most of London’s best known theatres and cinemas, the most famous restaurants and the most luxurious night-clubs.
In the middle of Piccadilly Circus there is a statue which represents the Angel of Christian Charity.
Trafalgar Square was built early in the nineteenth century to commemorate the Battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue stands on top of a column in the middle of Trafalgar Square. The square makes a good place for people to meet- coaches pick up parties of visitors, marchers unite for protest meetings, and at Christmas time there is a Christmas tree which is sent to Britain from Norway every year.
Houses of Parliament We continue our way and stop at the Houses of Parliament. Close by Westminster Abbey on the riverside stands the magnificent Palace of Westminster, generally known as the Houses of Parliament.
The flag on the building shows the House is sitting. On such days both the House of Commons and the House of Lords are open to visitors.
Westminster Abbey – a chance to walk through England’s history. As a Royal Church, it has been the scene of coronations and funerals of England’s kings, queens, famous leaders, poets and heroes. You will see the coronation chair, the Royal Tombs and Poets’ Corner.
Covent Garden For centuries this has been the centre of entertainment. Today little has changed! The street musicians, noisy pubs and great restaurants, all go to help us remember the past. This is also the heart of the theatre district. You will see The Royal Opera House and the Church of My Fair Lady. Naturally, there will be time to buy souvenirs.
In the Street
- Excuse me, please. I think I’m lost. How can I get to the souvenir shop?
- You can get there by bus or on foot.
- If I walk there how long it will take.
- Only a few minutes.
- Could you tell me the way, please.
- Walk straight along the street and turn left , then cross the road. The shop will be on your right.
- Thank you very much.
- You’re welcome.
In the Souvenir Shop
- Good afternoon. How can I help you?
- Good afternoon. I want to buy a souvenir.
- How about this key ring?
- That’s a good idea. How much is it?
- It’s £ 4.
- Can I have two please?
- Sure. That’s £ 8.
- Here you are.
Changing of the Guard – at Buckingham Palace. We leave the bus at the Mall and walk to the Queen’s residence. (She’s in if the flag is flying.) We will watch the magic of the famous Changing of the Guard and have time for photographs.
St. Paul’s Cathedral We are arriving at St. Paul’s Cathedral. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren between 1675 and 1710 and is not only the final resting place of famous soldiers, statesmen, painters and poets, but also the scene of many famous weddings- most remarkable that of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
Tower of London – has for over 900 years guarded London from the Thames and has served as a fortress, a royal palace, a prison, a museum and a place of execution. The atmosphere in this incredible, historic monument is filled with tragic memories of the past. During our visit you will be impressed by the unique Crown Jewels, and also see our traditional Beefeaters.
- Our tour is over. Thank you for attention. Good luck and good bye.
- It was fantastic. But you know I’m hungry.
- Me too. Look, there is a café. Let’s go.
In the Café
- Good evening! How many are you?
- We are two.
- Would you like a table by the window?
- Yes, please.
- This way, please. Here is the menu.
( in 5 minutes) Are you ready to order?
- Yes, I’d like green salad to start with and steak and new potatoes for the main course.
- I think I will start with soup then I will have fish with vegetables.
- Do you want any sweet?
- No, thank you. Could we pay now, please?
- Here’s your bill, sir/miss.
- Hurry up. We’ll be late for our plane.
Welcome to London!!!
The best tour of London!!!
Bright red buses and black taxis, busy restaurants and, in contrast, quiet open spaces and parks.
A unique look around the Royal Albert Hall.
The best known sights.
Piccadilly Circus
London’s best known theatres and cinemas, the most famous restaurants, the most luxurious night-clubs.
Trafalgar Square
Commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar.
Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue on top of the column in the middle.
A good place for people to meet.
Houses of Parliament
The magnificent Palace of Westminster.
The flag shows the House is sitting.
Westminster Abbey – a chance to walk through England’s history.
The coronation chair, the Royal Tombs and Poets’ Corner.
Covent Garden The centre of entertainment.
The street musicians, noisy pubs and great restaurants.
The heart of the theatre district.
The Royal Opera House and the Church of My Fair Lady.
Naturally, there will be time to buy souvenirs.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The best tour of London! Red buses ! Black taxis! Busy restaurants!
PICCADILY CIRCUS The most famous restaurants, the most luxurious night-clubs! London’s best known theatres and cinemas!
trafalgar square Commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue on top of the column in the middle.
houses of parliament The magnificent Palace of Westminster!
Westminster abbey A chance to walk through England’s history!
Covent garden The centre of entertainment!
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