Методическая разработка урока английского языка в 8 классе "The World of Books"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Гарбузова Ирина Валерьевна

Разработка включает в себя технологическую карту урока  и презентацию, составлена по УМК "Starlight 8" К. Барановой, Дж. Дули . Разработка урока напрпавлена на развитие устной речи обучающихся 8 класса и готовит их к составлению устного монологического высказывания в формате ОГЭ. В ходе урока обучающиеся учатся высказываться о разных жанрах литературы, описывть свою любимую книгу. Они составляют мини-диалоги и монологи о сюжете книг, лоюбимых авторах и героях. Итогом урока становится их готовность составить высказывание по предложенным пунктам плана.


Предварительный просмотр:

                   Технологическая карта урока.

Teacher’s name: Garbuzova I.V.

Topic: The World of books.                                    

Aim: by the end of the lesson the students will be able to speak about their favourite book.

Objectives: by the end of the lesson the students will be able:

1) to name the types of books

2) to say why they like or hate different types of books

3) to describe the plot and the characters of books

4) to make up dialogues about the books they have read recently

5) to find the required information while listening to the text.

Materials and equipment: “Starlight VIII” Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Power Point Presentation “The World of Books”, cards, handouts.

New lexis and structures: predictable, dull, heavy-going .

Language to be revised: types of the books, adjectives to describe books.

                                      Lesson Procedure.


Methods or Steps

Purpose of the activity

Patterns of Interaction



3 min.

3 min.

5 min.

2 min.

8 min.

4 min.

7 min.

3 min.

I. Warming Up

-Name all types of  books  you know

II.Vocabulary  work

1.Put the words into the two columns:

good books can be…

bad books can be …

(powerful, original, boring, easy to read, entertaining, exciting, heavy-going, true-to-life, fascinating, witty, amusing, depressing)


2. Make up sentences. Say why you like or hate different types of books.

e.g. I enjoy biographies because I find it interesting to read about other peoples’ lives. I hate science fiction books as I find them boring and unrealistic.

3. Study the adjectives you can use  to describe the plot and the characters of the books:

Plot:   mysterious, clever, interesting, exciting, predictable, weak, funny, brilliant, original, awful

Characters: interesting, silly, brave, unusual, clever, evil, pleasant, curious, funny, realistic.


4. Fill in: brilliant, mysterious, predictable, surprising, original. (handouts)

1. The plot is so …. You can guess what’s going to happen right from the beginning.

2. This is an extremely …. story. – I’ve never read anything like it before.

3. This is a … story about  a man who meets a strange woman dressed all in white.

4. This is an absolutely ….book – I just couldn’t stop turning the pages.

5. The ending is very ….. I definitely wasn’t expecting it.

III. Dialogical Speech

1. Read the sample dialogue about the book you have read recently

A: I have read a book “A Curious Incident of the Dog at Night”. It is about a boy who decided to investigate the murder of a dog.

B: What do you think of the plot?

A: It’s really clever and original.

B: What about the characters?

A: I think they are unusual but clever.


2. Use the language to talk about books you have read. Make up dialogues, as in the example.

(The pairs are given handouts with the titles of books: Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Robinson Crusoe, The Jungle Book,

Romeo and Juliet, The Captain’s Daughter by A. Pushkin)

IV. Oral Speech

Imagine that your friend has a birthday and you want to give him a book as a present. Choose one of three books and explain your choice.

The books are: “Lord of the Rings”, Agatha Christie, “Jane Eyre”.

e.g. I would like to buy … because…  

V. Listening

You’ll hear a young woman talking about a book she’s recently read. For questions 1-5 check  T (true) or F (false)

 Check “True” or “False”. (handouts)

1. Ann mostly reads science-fiction novels.

2. The novel is one of a series.

3. The main character is accused of a crime.

4. Ann thought the characters were poorly-developed.

5. A previous job helps the author to write well.

VI. Hometask

 You are going to give a talk about books. You are to get ready for 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
- What is your favourite type of book?
- What is your favourite book? What is it about?
- Which book character do you like the most? Why?    

To lead the students into the theme of the lesson

To practise the students to make up word combinations describing the contents of books

To practise the students to speak about their preferences in books

To practise the students in reading and translation of the active lexis  of the lesson

To practise the students to use the active lexis of the lesson in the sentences

To practise the students in reading of the dialogue

To practise the students in dialogical speech

To practise the students in oral speech

To practice the students to find the required information while listening

Class work

Class work

Class work

Class work

Group work

Pair work

Pair work

Ind. work

Ind. work

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Plot: mysterious, clever, interesting, exciting, predictable, weak, funny, brilliant, original, awful Characters: interesting, silly, brave, unusual, clever, evil, pleasant, curious, funny, realistic. A: I have read a book “A Curious Incident of the Dog at Night”. It is about a boy who decided to investigate the murder of a dog. B: What do you think of the plot? A: It’s really clever and original. B: What about the characters? A: I think they are unusual but clever.

Слайд 4

“Lord of the Rings” Agatha Christie “ Jane Eyre” I would like to buy…… because ….

Слайд 5

Fill in: brilliant, mysterious, predictable, surprising, original. 1. The plot is so …. You can guess what’s going to happen right from the beginning. 2. This is an extremely …. story . – I’ve never read anything like it before. 3. This is a … story about a man who meets a strange woman dressed all in white. 4. This is an absolutely ….book – I just couldn’t stop turning the pages. 5. The ending is very ….. I definitely wasn’t expecting it.

Слайд 6

You are going to give a talk about books. You are to get ready for 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say: - What is your favourite type of book? - What is you favourite book? What is it about? - Which book character do you like the most? Why?

Слайд 7

Be an active and imaginative reader !!!

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