Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку в 9 классе “Celebrities”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

Людмила Агибайлова

Данная методическая разработка может быть использована в рамках декады английского языка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Подсказка 1 Подсказка 2 As a child, he displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. His best friend was Ben Herdman , a neighbor whose family operated a flour mill He was a Scottish -born scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with patenting the first practical telephone. B E L L A B C D F E G H I J V K T U S Q R N O P M Y Z L X W B E L A C G F D M K J I H R Q P O N X W V U T S Y Z

Слайд 3

Подсказка 1 Подсказка 2 He was an English physicist and mathematician He built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a theory of colour N E W T A B C D F E G H I J V K T U S Q R N O P M Y Z L X W O N N E W T O I H G F D C B A S R Q P M L K J Z Y X V U

Слайд 4

Подсказка 1 Подсказка 2 He was the fifth of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier He was an English naturalist and geologist , best known for his contributions to evolutionary theory D A R W A B C D F E G H I J V K T U S Q R N O P M Y Z L X W I N D A R W I N G F E C B M L K J H V U T S Q P O Z Y X

Слайд 5

Подсказка 1 Подсказка 2 A mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, he is best remembered for originating the concept of a programmable computer. His name was Charles B A B B A B C D F E G H I J V K T U S Q R N O P M Y Z L X W A G E B A G E K J I H F D C T S R Q P O N M L Y X W V U Z

Слайд 6

Подсказка 1 Подсказка 2 He was a Scottish engineer, innovator, one of the inventors of the mechanical television and the inventor of both the first publicly demonstrated colour television system, and the first purely electronic colour television picture tube. The capital letter is B. B A I R A B C D F E G H I J V K T U S Q R N O P M Y Z L X W D B A I R D J H G F E C Q P O N M L K X W V U T S Z Y

Слайд 7

Madame C. J. Walker Put the parts of the text in the correct order

Слайд 8

Write the correct word in the blanks Charity, product, fields, will, mansion, fortune, dirt Sarah Breedlove’s house did not have a wood or stone floor. The floor was just dirt 2 . On a farm the horses and cows stay outside in the fields 3 . Walker made a lot of money from her discovery. She made a fortune 4. Shampoo is one kind of hair care product 5. Walker loved to help the poor. She gave a lot of money to charity 6. Walker had a mansion in New York. It was a big, beautiful, expensive house. Walker decided what to do with her money. Before she died, she wrote it down on a piece of paper. She wrote a will.

Слайд 9

Choose 1. When she was young, Walker had __________________ 2. Walker started her business by making a product for __________________ 3. Walker was the first African American woman to ___________________ problems with her hair a small business a hard life her sister Leilia herself start a business make a million dollars use another name

Слайд 10

1. After age seven, Sarah lived with her mother 2. At age 38, Walker’s hair started to fall out 3. Walker married two times . 4. In 1910, her husband built a factory. 5. She left fortune to her daughter. 6. The head of Walker’s company must always be a woman. False True or False? True True False False True

Предварительный просмотр:

Мероприятие в 9 классе в рамках декады английского языка



Тип урока


Основная цель урока

Формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся

Планируемый результат

создать условия для развития умений аудирования, чтения,  говорения

Задачи урока

Образовательная: развивать умения  чтения с полным и точным пониманием прочитанного,  говорения (умение использовать услышанную и прочитанную     информацию в собственных высказываниях )

Развивающая:  развивать познавательный интерес, иноязычные способности,   внимание, логическое мышление, кругозор учащихся.

Воспитательная: воспитывать уважение к достижениям знаменитых людей  Великобритании и России; воспитывать чувство гордости за свою Родину; воспитывать культуру сотрудничества при работе в группах

Межпредметные связи

физика, математика, химия


- основные

- дополнительные

Интерактивная презентация к уроку, иллюстрации, раздаточный материал, компьютер, доска

Формы организации познавательной деятельности:

фронтальная, индивидуальная,  групповая


Технология проведения


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Обучающие и развивающие задания каждого этапа урока. УУД



Организационно – мотивационный.   Мотивирование к учебной деятельности.

Учитель приветствует учащихся.

T: Look at the photos of these people. What are they? Are they famous? What are they famous for?

Can you explain the theme of our lesson? Who are we going to speak about?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя, определяют тему занятия, этапы достижения цели.


– осуществлять саморегуляцию и самоконтроль.


– осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания.


– слушать и понимать речь учителя;
– уметь с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли;
– владеть диалогической формой речи в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами английского языка.

Слайд 1


Актуализация знаний и фиксирование индивидуального затруднения

Игра. Угадай ученого.

  1. He was an eminent scientist, inventor and innovator His father, grandfather and brother had all been associated with work on elocution and speech, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing his  life's work. His research on hearing and speech further led him to experiment with hearing devices that eventually culminated in being awarded the first U.S. patent for the invention of the telephone in 1876. (A. Bell)
  2. Certainly one of the greatest scientists in history, he (1642-1727) had a profound impact on physics, mathematics, astronomy, alchemy, and philosophy. He was an English physicist and mathematician 

(described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. ( I. Newton)

  1. He had not planned to be a scientist. He wanted to become a doctor. But he was interested in plants and animals. A friend who knew about his interest in nature invited him to take the trip. He was 22 when he left England for a five-year trip around the world. This trip is a very important one in the history of science, for it led him to write one of the world’s most famous books. The book is "The Origin of Species". It gives his  ideas of how all the plants and animals of today have come from the very simple plants and animals that first lived on the Earth. He  was seasick for much of the voyage, but he came back with the notes for his great book. (Ch.  Darwin)
  2. He was a prolific writer, with a wide number of interests including mathematics, engineering, economics, politics, and technology. Among his inventions were the modern postal system in England, as well as speedometers, and cowcatchers for locomotive engines. But his best-known inventions were undoubtedly his computing machines. (Ch. Babbage)
  3. He was born August 13, 1888 in Helensburgh, Scotland. He produced televised objects in outline in 1924, transmitted recognizable human faces in 1925, and demonstrated the televising of moving objects in 1926 at the Royal Institution, London. The German post office gave him facilities to develop a television service in 1929. He completed his researches on stereoscopic TV in 1946. (John Logie Baird)

Учащиеся слушают короткую информацию об известных ученых Великобритании и угадывают. Если сложно отгадать полностью, отгадывают по буквам, используют подсказки.


– осуществлять саморегуляцию и самоконтроль;
– оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, возможности ее решения.

Познавательные: участие в учебном диалоге, сотрудничество в совместном решении проблемы


– построение речевого высказывания;
– слушать и понимать речь других;
– уметь с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли.

Слайды 2-6  


3 этап-включение в систему знаний. Обобщение ранее полученных знаний.

  1. Раздает учащимся текст с разрозненными частями.

Madam C.J.Walker was the first African American woman in the United States to make a million dollars. She was born Sarah Breedlove in 1867 on a farm in Delta, Louisiana. Her family was very poor, and her life was very hard.They lived in a small house with a dirt floor and no windows. Sarah did not go to school. Ever)' day she worked from morning to night in the cotton fields.

When Sarah was seven, her parents died. She went to Mississippi to live with her married sister. Her sister's husband was very mean to her. Sarah wanted to get away, so she got married when she was 14. A few years later, she had a baby girl named Lelia.When Sarah was only 20, her husband died. She moved to St. Louis, Missouri. For the next 18 years, she worked washing clothes for $1.50 a day. When she was 38, Sarah was worried because her hair was felling out. She tried different things on her hair, but nothing worked. One night she had a dream about

what to mix up and use for her hair. It worked! Sarah gave it to her friends. It worked for them, too. She went from door to door to sell her new hair product. Then she made other hair care products. Soon she had her own business.

Sarah Breedlove married Charles Joseph Walker and opened several beauty shops under the name of Madam C. J. Walker. In 1910» she built a factory to make hair care products and face creams. By 1917, her company was the most successful African American-owned business in the United States. She started her business with only $1.50, but now she was rich. She had a mansion in New York. Madam Walker also gave a lot of money to charity. She wanted to help African Americans, especially women. But she did not enjoy her good life for very long. Madam Walker died at the age of 52. She left two-thirds of her fortune to charity. Her will said that the head of the C. J. Walker Company must always be a woman.

  1. Работа по тексту.  Контроль понимания.
  • Вставить пропуски
  • Выбрать правильный вариант.
  • Задание «верно», «неверно»
  1. Рассказ о знаменитостях с помощью ключевых слов.

Frederick William Herschel

15 November 1738 – 25 August 1822

a German-born British astronomercomposer

his first large telescope in 1774 on 13 March 1781 he realized that one celestial body he had observed was not a star, but a planet discovery that the Martian polar caps

Edward Jenner 17 May 1749 – 26 January 1823 was an English physician and scientist the pioneer of smallpox vaccine "the father of immunology"  "saved more lives than the work of any other human"  to describe the brood parasitism of the cuckoo

Michael Faraday 22 September 1791 – 25 August 1867 contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry  electromagnetic inductiondiamagnetism and electrolysis received little formal education  discovered benzene investigated the clathrate hydrate of chlorine,  invented an early form of the Bunsen burner and the system of oxidation numbers terminology such as anodecathodeelectrode, and ion

Daniel Rutherford 3 November 1749 – 15 December 1819 was a Scottish physician, chemist and botanist he isolation of nitrogen in 1772 The son of Professor John Rutherford a professor of botany at the University of Edinburgh keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh He was President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh from 1796 to 1798.

George Stephenson 9 June 1781 – 12 August 1848 an English civil engineer and mechanical engineer to use steam locomotives, he first public inter-city railway line  the Liverpool and Manchester Railway which opened in 1830 the "Father of Railways", His rail gauge of 4 feet 8 1⁄2 inches

James Clerk Maxwell 13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879 scientist in the field of mathematical physics to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation travel through space as waves moving at the speed of light  kinetic theory of gases.  the first durable colour photograph

Собирают части текста в правильном порядке.

Выбирают карточки, составляют монологическое высказывание.


– осуществлять саморегуляцию и самоконтроль.


– осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания с использованием опоры.


– планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем;
– умение с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли в соответствии с задачами и условиями коммуникации.

Слайды 7-10

Слайды 11-18


Dear children! Our lesson is over. Please go to the blackboard and fill in the target.

Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке.

Заполнение рефлексивной мишени.


–умение оценивать результаты своей деятельности

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